Planting Seeds of Faith
By Nathele Graham
Spring is the time of year that reminds us of rebirth. Winter was a time of trees with no leaves and bitter cold with no flowers to brighten the gloom. All seems dead and lifeless. Spring brings hope with birds singing and trees sprouting leaves and the flowers pushing their way up from the ground.
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” – Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Farmers prepare their land for crops and then plant seeds. That shows faith. A seed goes into the ground and it looks small and not at all like what is expected to grow. Yet, the seed is planted and with water and nurturing, it grows into peppers or tomatoes. That’s a picture of what Christians are to do. This world is filled with darkness and the gloom of winter holds little hope, but we plant seeds of faith in Jesus Christ, and suddenly the promise of life eternal brings light into the darkness.
There are many people who live in fear of the darkness of this world. Wars and rumors of wars grip the heart of most people. Pestilence has come upon us, and fear generated by a small microscopic “bug” has caused a panic that won’t soon fade. Many people are in despair over this pandemic and the isolation forced upon us, and they choose suicide rather than go on living in the gloom. Then there’s famine. Famine isn’t just a shortage of food, although that is happening. The Prophet Amos said that the day would come when there would be a famine for the word of God.
“Behold the days come, saith the LORD GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:” – Amos 8:11.
It’s not good to be hungry for food, but food will satisfy for a few hours, then we hunger again. Famine for the word of God leaves a hunger that can only be filled by faith in God. This famine is spreading throughout the world. Our pulpits and Bible teachers have watered down God’s word so much that it isn’t being taught in full and people are left hungering for Truth. It’s easy to skip over “controversial” verses (and protect tax exemptions) and miss important truths in God’s word. Many Christians seem to be satisfied not hearing the full counsel of God’s word. This famine makes it difficult to share the Gospel with others. We can’t share what we don’t know.
Food shelves in stores are beginning to be bare, just like pulpits are becoming empty of God’s word. Instead of waiting for famine to end, it’s wise to do what you can to feed yourself and share with others. For instance, my daughter and I planted a garden, we’re talking about getting chickens and maybe a milk goat. Christians must do what we can to plant seeds of the Gospel so that people will be fed God’s truth. We don’t have to be Bible scholars in order share the Gospel. You need to study Scripture and have a few verses memorized, but a good way to share God’s love is by your actions. If you treat others as you would like to be treated, you may make another person curious about why you’re so nice. You’ve planted a seed. Pride and anger can get in the way of planting seeds in others. Remember, people are watching you, and your actions matter. When planting seeds of the Gospel, remember it’s not up to you to do it all. Even the Apostle Paul recognized that he only did part of the work.
“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” – 1 Corinthians 3:5-6.
Paul was a very powerful voice for God, and a good example of mission work. He travelled with fellow Christians and they all did their part. They were all dedicated to spreading the Gospel, and each one used their own personal assets to share God’s word. You need to do your part while others do their part. You may not be the one who first shares Scripture with a person, but you may be the one who helps the seed to grow and flourish. We do our part, but God working through the Holy Spirit makes the seeds grow. It’s also the Holy Spirit who will give you boldness and the right words to say.
Today, people can see that things are getting crazy. There’s a general feeling that something big is coming. They’re right. Something big is coming, but only Christians have the answers. Biblical Prophecy will reveal what’s coming. Study it so when someone expresses fear, you can have an answer.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear;” – 1 Peter 3:15.
You can’t plant seeds if you aren’t prepared. The more you prepare yourself to share God’s truth, the more confidence you will have in sharing with others. Then, practice. Make a list of questions you might be asked, then find Biblical answers. Don’t be afraid that you might not have an answer to a question a friend might ask. Just be honest. “I don’t know right off the top of my head. Let me look into it and I’ll get back to you.” Fear comes from the fiery darts Satan shoots at you. Remember to combat them with the full armor of God. Read about that in Ephesians 6.
The Rapture is coming soon. Christians will be taken Home, and all who have rejected the free gift of salvation only found through Jesus Christ, will be left on earth to face horrendous judgment. God is very fair and merciful. He has warned people through His word, so nobody has any excuse for not knowing. It’s up to Christians to plant seeds of faith before it’s too late. Share the Gospel with friends and family. Pray for God to give you the right words at the right time. Either plant the seeds, or be the one to water what’s already been planted. Either way, you will be serving God and He promises us rewards for our service to Him. The rewards will be in the form of crowns given to us when we stand before Him at the Bema Seat. In his letter to the Christians in Philippi, Paul wrote:
“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.” – Philippians 4:1.
If you read of Paul’s experience in Philippi, you will see that he suffered a lot of pain and anguish there, but instead of holding a grudge and getting even with them, he held Christ first in his attitude and his actions. In doing so, he planted many seeds of faith there which grew into a Christian congregation. Paul didn’t do anything for his own glory, but for Christ. Because of that he knew that he will be awarded a crown for being a soul winner The crowns earned are “stephanos”, which is a wreath or garland that was given as a prize in competitions. Paul wanted the crown in order to give it to Jesus when he met Him face to face. I want a crown, too, so that I can give it back to my Lord, in love and gratitude for what He did for me. It may not seem important to you right now, but when you stand before Him and see the scars He bears because of His love for you, you will want to give Him your crown too. First you have to earn one. There are many crowns you can earn, but they don’t have anything to do with your salvation. You can’t work to earn your salvation, but the desire to serve Jesus should drive you to serve Him. That service will earn crowns. Planting seeds of faith in lost sinners is one way to do that.
So, start preparing yourself to plant seeds of faith in the heart of a non-believer. Study Scripture, to be sure His truth is firmly planted in your heart. Then start planting seeds of faith in others.
God bless you all,
Nathele Graham
[email protected]
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All original scripture is “theopneustos” God breathed.
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