Seven Reasons for Desiring the Lord’s Return: Reasons 6 and 7
By Dr. David Reagan
6. For God’s Promises to the Saints to be Fulfilled
Before we get into the sixth reason for why we should be desiring to see the Lord Jesus return, let’s quickly review.
1. I want Jesus to return because I want Him to receive what He deserves: honor, glory, and power.
2. I want Jesus to return because I want Satan to receive what he deserves: defeat, dishonor, humiliation.
3. I want Jesus to return because I want the creation to receive what it has been promised: regeneration, restoration, and renewal.
4. I want Jesus to return because I want the nations to receive what they have been promised: peace, righteousness, and justice.
5. I want Jesus to return because I want Israel to receive what it has been promised: salvation, respect, and primacy.
The sixth reason for why I want to see Jesus return is because I want to see the Saints, that’s you and me, who are the Church, receive what we have been promised.
We have been given so many promises: the promise of the Rapture, the promise of glorified bodies, and the glorious promise that Jesus is going to renovate this earth and put it back to its original perfection. Then Jesus is going to give us dominion over the restored earth. We will reign over it. God originally gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth, they lost it to Satan. But, we are going to get it back when Jesus returns.
That Christians are going to reign with Jesus is a promise made in verse after verse after verse. Here is one from Daniel 7. “And to Him,” the Messiah, “was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom that all peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all of the kingdoms of the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One.”
Christians are going to reign with the Lord Jesus Christ. Second Timothy 2:12 declares, “If we endure we will reign with Him.” Revelation 2 promises that, “He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations and He shall rule it with a rod of iron.” Over and over Christians are promised that one day we will reign with the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. To be Reunited with Loved Ones
Those are six reasons why I think that every Christian should be yearning for the return of Jesus. But, I have to end with a seventh. I’ve got to add a seventh because all good prophecy teachers have seven points. Seven is the number of perfection and completion in Bible prophecy, so we are going to put a seventh reason.
It’s also a very very personal reason to both me and to you. This personal reason is this — I want to see Jesus return because I want to be reunited with friends and family who have gone on before me. I want to see my mom and dad again. I want to see good friends who have died and gone to be with the Lord. Every time one of my family members dies now I just feel that much closer to Heaven, because I know they are there and I can hardly wait to see them.
I also want to see the face of Jesus. I want to embrace Jesus. I want to bask in the presence of His glory. I want to see His nail-scarred hands, and I want to kiss those hands. I want to bow down before Him and I want to say, “Thank you, Lord, thank you! Thank you for dying for me. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for changing and guiding me. Thank you for sustaining me. Thank you for providing me with hope.” I can hardly wait!
When you love somebody, you want to be with them. Do you really have a personal relationship with Jesus? If you do, then you want to be with Him.
I also love my wife. I love her dearly. I want to be with her. I’ve been married to her for over 50 years. When I am away from her I call her on the phone and I tell her I love her. Years ago, when I used to go to Israel, before you could make calls to the States, I would get together 12 cards and I would write a card for each day I was gone. I would give them to my office manager to mail so that each day my wife would get a card from me. I would send her flowers to her classroom, for she was a first-grade teacher. I would make sure that she was honored in that way while I was gone. And then, if I could make a phone call, I’d call her and tell her I love her.
When you love somebody you want to be with them. I love Jesus! I love to fellowship with Him in His Word. I love to fellowship with Him in worship. I love to fellowship with Him in prayer. But, I mostly want to be with Him because I love Him. I can hardly wait until that day when I will see Jesus face to face. I wish to adore Him. I wish to worship Him in person. I wish to join the heavenly host as they sing, “Worthy, worthy is the Lamb to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”
And, until that day, I am going to get up every morning and I am going to look at the sky and I am going to cry out from the depths of my heart: “Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”
I pray that after reading these seven reasons that you will never be apathetic again about the return of Jesus. God has made some glorious promises concerning the future when His Son will return to this earth, and you can be assured that He will fulfill every one of them to the minutest detail.
If you are a person who has never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I pray that you will stop and think seriously about the eternal destiny of your soul. You are going to spend eternity in one of two places: Heaven or Hell. The choice is yours. God’s choice for you is Heaven. The Bible says He does not wish that any should perish. That’s why He sent His precious Son to die for your sins. But, you need to reach out in faith and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior if you want to spend eternity in Heaven.
Did you know that the Bible says that the only reason Jesus has not yet returned is because God wants to see more people saved? The signs of the times are pointing to the fact that Jesus is at the very gates of Heaven about to return. The time left for you to determine your eternal destiny is growing short. Don’t delay! Receive Jesus today.