The Transcendent Power of Neoconservatism in the U.S. Media and among Left-Wingers and Right-Wingers
By Julio Severo
Lessons from Neocon John McCain’s Funeral
Can a funeral give us lessons? Yes, at least in the case of John McCain. Even though he is dead, his funeral, attended and praised by powerful neocons from the left and right, announced loudly that neoconservatism is more alive than ever in the U.S. government and media.
McCain’s funeral was incredibly long, and extensively used by left-wingers and right-wingers, all of them friends of McCain and all of them neocons, to bash President Donald Trump.
The Big FakeNews Media is not only left-wing. It is also neocon. It became very clear when neocon McCain died: Big FakeNews Media honored him as if he had been a president. Media coverage was extensive and very positive.
The presence of Presidents Bush and Obama was to confirm that US right-wingers and left-wingers are equally at the service of neoconservatism.
McCain’s funeral seemed a president’s funeral. Even though he had never been elected a U.S. president, for neocons he was as their president, their chief, their leader. The death of the neocons’ president disclosed that neoconservatism is a dominant power in the U.S. government and media.
McCain’s values were neocon values. And no one fitter to confirm it than Bill Kristol, a prominent neocon leader, who said,
“The values that McCain upheld strike a resounding chord at this moment precisely because so many of us still believe in them. As McCain understood deep in his battle-scarred bones, the fight for these values isn’t over—it is really just getting started.”
If you want to understand neoconservatism, warmongers, the neocons’ character, just look at John McCain.
Differently from George Washington, a true patriot who never supported Islam in any way, McCain did it and much more.
According to Jewish-American author Pamela Geller, McCain was the “Godfather,” “leader,” and “real Supreme Guide” of the Muslim Brotherhood. As quoted by Geller, Robert Spencer said,
“McCain has already been canonized by an establishment media desperate to destroy President Trump in any way it can, but in Egypt they’re not so worshipful. McCain ‘was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood. Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.’”
While Syrian Christians were being raped, tortured and slaughtered by Islamic rebels in a crisis provoked by the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton, McCain illegally invaded Syria to cheer the rebels, not their victims. In fact, he fought in the U.S. Congress to lead the U.S. government, under Obama and Trump, to arm these same rebels. If the genocide of Syrian Christians can be considered a war crime, then McCain was a war criminal by his active complicity.
Differently from George Washington, a true patriot who advocated militias to protect the U.S. borders, McCain advocated U.S. military interventions to protect neocon interests in far-away nations and he opposed the militarization of the U.S. borders. While Washington would support the militarization of the U.S. borders to protect America, McCain supported the deployment of the U.S. military only to fulfill neocon ambitions in far-away nations, including by invading them and leaving thousands of Christian victims in their trails.
As far as I can remember, Trump was the only presidential candidate to question and challenge neocons. So it is no wonder that McCain in his life and funeral, under the floodlights of an incredibly supportive mainstream media, bashed him.
The Bible says that when God’s people do not tell what they are supposed to tell, the stones speak up. And a stone spoke up abundantly in 2016.
I mean Trump, who has no history of being a practicing evangelical, even though he was brought up in the Presbyterian Church.
The subject “God’s people” is not talking about and Trump spoke up about is neoconservatism. Now I understand why even Trump has quit his 2016 speech against neoconservatism. The neocon ideology has dominated everything in America: Left-wingers, right-wingers, atheists, Christians, the military industrial complex, etc. Everything.
Some few Christian voices have spoken against this devilish ideology, but they do not have the audience and power that Trump had in 2016 to cry and be heard.
Because of the massive support neoconservatism receives from all sectors of the U.S. society, even churches, Trump seems to have quit. Neocons enjoy overwhelming cultural and political dominance and hegemony in America and, through America, in other nations.
If I were not a follower of Jesus, I would also quit, because it is easier to walk with the crowd than rejecting the warmongering delusions that they were duped in.
