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Saved – Romans and More

Saved – Romans and More
By Dennis Huebshman

In case you may be uncertain of your eternal destiny, this message is especially for you. The book of Romans along with support from several other books is a great road map that will show you the way to salvation. Being one with Christ should not be a mystery, but anyone can know they have a home waiting for them when He calls His Church Home.

Starting with Romans 8:1, we have the promise – There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For anyone who does not believe Jesus is the only way to a Heavenly Eternal life, we draw from several other verses. John 3:18, John 10:15, John 14:6 and 1 John 5: 10-12 just to name a few that show Romans 8:1 is a valid promise. To have the Father and Holy Spirit, we have to choose Jesus. There is no other option, and any so-called religion that states otherwise is false and needs to be avoided.

There is no one on this earth that hasn’t sinned, Period. (Romans 2:10 – Romans 3:23) There was only EVER one person that lived a life free from sin and that was Jesus. If he had committed even one sin throughout His entire life here, His sacrifice would have been for naught. When He said, “It Is Finished”, while on the cross, He was saying once and for all the sacrifices for sin had been completed forever. Anyone who accepts this sacrifice and the One who gave His all will be saved. (Romans 10:13 and Acts 2:21) The Father knew from the very beginning that His creation (us) could never satisfy the payment for our sins unless He provided the “Lamb” that was totally pure and holy. That’s why the second person of the Trinity was chosen for that task. Jesus, who was fully man and fully God, accepted the task and completely fulfilled the requirement on our part. He voluntarily gave Himself (John 10:17-18) so we could stand redeemed in the presence of the Father. God can accept NO SIN no matter how great or how small. Jesus gave us the means to receive salvation and a path to forgiveness through His own precious blood for all our sins. (1 John 1: 8-10)

One thing to note, Christians have not replaced the Jews who were and are still God’s chosen people. God first made a covenant with Abraham and that covenant stands forever (Genesis 12). Our covenant of the cross is also a forever covenant for those who accept Jesus as Savior. There will come a time in the near future when God will turn His attention fully on the Jews when “the day of the Gentiles has been fulfilled” (Romans 11:25). Fulfilled in the bible always signifies completed, and that period for all believers will be the moment of the Rapture.

Israel returned to their land officially on May 14, 1948, and mostly in unbelief. God was and is fully aware of this yet has still blessed Israel in making it such a great and productive nation that it is today. They have had some serious trials; however, He has seen them through them all. The Jews that are Messianic will be taken with all other believers in the Rapture. Those that will be left will go through a terrible time, but all who survive to the end will believe in Jesus (Yeshua). At least 2/3 will die in the tribulation.

In Romans 1:16, Paul says “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is God’s power for salvation to EVERYONE who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (emphasis mine) Romans 1: 18-32 tells of those who will be condemned, and Paul doesn’t mince words with this. Mark 8:38 is a direct quote from the Savior that says if we are ashamed of Him, He will be likewise ashamed of us. Romans 2:11 tells us there is no partiality with God.

Paul states in Romans 3:20 that no one is righteous by the works of the Law. Romans 5:8 says God loved us even while we were still lost in sin and sent His Son Jesus to be the perfect sacrificial Lamb for us.

Once we have accepted Jesus, Romans 8:38-39 tells us there is nothing in creation that will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. And what do we have to do for this (works), or how can we buy this? Ephesians 2: 8-9 covers this nicely; “For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH and this is not from yourselves, but it is the GIFT of God; it is not from works so that no one can boast”. (again, emphasis mine)

We can never understand the mind of our Creator, so it is best we take Him at His word. Free means no strings attached; Gift means we can’t earn it and we are saved by the Grace of our Savior and not condemned because of the Mercy of the Father. However, we do have to accept this gift.

Earlier I mentioned the Lamb that was totally pure and holy. That does not imply weak or subdued. Revelation 5:6 starts the judgments with the “Lamb that appears to have been killed” also referred to the Lion of the tribe of Judah (v.5), as taking the scroll and getting ready to open the Seal Judgments. This is the start of the wrath, and anyone who believes it doesn’t start until the 6th. Trumpet Judgment does not understand scripture when it says ALL who are saved will be kept from the wrath. Many say the “Great Wrath” starts at mid-point of the tribulation which is true. However, the anti-christ is released on the world with the opening of the first seal, and wrath, no matter how intense, is started.

Christians, All Believers, will not be here as given in 1 Corinthians 15: 51 and 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-18. We will be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds (air) to keep us from any part of the upcoming wrath.

Does this happen immediately before the start of the Tribulation? We are not given that information, however the signing of the 7-year treaty with Israel is the start of that period of time. At the end of 7 years, Jesus returns to step foot back on earth and this is the 2nd. Coming.

Remember, each and every person must make their own decision to accept Jesus. If not, they will have accepted satan by proxy. No other option is available. No one can accept Him for you. Remember Romans 8:38-39, once you accept Him you belong to the Savior from then on.

It will be happening before we know it, and to delay is to possibly miss the opportunity that will be the most important event ever in our lives. Call out to Jesus now, before it’s too late. We are not guaranteed another day here!


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