Seven Reasons for Desiring the Lord’s Return: Reason 4
By Dr. David Reagan
4. For God’s Promises to the Nations to be Fulfilled
Another reason why I want to see Jesus return is because He is going to fulfill the promises that He has made to all the nations of the world. There is going to be peace and righteousness and justice. I can hardly wait for that day to come!
Mankind has been plagued by war ever since man fell on this earth. We’ve dreamed of peace ever since the beginning, but peace has proved elusive. It doesn’t matter how many peace conferences that are held. It doesn’t matter how many have been held in the past, or how many will be held in the future. None of them will produce world peace. None of them will produce world peace until the Prince of Peace returns!
We are told in Isaiah 9:6 that, “A child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us.” That is the First Coming. Then the verse jumps to the Second Coming, “And the government will rest upon His shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace.”
Peace is going to provide the perfect atmosphere for justice. Oh, how I yearn for perfect justice! Today there is one form of justice for Hispanics, and another form of justice for Blacks, and another form of justice for Whites, and another form of justice for those who have a lot of money. There’s no real justice in this day and age, but when Jesus Christ returns, there is going to be perfect justice. That’s why the earth is going to be flooded with peace, righteousness, and justice.
Look at what the prophet says in Isaiah 11, “With righteousness he will judge the poor… decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth. Righteousness will be the belt around His loins, and faithfulness the belt about His waist.” Oh, how I have dreamed of a government that would be characterized by righteousness, and fairness, and faithfulness, and it’s going to come when Jesus Christ arrives.
Also, the earth is going to be flooded with holiness and with righteousness. Look at this other verse from Isaiah 11, “They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”
Not only that but also look at this verse from Zechariah 14 where the prophet says that the bells on the horses bridles and the pots in the kitchens will have inscribed on them the words “Holy to the Lord.” That means “separated to the Lord” and “dedicated to the Lord.” Even the bells on the horse’s bridles and the pots in the kitchens will be dedicated to the Lord. That is what was written on the headband of the High Priest who had been separated and set apart for the Lord. Everything is going to be separated and set apart and dedicated to the Lord during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. What a day that will be! I can hardly wait for it to arrive.
In the fifth part of our series concerning why we should be desiring the Lord’s return, we’ll take a look at the fifth reason.