Draining the swamp, a promise made by Trump in 2016, seems like an impossible task. Do you want to see its heavy weight? Big Media paid high tributes to John McCain. Left-wingers paid high tributes to him. And even many right-wingers paid high tributes. It is the swamp honoring one of its leaders. McCain was Trump’s enemy. As a neocon, he was one of the rulers of the swamp.
Interestingly, U.S. left-wingers and right-wingers are separated and divided on certain issues — abortion, homosexuality, Christianity, etc. —, but on the neocon ideology, they are impressively united as one voice and one mind! Their loyalty to neoconservatism is astonishing.
Some carnal minds among Christians could complain that you should not talk negatively of McCain now that he is dead. But did not he celebrate Islamic radicals in wars where Christian victims suffered carnage?
Neocon John McCain celebrated wars while their Christian victims perished. That some U.S. Christians honored the death of this warmonger shows their cold and callous hearts for the Christian victims of his despicable warmongering.
To oppressed Christians in the Middle East, McCain was Mr. Death. To the Muslim Brotherhood, he was a hero. And to left-wing and right-wing Americans, including many Christians, he was a “patriot” — not the U.S. original patriotism, which was to defend borders, but a fake patriotism that is at the service of the military industrial complex and its eternal wars in far-away nations. Fake patriotism has hijacked the U.S. original patriotism.
Sadly, McCain was not killed in one of the many wars he helped to provoke. But many Christians died.
To deploy troops in Iraq over the 9/11 when clearly this attack was not made by Iraqis, but by 15 Saudi Islamic terrorists, was not patriotism. It was plain military anarchy and vandalism. McCain fully encouraged and supported such military anarchy and vandalism.
To deploy troops in far-away nations when the U.S. borders need extensive military protection from invaders and drug trafficking is not patriotism. It is plain military anarchy and vandalism. McCain fully encouraged and supported such military anarchy and vandalism.
The U.S. weakens its greatness, originally based on evangelical Christianity, when it confuses patriotism with the ambitions of the Deep State and neocon imperialists.
According to Conservapedia, McCain “was an influential establishment and neocon voice in American politics since 1986,” adding that “Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others, praised him. The mainstream media used McCain to accomplish its goals, and it frequently praised McCain for his role in advancing the left-wing agenda, except when he ran against Democrats in elections when they viciously attacked him. The conservative base strongly disliked McCain, based on his antagonistic attitude and policies toward them.”
Other McCain’s contradictions pointed by Conservapedia:
* POWs: “Despite being a POW in Vietnam, McCain had no interest in returning other American POWs home, and he fought to cover up evidence that hundreds of American POWs remained in Vietnam decades after the war ended. He also attacked and denigrated those who, with strong evidence, argued that American POWs remained in Vietnam.”
* Flip-flops: “He has flip-flopped various times, most notably when he voted against repealing ObamaCare in 2017 when he made numerous campaign statements several years prior stating he would do the exact opposite. McCain also was a globalist on issues related to foreign policy. He criticized Donald Trump.”
* Sarah Palin: “He stated in 2018 that he regretted choosing conservative Sarah Palin as his running mate, and his family even banned her from his funeral despite her continued loyalty toward him.” According to Breibart, “Unlike Trump, Palin never feuded with McCain and never criticized him.” Even so, from the grave McCain showed his scorn for her.
* Russian connections: In spite that McCain did not spare attacks on Trump for seeking a partnership with Putin against Islamic terror, “In the mid-2000s McCain’s campaign chairman Rick Davis connected with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. In 2006, [there were] two meetings with McCain and Deripaska. The first occurred in January 2006 in Davos, Switzerland.” Years later, “Senator McCain strongly criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin. During a primary debate he said, ‘He… is a dangerous person.’” So the only explanation for the prominent role of McCain against Russia is some deal having gone sour.
