The Rapture Report – CNN and Don Lemon Blaspheme Jesus Christ, Claim He Was Not “Perfect”
By Chris Schang
CNN is known as the being the “Champions of Fake News” according to Dallas, Texas First Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress who was responding to CNN’s Don Lemon who made the statement “Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth,” Lemon told his colleague Chris Cuomo during “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon” on Monday. “So why are we deifying the founders of this country, many of whom owned slaves?”
Don Lemon was trying to justify the activities of BLM protesters who have been tearing down statues across the country in Democratic held cities. Don Lemon is the “progressive” networks number one political agitator at CNN. Don Lemon has been a lightning rod for his comments over the years as well as his activities. CNN is clearly a liberal and progressive Leftist “fake news” network that tries to pass as legitimate news and has previously aired anti-religious views against America. There is no low that CNN won’t stoop to in order to try to attract viewership and ratings.
The Fox News website is reporting the following article regarding Lemon’s blasphemous comments on TV:
CNN anchor Don Lemon made the claim that Jesus Christ was “not perfect,” which Pastor Robert Jeffress said “makes him and his network the uncontested champions of Fake News.”
“Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in, Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth,” Lemon told his colleague Chris Cuomo during “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon” on Monday. “So why are we deifying the founders of this country, many of whom owned slaves?” The clip was widely shared on social media.
“Don Lemon’s comments are, first of all, heretical,” Jeffress, the pastor of 14,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, told Fox News, “and it contradicts the most basic tenet of the Christian faith and demonstrates how tone-deaf the left is to faith issues.”
“Our founding fathers, like all of us, were imperfect human beings,” Jeffress added, “but Jesus Christ was different than any other man that lived, and as the founder of our faith, he had to be perfect.”
MRCTV says, “this isn’t the first time that CNN has aired anti-religious rhetoric,” pointing to what Cuomo told his viewers at the end of last week.
“If you believe in one another and if you do the right thing for yourself and your community, things will get better in this country. You don’t need help from above,” he said at the conclusion of Friday’s show. “It’s within us.”
Last month, far-left activist Shaun King called for all images depicting Jesus as a “White European” to be torn down because they’re a form of “White supremacy” and “racist propaganda.”
CNN is one of the leftist news outlets that unfortunately control what some have said was about 90% of the American news market, so their reporting and commentaries are always left leaning and slanted to the liberal agendas. In the above comments Lemon is trying to justify the tearing and pulling down of statues across the country by the domestic terrorist groups Antifa and BLM. While President Trump has placed Antifa on the domestic terrorist list, it is well past time for the BLM movement to also be declared a domestic terrorist group as well.
The BLM stated goals are Marxist and anti-American. They are a movement that the liberal left has wholeheartedly embraced to the detriment of the country and therefore should be added to the list of organizations that can be considered domestic terrorist groups.
CNN and Don Lemon have consistently agitated Americans with their anti-religion and liberal viewpoints. The fact that Don Lemon would make this claim about Jesus Christ is totally unacceptable and shows that CNN and Don Lemon are totally anti-Christian. Every time the left tries to use the Bible to justify their actions, they show how stupid they are to real Bible scripture with antics like these from Don Lemon. Nancy “Nutsy” Pelosi is another leftist who tries to use the Bible and her twisted interpretation of scripture to justify her leftist agenda.
We should continue to call out the leftist clowns and their inappropriate use of scripture to try to justify their agenda. The sad part is that individuals who have little exposure to the scriptures, including some Christians, will fall for their mind-numbing drivel and not recognize when they distorted what the Bible really says.
The anti-religious fervor of the Left is another sign that we are in the end times as it is becoming more and more acceptable to bash Christians for holding to biblical principles.
I would encourage people to keep studying their Bibles and speak out when scripture is being twisted and distorted. Some people just listen to and repeat what they have heard without doing any searching of the scriptures for themselves. This is sad, but it is just another sign of the times we live in.
The Bible predicted it would be this way in the end times. People will fall away from the true faith, believe lies, and delight in wickedness.
Seeing this sort of thing happens is just one more reason why we need to be preaching the Gospel of Jesus here in the end times and to try to reach the lost while there is still time. These things should also encourage us to keep looking up, for when we see these things happening, that our redemption is drawing nigh with each passing day.
God bless.