Lesbian Artist’s Painting of Islamic Homosexuals as Partners of Adam and Eve in the Paradise Is Put at the Altar of the Lutheran Church of Sweden
By Julio Severo
When Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder, a close friend of Martin Luther, painted about paradise, he thought only on God, Adam and Eve. But now, Swedish lesbian artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin thinks that it is unfair to keep homosexuals out from such paradise.
The lesbian artist created a painting, titled “Paradise,” where she gave Adam a dark-skinned homosexual partner, a subtle reference that Swedish men, who are light-skinned, should embrace the hordes of Islamic Africans invading Sweden. And she gave Eve a dark-skinned lesbian partner, a subtle reference that Swedish women, who are light-skinned, should embrace the hordes of Islamic Africans invading Sweden.
The lesbian artist killed two birds with one stone. If you criticize the African homosexual partners of the Swedish Adam and Eve, you are legally liable to be accused of discrimination based on sexual orientation and race at the same time.
I do not know what African Muslims think about being portrayed as homosexual partners of ethnic Swedish. But they have had no concern about being accused of anything in Sweden, especially because they are champions of rapes against Swedish girls and women. In contrast, Swedish are horrified to pinpoint Muslims as rapists for fear of being accused of racist, because the massive wave of Islamic rapists happens to be dark-skinned African Muslims.
The lesbian artist did not forget the serpent, which in her painting became a transgender serpent. In this point, I agree with the lesbian artist. The author of homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and all other sexual sins and dysfunctions is the old serpent, which is in no way offended to be portrayed as a transgender, a homosexual and lesbian serpent.
“Paradise” was put at the altar at St. Paul’s Church in Malmö, Sweden. According to the church, the goal is to create “greater inclusion and identification in the Church.”
“It is with pride and joy that we receive Paradise in St Paul’s Church. We need images that open up for greater inclusion and identification in the church,” St. Paul’s said in a statement. “We are grateful to Elisabeth’s artistry, which enables us to build a credible church that shows that we all, regardless of who we love and identify as, are accommodated in Paradise.”
Helena Myrstener, the Lutheran minister at the church, took to social media to praise the demonic work.
“Sweden’s only LGBT altarpiece (Elisabeth Ohlsson Wallin) is received by St Paul’s church in Malmö… We are so happy and proud!” she wrote.
The homosexual “artwork” will remain in the altar of the St Paul’s Lutheran Church. If the goal is to create greater demonic inclusion and identification in the Lutheran Church, the possessed lesbian artist and her accomplice Lutheran female minister were successful.
The St Paul’s Lutheran Church forgot the words of St. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit:
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV)
You can understand when worldly people put a profane picture of Paradise at the altar of a satanic ritual or on the TV screens. They lack God. But it is vastly worse when a profane picture of Paradise is put at the altar of an evangelical church.
For decades, charismatic Lutherans, who believe and welcome the empowering of the Holy Spirit, including prophecies and other supernatural gifts, have been warning traditional Lutherans that they should reject the cessationist heresy, which has made the Lutheran church vulnerable to satanic invasions, including pro-sodomy and pro-abortion demons. It is time for Swedish Lutherans at last to heed charismatic Lutherans and their message.
The most prominent divine healing preacher in the 1800s was Rev. Johann Christof Blumhardt, a Lutheran minister who expelled demons just as Jesus’ apostles did. But what the Lutheran Church of Sweden is doing, by putting a homosexual painting at its altar, is inviting demons.
The Lutheran Church of Sweden needs to open itself to the same God Blumhardt served, not to homosexual demons. The role of the church is to deliver people from demons, not to bring demons and their influence to people.
Swedish Lutherans should not joke about it. Many Islamic Africans invading Sweden are bringing a kind of powerful witchcraft that no cessationist theology, no Lutheran rituals can expel. Only the name of Jesus, spoken by people empowered by His presence, can expel such demons.
The serpent desecrated the original Paradise, convincing Eva that she could become like God. Now, the serpent wants to convince people that man can become like woman and woman can become like man.
Now, inspired by the same serpent, a female minister in a Lutheran church wants to convince Christians that Adam can have an Islamic homosexual partner and Eve can have an Islamic lesbian partner.
The Lutheran Church in Sweden has strengthened female leadership and weakened male leadership. The result, in a Sweden where 63 percent of its population is Lutheran, is that there is no male strength to protect women and girls against Islamic foreigners and their wave of rapes. And whenever female leadership is strengthened and male leadership is weakened, homosexuality is strengthened and demonic influence and possession are strengthened to the detriment of the most vulnerable humans: Children.