Needed – Godly Men Standing for Jesus
By Ronald Graham
Where have all the Godly men gone? Many have moved on to be with the Lord. But many are still living on this side of Heaven and have committed ourselves to stand firm on God’s word. It is up to us who have surrendered ourselves to God to lead and encourage others to also make that commitment. Many Godly men simply need some accountability lessons. A born again believer in Christ standing firm on the word of God has a responsibility to encourage all our brothers to be focused on being or becoming Godly men.
What does it mean to be a Godly man? Simply put, Jesus Christ shines through our lives and our every decision is uncompromisingly filtered through the lens of scriptures, from the first verse in Genesis to the last verse in Revelation. Godly men lead their families, and as that Godly spiritual leader matures and grows in his faith his family also grows in faith. Children are nurtured and loved; they’re taught about Jesus Christ from a very young age. The Godly man doesn’t leave his children, break up the family unit, or go out seeking another woman to be his companion. A Godly man is devoted to his family, his wife is precious in his eyes and their marriage is a lifelong commitment. For a Godly man there is no thought of shattering his family to pursue other interests.
Father’s are the example their children will follow. Children are not fooled; many dads talk the talk, but when it comes right down to walking the walk they stumble and the children notice. Daddy are you reading your Bible, or is your nose in Sports Illustrated…the swimsuit edition? Children living in that type of household grow up talking the talk also, but as they become young adults they become disenfranchised with the whole idea of following Jesus Christ. Talking the talk is seen as no more than a ritualistic endeavor on their parent’s part, but for the children those rituals really have no meaning. A son looks to his father to learn to be a man. If that father does not stand firm upon God’s word then the son will not take God seriously. He will grow up to compromise truth. A daughter looks to her father to understand what a husband should be. If her father compromises his role as a Godly husband, the daughter will compromise in her choice of a husband.
Men, we are raising the next generation of Godly men and women and for this reason we must stand up for Jesus Christ in our lives now while our children are young and allow them to witness first hand our faith and our love for Christ as we love them and as we publically manifest our love for our wives. Too many families have been torn apart by men and women who have no concept of God and His precepts. Way too many children are being raised by mothers only because the dads have gone missing. Even among Christians this trend is growing and is very disturbing. Men, God needs to be first in our life with no compromise.
I was sitting in a parking lot the other day and watched men and women walking in and out of the store giving no more attention to one another than as if they were only strangers. I watched them step out of the same vehicle and then return a short while later, get into the same vehicle without a word to one another. In many instances the man would walk a few steps ahead of his wife and show no outward sign of affection, nothing that would let the world know that they were husband and wife or that they had any love for one another. Husband, love your wife. Hold her hand. Protect her.
A Godly man will stand by the side of his wife in public and while doing so he acknowledges to a lost world that his love for his wife is the very same love Christ has for His Ekklesia. There should be no doubt in the minds of those looking on as to whether or not you love your wife. God gave you a wife to love you and for you to love, to help you with the chores of this life, to bear you children. Why, then, would you walk out in public as though she’s some kind of offense to you? This is not the attitude of a Godly man.
Every man and boy has the potential to grow to be a Godly man. It’s just a matter of learning on the part of each man the precepts of God and then putting those precepts into place. First, to be a Godly man you need to know Christ and understand His love. Then you will understand “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church[Ekklesia], and gave himself for it;” Ephesians 5:25. This kind of love is never ending; it’s a love that all Godly men must strive for as we give ourselves completely to our wives. “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.” Ephesians 5:28. My wife and I were married before I became a Christian. She was a Christian. I do not recommend any Christian, man or woman, to marry a non-Christian or a nominal Christian. I loved my wife when we first were married, but I only fully came to love her after I fell in love with Jesus. A man who does not understand Christ’s love will never be able to love his wife in a sacrificial way…like Christ loved the Ekklesia (church).
When a man and woman marry they are joined together forever. Forever is not a relative term; it’s absolute where marriage is concerned. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31. A Godly man will lean on God’s word while standing faithfully at his wife’s side. The enemy of God and man will do all he can to tear a husband and wife apart. This is evident in our world today as we can plainly see the enemy has been hard at it.
God created the family structure to be the best possible way men and women can love and live together, while raising their children and promoting God’s precepts as a lost world looks on and sees something they too long to have. Staying in your marriage and loving your wife until the Lord takes you home glorifies God. Being an example to your children of God’s ways is necessary for future generations. With all their hearts, Godly men want and need to glorify God.
A Godly man raises Godly children. Children need their daddy and that daddy is the very best he can be when he continually loves and admonishes his children to live that very same Godly life. A Godly man leads by example. “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” Colossians 3:21. There is a down side to being a daddy and that is our children are born into a fallen world and rebellion is heavy on their minds. As they grow they can become even more rebellious and this can provoke a daddy to anger. That’s why we must always be ready to love first.
But what happens if a Godly man is taken Home before his family is raised? That’s where Godly Grandpas and Uncles come in…also brothers and friends. They need to be step up to the plate and be Godly examples to the children. Give advice based on God’s word. Lead them in God’s ways.
Words & Music by: Buddy Davis
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Who’ll stand on Your Word till the end.
Men who are strong, men that won’t bend.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Who aren’t afraid to call sin sin.
‘Cause the world is desperately looking for them,
Lord we need more Godly men
Lord we need more husbands in love with their wives.
And Daddies to cherish their kids
Grandpas and uncles who’ll set an example.
And tell them who Jesus is.
May the world see our eyes in the Bible.
And our knees bent in prayer again.
From the senior preacher to the high school teacher.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Lord, we need more heroes to praise the name of Christ.
Instead of using it in vain.
Men who’ll place Jesus at the head of their homes.
Like the family that You ordained.
May the world see us as Your disciples.
Reaching out to the world as a friend.
From the factory worker to the Wall Street broker.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Who’ll stand on Your Word till the end.
Men who are strong, men that won’t bend.
Lord, we need more Godly men.
Amen to that Buddy. This world is in desperate need of many more Godly men. They’re out there and with a little more encouragement and knowledge of God’s word they will come forward. The potential for a surge of Godly men to come to help with God’s Kingdom is great. Stepping forward is the first step. Lord, we truly do need more Godly men.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
[email protected]
[email protected]
All original scripture is “theopneustos” God breathed
This commentary was started by Ron Graham before his death on March 14, 2013, and finished by his wife, Nathele Graham.