* McCain was distrusted by real conservatives. During McCain’s 2000 run, “Christian conservatives overwhelmingly backed Mike Huckabee… John McCain had called politically-charged leaders such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson ‘agents of intolerance.’”
* McCain supported the global warming scam. “McCain’s position on global warming issues put him at odds with conservatives.”
* McCain was erratic in his stances. “McCain flip-flopped on immigration issues, but he leaned toward the Left on the issue. McCain’s position on illegal immigration arguably resulted in the most criticisms from conservatives.”
* McCain was a globalist. “McCain was a globalist who supported greater international cooperation, including through unaccountable international organizations. He has defended organizations such as the European Union.”
* McCain supported the Iraqi War. “McCain voted with the majority Republican Party and 29 Democrats of the Senate in favor of the 2002 ‘Iraq War Resolution’ authorizing President George W. Bush to go to war against Iraq and overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime.” Such interventionist measure was made in spite of the fact that the Muslim terrorists who attacked the U.S. on 9/11 were not Iraqi, but Saudi.
* McCain supported Islamic rebels in Syria. “During the Syrian Civil War McCain wanted to arm the Islamist opposition with weapons and also called for an air strike against the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.” So while Christian were being raped, tortured and slaughtered by the Islamist opposition, McCain was supporting the aggressors, not their victims.
* McCain supported Mohammed Morsi, who was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. “After the Egyptian dictator Mohammed Morsi was set down, McCain called it a ‘coup.’”
* McCain only praised Trump, very rarely, for neocon decisions. “McCain praised the decision of President Trump to provide anti-tank munitions to Ukraine and called it ‘another significant step in the right direction.’” Even though always criticizing Trump, McCain praised him when he took a neocon measure on Ukraine.
* McCain was pro-life regarding to U.S. unborn babies, but not regarding Christians slaughtered in consequence of neocon wars. He said, “If I am fortunate enough to be elected as the next President of the United States, I pledge to you to be a loyal and unswerving friend of the right to life movement.” In spite of his promises to save unborn babies, he was, with his warmongering policies, condemning innocent Christians to slaughter in the Middle East.
* McCain supported the evolution theory. He said, “I happen to believe in evolution… I respect those who think the world was created in seven days. Should it be taught as a science class? Probably not.” No real conservative believes in evolution.
McCain was not only pro-life, but also supportive of traditional marriage. He said, “Mr. President, most Americans believe, as I do, that the institution of marriage should be reserved for the union of a man and a woman.” So neocons can be pro-abortion or pro-life, opposed or supportive of traditional marriage. But their ultimate value is wars. Yet, as he flip-flopped frequently, who could assure that he was never going to flip-flop on pro-life issues if elected president?
McCain was so a staunch advocate for NATO that members of NATO want to name its headquarters “John McCain.” In his 2016 campaign Trump said that NATO was useless. I add that it is useless for two reasons. NATO was created to protect Europe from a decrepit communist empire, the Soviet Union, that no longer exists. Today, there is only a conservative Russia and the only real threat against Europe is Islamic invasion, and NATO has done absolutely nothing to fight this invasion. In fact, NATO has helped it. When NATO bombed Libya years ago to help Obama and Saudi Arabia, the result was Islamic terrorist groups dominating Libya, which became a large passage point for Muslims invading Europe. So NATO is not protecting Europe from its greatest threat, but actually it has facilitated its invasion.
Funeral services for McCain in his Baptist church happened under Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” — and his way was neocon and globalist.
Even though President Trump and Sarah Palin were banned from his funeral, prominent socialists had already been invited by him to eulogize him. Joe Biden, a left-winger who was vice president under Obama, said, “My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democrat. And I love John McCain… I always thought of John as a brother.”
Biden is a neocon.
