Muhammad is one of the top 10 baby names for first time in the U.S. history
By Julio Severo
For the first time in the history of the United States, Muhammad made in the 2019 list of top 10 baby names, according to the parenting website BabyCenter, which released its annual list of 100 most popular baby names for girls and boys in the United States.
The online parenting and pregnancy website compiled the names of babies born to some 600,000 registered U.S. users in 2019. Its research found a rise in Islamic names, with Muhammad for boys and Aaliyah for girls making incredibly the top 10 for the first time.
Muhammad is considered the most popular name in the world, and UK news site Independent says it is “given to an estimated 150 million men and boys.”
“Muhammad’s been rising on BabyCenter top baby name lists around the world, so we knew it would soon break into the U.S. top 10,” Linda Murray, BabyCenter’s global editor in chief, said in a press statement. “Muslim families often choose Muhammad for firstborn sons to honor the prophet and bring blessings to the child. The name also has multiple spellings, and that helps a name get into the top 10.”
In 2018 and in 2017, Muhammad ranked No. 14 on BabyCenter’s list in the United States. The name Muhammad first entered the top 100 in the United States in 2013 and has been climbing ever since. Now, there is no turning back. Muhammad will advance furiously until it reaches the number 1 in the top ten.
The increased popularity of Muhammad as a baby name in the United States is directly linked to the natural increase of Islamic families and immigrants. While U.S. families have usually two babies, Islamic families and immigrants have many more babies.
Islamic families are less likely to use birth control. Christian families are more likely to use birth control, even though there are specific verses in the Bible about large families and many children as blessings. There is even a specific God’s command to increase and be fruitful.
The consequence of U.S. Christians not increasing enough is that they are letting Muslims increase more than enough.
The increase of Islamic immigrants and Islamic babies brings other consequences. Since 2014 the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey has been showing that Arabic is the fastest growing language in the U.S. among over 60 million residents who do not speak English.
In many U.S. states, Islam ranks as the second most prevalent religion. This is a totally new reality for the U.S. While in the past Protestantism was dominant in the U.S. and Catholicism was often the second most important religion, now increasingly Islam reaches the second place and, if Americans keep rejecting babies and loving contraception and abortion, Muslims will defeat Americans just by the sheer numbers of their babies.
U.S. Christians also do not understand that the Statue of Liberty is a powerful Islamic symbol.
The name Muhammad is increasing not only among babies in the U.S., the largest Protestant nation in the world. It is very popular also among babies in Berlin, Germany’s capital, because German Christians have embraced birth control. And Muhammad nows tops as the most popular baby name in Britain, a traditionally Protestant nation.
Islamic families understand that babies are the future of a nation, civilization and religion. The more, the better. U.S. Christian families just do not understand such reality. For them, the smaller, the better. They just do not see that birth control destroys the future of families, a nation, civilization and religion.
Babies are the future. Birth control destroys the future. Muslims are just taking advantage of this reality. U.S. Christians are foolishly delivering the future of America to those who have more babies.
It is not Islam that threatens the Christian future of America. It is the U.S. rejection of babies through birth control.
If Christian Americans today had so many babies as the Pilgrims and the Americans of the generation of the Founders had — about eight children per family —, the name Muhammad would never be even in the top 100 baby names in the U.S., which would have no longer need to import millions of immigrants, including Muslims, who are defacing America in her own origins, roots and spiritual foundations.