How the IRS Allowed China Nonprofits to Buy Code Pink
The anti-war movement now answers to the Chinese Communist Party.
By Daniel Greenfield
The ‘House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party’ was in session when a Code Pink activist disrupted it by holding up a sign reading, “China Is Not Our Enemy.”
“The United States needs collaboration, not competition, with China,” she insisted.
Collaboration was the correct term. While most people stopped paying attention to Code Pink in the aftermath of the Iraq War, the leftist anti-war group never went away, but beyond the backing for Venezuela, Iran and the other usual terror states, it’s become a vocal defender of China.
The level of collaboration between Code Pink and China is unusual even on the anti-war Left.
“If the U.S. crushes China,” Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans claimed, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.”
After the House China Committee protest, Evans spoke to the Global Times, a Communist propaganda outlet controlled by the People’s Daily, and repeated regime propaganda, claiming that, “we have things we could learn from China, which took millions of people out of poverty” and insisted that “people in power in the US do not want to give up their hegemonic, world-ruling position. Therefore, they make up lies and drive hatred toward China.”
Code Pink’s traditional anti-war approach had been to attack America, but its China rhetoric was more slavishly pro-Beijing than it was anti-American. Worse still it often read like it had been written by Beijing. Evans argued that the Communist regime had “done nothing to the US but has been a good friend in building a lot of companies”, complained that the “US just flew a plane over Taiwan” and that America was not “respectful” when speaking to China.
This is not typical anti-war rhetoric, but it is very typical of official Chinese propaganda.
What happened to Code Pink? The answer may lie with Communist China’s ability to buy influence in the United States through nonprofits. The David Horowitz Freedom Center had previously exposed the fact that key elements of China’s foreign influence operations, including the Confucius Institute, operate as nonprofits. Even as other branches of the government were fighting the Confucius Institute, the IRS was enabling it to take tax-deductible donations.
The story of Code Pink’s transformation into a Beijing mouthpiece begins with Evans’ marriage to a Maoist millionaire named Neville Roy Singham. Born to a Sri-Lankan radical professor father affiliated with The Nation magazine who had palled around with Castro and to a Chinese academic mother, and raised in Chicago, Singham’s story had echoes of Obama.
Unlike Obama, Singham made a fortune in business before selling it all and moving to China. A recent donation to New York City Councilwoman Kristin Richardson Jordan, a ‘democratic socialist’ and police defunder who sent a message of condolence to the murderer of two police officers, was marked Shanghai, China.
In a letter to The Nation from Shanghai, Singham boasted that “thankfully, the US will not be the dominant economic force in the world”.
Singham didn’t just marry Evans, his nonprofits have provided $1.4 million: a quarter of Code Pink’s budget. And the husband of Code Pink’s co-founder operates from a Shanghai office that he shares with the Maku Group whose red and yellow offices commemorate the “centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China” based on the “little red light of stars” and now sets out as a “revolutionary force” that “sets out from the East, to connect the world”.
The walls are decorated with Maoist slogans such as “criticism and self-criticism” and “collectivism” as part of its mission of creating content for “progressive think tanks.”
The New York Times describes how “Maku’s website shows young people gathering in Singham’s office, facing a red banner that reads, in Chinese, ‘Always Follow the Party.’ Resting on a shelf is a plate depicting Xi.” Maku has received millions from a Singham nonprofit.
Indicating the scale of the problem, allegedly, “hundreds of millions of dollars” flowed around groups that “mix progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points.”
A complicated pathway leads through nonprofits such as the People’s Support Foundation, and the People’s Forum, a Manhattan Garment District storefront decorated with Cuban, PLO and Venezuelan flags where copies of Castro’s speeches and ‘China’s Great Road’ are sold, as strands in a web linking American and Indian leftists to a Chinese propaganda network.
One of Singham’s nonprofits, the Justice and Education Fund, is headed by David Chung, originally an illegal alien activist, whose grandiose Manhattan address is really a UPS store.
In 2021, authorities in India raided the offices of a site named NewsClick which they alleged was really a Chinese propaganda network. The Justice and Education Fund, one of several Singham nonprofits, was allegedly funding the company behind it.
“If you see the funding network of NewsClick, it was funded by a foreigner, Neville Roy Singham and he gets funds from China. Neville Roy Singham has direct contact with the propaganda arm of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese media company Maku Group,” Communications Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar warned.
While Indian authorities have acted, the IRS has remained silent. As has the DOJ.
Singham and his organizations haven’t bothered to obtain FARA registration despite allegedly coordinating with Chinese Communist organizations.
His network has responded to questions by accusing critics of “McCarthyism” and launching a new “Red Scare”. in a statement signed by Code Pink, along with several of Singham’s nonprofits, the ANSWER Coalition and the NYC Young Communist League.
Is it really a ‘red scare’ when you’re openly Communists?
Other signatories include Medea Benjamin, Roger Waters, Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Rania Khalek, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Robin Kelley and an assortment of the anti-American far Left.
In her interview with a Chinese Communist outlet, Code Pink’s Evans claimed that “one of the things we’re doing is having an American make a film for PBS, which is the public broadcasting network funded by Congress. And it’s been censored in the US.”
The film, ‘Voices from the Frontlines: China’s War on Poverty’ was co-produced with CGTN, a Chinese propaganda outlet that is registered as a foreign agent, and funded by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, an investment banker who received the China Reform Friendship Medal from the Chinese Communist Party and spoke at the launch of Xi’s book. The Kuhn Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has also produced ‘China’s Challenges’ with the Shanghai Media Group.
China’s Challenges did air on PBS and won an Emmy.
These are only a few of the examples of how nonprofits which enjoy tax-deductible status and potentially benefit from taxpayer-sponsored donations promote Chinese propaganda.
Lenin was described as jibing, “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” America is not only buying the rope, but we’re giving it tax-deductible status.
The IRS has turned a blind eye to the abuse of nonprofit status to push enemy propaganda. And that makes the Internal Revenue Service complicit in a national security threat.
Any strategy to defeat China must also include reforming the IRS and enforcing the law.