Other prominent left-wing and right-wing neocons who were officially invited to eulogize McCain were:
Barack Hussein Obama: “I never tried to hide the admiration I had for John McCain,” said Obama, earning rapturous applause for his emotional tribute to McCain. He also said, “We come to celebrate an extraordinary man. A warrior, a statesman, a patriot, who embodied so much that is best in America… He made us better Presidents, as he made the Senate better, as he made the country better… I never tried to hide and I think John came to understand, the longstanding admiration I had for him… We never doubted we were on the same team.”
George W. Bush: “His absence is tangible, like the silence after a mighty roar,” adding that his friendship with McCain was one of “life’s greatest gifts.”
McCain himself had asked Obama, a left-winger, and George W. Bush, a right-winger, to speak at his memorial service.
Obama also said, “He did understand that some principles transcend politics. Some values transcend party.”
Such transcendent values are neocon values, which are cloaked as “patriotic” values. Neoconservatism has successfully hijacked U.S. patriotism, which now means what never meant in George Washington’s days: wars, wars and wars in other nations.
Obama added, “We laughed with each other, and we learned from each other. We never doubted the other man’s sincerity or the man’s patriotism.”
Left-wing neocons are comfortable with right-wing neocons, and they are not concerned about border protection, but only about U.S. military interventions in other nations. George Washington would have a very hard time with them and they would eventually impeach him.
Shamefully, even evangelical outlets praised McCain, although his globalist and neocon decisions provoked wars that left a trail of raped, tortured and slaughtered Christians.
In honor of McCain, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), of Pat Robertson, run the headline “‘I Have Fought the Good Fight, I Have Finished the Race’: A Glimpse into John McCain’s Faith.”
I had already written about CBN’s impropriety of not criticizing neocons in my article: “Giving Voice to Neocons is Weakening the Prophetic Voice of the Church.”
Charisma, the largest Pentecostal outlet in the world, run the headline “What You Never Knew About John McCain’s Private Prayer Life,” which said McCain “attended a Southern Baptist megachurch in his later years. He viewed himself as a Christian but had ‘a distrust of the religious right and a faith that is too public, too political.’”
Charisma added: “McCain’s differences with some conservative Christians were prominently displayed in the 2000 campaign when he called Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell ‘agents of intolerance’… He made an immediate defense of then-Sen. Barack Obama when a woman at a 2008 campaign appearance expressed her lack of trust in the Democratic candidate because she believed he was ‘an Arab.’ McCain corrected her and said Obama was a ‘decent, family man.’”
Why then did Charisma praise so much his suspicious faith? Charisma’s positive approach to McCain was as improper as was its negative approach to Franklin Graham, addressed by me in the article: “Spurred by Big Left-Wing Source, Pentecostal Charisma Helps Spread Accusation of Alleged Collusion of Franklin Graham with Trump and Putin.”
About Charisma portraying McCain as a praying man, I answered in its comment section:
“McCain was a warmonger! To try to spiritualize his life is a blasphemy. While oppressed Christians were suffering rapes, torture and martyrdom in Syria, he slipped into northern Syria to cheer Islamic rebels who were raping and killing Christians. Is this a praying man???? I am a praying man. If given an opportunity to visit Syria, I would help oppressed Christians, not their enemies! McCain did just the contrary! Has Charisma lost its Christian vision? Charisma’s Christian duty was to denounce this neocon, not to praise his fake prayer life.”
Praying man is William Murray, who has for years helped Iraqi and Syrian Christians, and he knows very well that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are responsible for the creation of ISIS and its genocide of Christians in Iraq and Syria. See his full interview here and donate to his ministry.
About Palin being banned from McCain’s funeral, Matt Barber, founder of BarbWire, said, “John McCain gives the always classy Sarah Palin a hateful ‘thumbs down’ from the grave. The man was petty & vindictive in life, and he remains so in death…”
From the grave, McCain not only spat vengeance on Palin. In a last final nasty act against Trump, McCain joined Hillary Clinton in an upcoming documentary filmed before his death warning the US about Trump’s ties to Russia. At one point in the film, McCain says Putin “has no moral standards and poses a threat to the world.” Nothing more natural for him than putting together two targets of his hatred: Trump and Russia.
