Sowing the Imperishable Seed of God’s Word
By Mike Gendron
One of the most amazing contrasts revealed in God’s Word is the profound difference between the physical birth and the spiritual birth. Everyone has experienced the physical birth, but only a few are chosen to experience the spiritual birth (Mat. 22:14). Those who are born physically are born of the flesh by a corruptible, perishable seed, which means we will all experience physical death. Those who are blessed to experience the second birth are born spiritually of a seed that is imperishable, which results in everlasting life. This is how Peter describes the spiritual birth: “…you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring Word of God” (1 Pet. 1:23). Those born again of imperishable seed will never die spiritually, however those born only of perishable seed will die both physically and spiritually.
The Word of God and the Spirit of God
Just as there are two things necessary for the physical birth, there are also two requirements for the spiritual birth. Both the sperm and the egg are necessary to bring forth physical life. In a similar way, t he Word of God and the Spirit of God are necessary for spiritual birth. One without the other cannot produce a child of God. The Spirit of God comes and goes as He pleases and brings forth life when the imperishable seed of God’s Word is sown in good soil (Mark 4:8; John 3:8). In an instant, a child of wrath is transformed into a child of God, from spiritual death to spiritual life, from darkness to light, from blindness to sight, and from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of God (Eph. 2:5; Col. 1:13).
Sowing the Seed
Knowing that the Word of God is necessary to bring forth eternal life, we should all be motivated to sow the imperishable seed as we go from place to place (James 1:18). No one can control the Spirit of God, however we can control when and where we sow the Word of God. One of the best ways to sow the seed is by giving away our Gospel Tract that contains only Scripture. Six key elements of the glorious Gospel of grace are presented exclusively using the imperishable seed of God’s Word. When unbelievers read about God’s Perfection, Man’s Problem, God’s Provision, Man’s Part, God’s Promise, and Man’s Privilege, they will know enough truth to respond to the Gospel with repentance and faith. When the Spirit of God brings conviction of sin and illumination of God’s Word, He seals those who believe, guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (John 16:8-11; Eph. 1:13-14). There is no greater cause for rejoicing than when we see people who were dead in sin come alive in Christ! The redeemed rejoice along with all the angels in heaven when sinners repent (Luke 15:10)!
Is Our Lord’s Last Command Your First Concern?
The Lord Jesus has given us this awesome responsibility of making His last command our first concern (Mat. 28:18-20). Our Lord enables us to faithfully respond to this responsibility with His power and grace. When you divide the word “responsibility” into two parts, it becomes our “response” to His “ability.” Our Savior said the mark of a true disciple is one who glorifies God by proclaiming His fruit-bearing Gospel. “By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples” (John 15:8). One of the ways we do this each day is by asking people that we meet a simple, yet profound question: “Do you know where you will spend eternity?” When their response is, “I don’t know”, or “I hope it’s heaven”, we offer one or more of our seven Gospel tracts that will provide all the answers from God’s Word. It is so important to put the Word of God in people’s hands, because Satan uses everything in his power to thwart people’s access to Scripture. He knows that the living and abiding Word of God is the imperishable seed that brings forth eternal life and sets people free from religious deception. Another clever way to sow the imperishable seed is by placing Gospel tracts in strategic places. When we see rosary beads hanging from rear view windows, we always place a Gospel tract under the windshield wiper. We also place our Gospel tracts in magazines, on counters, in hymnals, on public bulletin boards, and other places where people will see them.
Witnessing is a Royal Privilege
All Christians have also been given the royal privilege of being ambassadors for the King of kings. The highest honor we have as Christians is representing King Jesus as His ambassadors by taking His message of reconciliation to a lost and dying world. Every man in Christ is a new creature who has been given the ministry of reconciliation. God has recreated Christians for the purpose and privilege of reconciling the world to Himself through Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:17-20). Christians are born again to reproduce! So often when unbelievers respond to the Gospel in genuine saving faith, the very first thing they want to do is share the good news with all their loved ones.
It is my prayer that Christians everywhere will grow in their desire to glorify God through the proclamation of His Gospel. There may be no better way to demonstrate our love for Jesus than to labor in the fields that are white for harvest (John 4:35).