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Fascism in America

Fascism in America
By Todd Strandberg

Most people would find it hard to recognize examples of fascism in our modern society because it is most associated with the brand that Adolf Hitler fostered in the 30’s and 40’s. Fascism is not about goose stepping and military conquest. It’s about the centralization of power over all facets of people’s lives. Here is the definition of fascism:

A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

I was going to title my article “Fascism Coming to America,” but I don’t think that is the case. Because I see numerous examples of fascism in our nation now, my warning cry is that it is here now.

Recent action by the FBI clearly shows it has been overrun by “Gestapo tactics.” Those are the words Roger Stone used to describe the pre-dawn raid at his Florida home, where 29 agents stormed his house with guns drawn. Stone said the number of agents who were involved was unnecessary because he does not own a firearm and does not pose a flight risk because his passport is expired.

“I’ve been under investigation for two years. I have destroyed nothing. But if I were going to destroy evidence, wouldn’t I have done it a long time ago?” he said. “They could simply have called my lawyers, and I would have turned myself in,” said Stone

It should be quite clear by now that the FBI is out of control when all these people who worked for Trump have been targeted by Robert Mueller with criminal accusations that have nothing to do with Russian spying. Everyone who has been arrested in the probe has primarily been charged with lying. There is no concern about the whole investigation being a Witch Hunt aimed at Trump because the press and the Democrats have provided endless support to Mueller.

There is a mountain of evidence that leads to Hillary Clinton’s direct ties to Russian criminal activity. The FBI has worked with leftist judges to use fascist tactics to cover up these paper trails that lead to the Clinton’s. On Nov. 15, federal Magistrate Judge Stephanie Gallagher authorized a raid on Dennis Cain’s Union Bridge, Maryland, home.

Four days later, Cain was confronted with 16 FBI agents who entered and rummaged through his home for six hours. He informed the lead FBI agent that he was a protected whistleblower, but the raid commenced anyway. The documents that were taken from Cain’s home were sealed by U.S. District Court of Maryland’s Chief Magistrate Judge Beth P. Gesner, a Clinton appointee, who also sealed her justification for keeping the documents secret.

The FBI works for President Trump, and he could ask the Justice Department to review its arrest policies. Because Washington has become this giant monster, Trump’s hands are tied in controlling agencies that come under the Executive branch.

The 35-day budget battle was another indication of fascism in our federal government. The impasse lasted a record amount of time because the Democrats have become totally focused on power. They see everyone who illegally crosses the border as a future Democratic voter. With 60% of Hispanic immigrants eventually becoming Democratic Party members, I can see why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer don’t want a wall.

President Trump might as well invoke emergency powers over the building of the border wall. He would have a better chance fighting in the courts than trying to negotiate with people who would gladly let people starve than surrender political authority.

The upcoming 2020 election looks very alarming from our current vantage point. The left is frantically focused in their quest to defeat Trump and implement regulations that would nationalize huge sections of our economy. The current crop of Democratic candidates is in a bidding war over who will take the most from the rich. They don’t care if they turn the US into another Venezuela. As long as they remain part of the elite, they’ll continue to live in luxury.

John Stuart Mill is the origin of the phrase, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I am just stunned to see how evil our nation has become; and yet, the so-called church gives only token objection to moral corruption.

Because fascism is an endless quest for power, it produces horrifying amounts of depravity. A week ago, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a state law that allowed for the murder of children right up to the point of birth. Days later, Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam came under fire when he said a child could be killed right after birth.

Bible prophecy warns that in the last days all the nations will go down a path of destruction. Each person needs to reach out to God to find salvation.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

“Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat. 7:14).


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