The film ends with a stark warning from McCain and Hillary about Trump’s alleged failure to take his own “active measures” against Russia for attacking American democracy. Probably by “American democracy” both meant the neocon hegemony.
As New York Times Moscow correspondent Andrew Higgins reported, Russian state television has referred to McCain as “the chief symbol of Russophobia.”
In his last book, “The Restless Wave” (Simon & Schuster, 2018), McCain complained of “InfoWars and Breitbart, and Russian propagandists” having too much freedom to speak. His book contains exactly 186 overwhelmingly negative mentions of Russia and 8 overwhelmingly positive mentions of Saudi Arabia. The fact is: The worst terrorist attack on the U.S. was made by Saudis, not Russians. Saudis, not Russians, killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11. In spite that he was an “evangelical,” McCain mentioned the word “evangelical” just two times, perfunctorily, in his book.
He lived as an anti-Russia neocon and died in the same hatred. Nasty in life, nasty in death. Just as Hillary, neocon McCain was jealous of Trump. Just as Crooked Hillary, Crooked McCain is not seen as a good example by good conservatives. Yet, the Big FakeNews Media wants everybody to see both as good examples.
Even though he was highly praised by the Big Media, which is left-wing in nature, among conservatives he provoked mixed feelings. In a conservative group on Facebook, I asked, “Thank God, the Trump-bashing funeral soap opera of McCain is over. Or not?” Most comments agreed that McCain was not a real conservative and that his funeral was an anti-Trump circus.
If real conservatives are not encouraged by McCain’s neocon example, Obama is a very different case. He was so encouraged by the massive media and neocon support, from left-wing Democrats to right-wing Republicans, to McCain that days after he was buried Obama, inspired by the spirit of McCain, said, meaning Trump and real conservatives:
“They’re undermining our alliances, cozying up to Russia. What happened to the Republican Party? Its central organizing principle in foreign policy was the fight against communism, and now they’re cozying up to the former head of the KGB.”
If Russia were actually communist today, it would fight against conservatism and U.S. left-wingers like Obama support Russia just as they supported the Soviet Union.
Dr. William J. Murray, a former Marxist and the son of one of the most famous Marxist activists in the U.S., has denounced how the U.S. foreign policy treats Russia as a threat while the real threat is the Sunni Islam from Saudi Arabia. After much suffering, Murray accepted Jesus Christ and today he is His follower. You can read his full interview here.
To present Russia today as a communist threat is not honest, but it advantageous for the neocon speech.
It would make sense for McCain, Obama and Bush to fight in the past against the Soviet Union, which fought against conservatism. But it makes no sense today for them to fight against current Russia, which advocates conservatism.
So the neocon union, under the spirit of McCain, of Obama and Bush and of left-wing Democrats and right-wing Republicans against Russia, but not against Saudi Arabia, is fake patriotism.
In the hands of neocons, the United States is just a global war machine, in total defiance of the original intent of the U.S. Founders. A global war machine helping and protecting the most dangerous form of Islam — the Sunni Islam of Saudi Arabia — for the sake of petrodollars. Sunni Islam is the greatest killer of Christians around the world.
God may have given signs that McCain’s neocon ideology may portend America’s destruction.
Last year, a powerful U.S. destroyer named “John McCain” collided with an unarmed civil ship in the same day an eclipse took over the continental U.S. and 33 days after Senator McCain’s brain cancer was diagnosed.
If solar eclipses may be warnings that judgment is coming upon a nation, does it mean that judgment is coming upon the United States over McCain’s bloody neocon military imperialism?
With information from Conservapedia, DailyMail, CBN, Charisma News, Geller Report, FoxNews, the Daily Beast, Breitbart, and the Hill.