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Islamic War in NYC

Islamic War in NYC
By Walker Wildmon

On Tuesday we saw yet another act of Islamic jihad on American soil. This time a Middle Eastern man from Uzbekistan rented a utility truck and mowed down pedestrians on a bike path in Lower Manhattan. At the end of the killing spree, 8 people were dead and 11 injured. Roughly two hours following the carnage, Mayor Bill De Blasio admitted that it was a terrorist attack.

America is at war. Not just war abroad but war at home. Every sick jihadist who slaughters innocent life on American soil is a soldier of Islam and is committing an act of war. Americans have to grasp that we are not fighting people who are mentally unstable and deranged. The people who carry out each attack are methodical and know exactly what they are doing. The same demonic spirit that brought Islam into existence is still at work through today’s jihadists.

The media keeps repeating that Islamic terrorism in America is nothing but “lone wolf” attacks. Clearly, this is nothing but an attempt to calm the general public and have us think that the threat is neutralized. While it is true that some of these jihadists act alone, they are part of a larger force. If there are hundreds or even thousands of people in America who sympathize with the New York City terrorist, then we are facing an army, not a “lone wolf.” Soon after the attack, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) admitted that there were over a “thousand” investigations across all 50 states looking into Islamic terror.

There are a couple ways to fight this evil. First, Christians must be persistent in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to those of the Islamic belief. This is the best way to not only combat the spread of Islam but also bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Second, we have to stop letting people into our country from places that are breeding grounds and incubators of terrorism. The risk is too high and the benefit is too low to let people into our country who might be Islamic terrorists. In order to fulfill this, Congress must impeach any judge who blocks President Trump’s immigration guidance. In the past ten months, we’ve had multiple judges block the president’s Executive Orders on immigration from terror-infested countries. These judges are putting American lives in danger and making it easier for jihadists to enter our country. Not to mention, they have no jurisdiction under the Constitution to regulate immigration. Finally, if law enforcement can prove that someone already here on a visa or green card is plotting a terror attack, then the government should immediately suspend their residency and deport them to their country of origin. Visiting this country is not a right and if there is even a hint that someone here is sympathetic to terrorism, then it’s time to send that person home.

Unless our country and its leaders open their eyes to this demonic ideology, (Islam), we will continue to see innocent blood fill out streets. Because our leaders have failed to act after past attacks, I would encourage all Americans to take every precaution to protect themselves from the war that is taking place in our streets.

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