Fox News Under Attack
By Todd Strandberg
There are about 100 million people in America that visit some form of news outlet each day. The left controls about 90% of all the news produced by these sources. You would think the liberal media would be very satisfied having such massive control over the news.
The News program called Fox News is an endless source of interest by the other news outlets. The left acts like Fox has 90% of the followers and they are the ones with only a 10% voice.
Fox News only has a 4% chunk of the news market; liberals focus on it because the second conservative news organization is unknown. The other 6% is made of thousands of sites that don’t have any major influence.
When Rupert Murdoch founded Fox News in 1996 with Roger Ailes, he had an instant cash cow. All the other major news organizations had a leftist bias. By hiring major personalities from conservative talk radio, Fox quickly drained CNN of a large part of its audience. CNN allowed its conservative audience to be pilfered because it refused to create right-wing content to keep them.
Fox News is a small portion of the larger Fox Corporation but makes nearly half the company’s earnings. It’s amazing that some other billionaire has not seen the possibility of starting another conservative news network that would put Fox News to shame.
There may have been several rich people who entertained the idea, but I’m sure Satan whispered in their ears, saying it would be too big of a risk. There must be 1,000 casinos out in Las Vegas, but someone is always thinking that the city could use one more.
The left’s absolute fixation with Fox News defies many forms of logic. I have not watched CNN and MSNBC in years. I don’t even know where they are on my channel list. Because anything said on Fox can be used to attack the network, there have to be people at major networks whose job is to watch Fox News all day.
I don’t care about why Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News. My attention is focused on the impact it has on the news business. Carlson is important because he reveals a situation that no other reporter would cover. His family has long been in the news world, and Carlson saw himself as purest when it comes to reporting the news.
There is now a guideline that everyone at Fox News needs to follow. You don’t talk about hot-button issues that can cause financial trouble for the network. One of the reasons why Fox settled with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million is because, in a trial, Dominion’s legal team would play videos of Carlson questioning the voter fraud claims.
The legal system has become weaponized by the left, and Fox could face more lawsuits. The network is so demonized, Democratic judges will set aside their pledge for fairness and let the flimsiest case against Fox go to trial.
One major problem I have with several of the Fox News reporters is that they just narrate the left’s destruction of America. Carlson would find a problem and apply pressure to stop it. If some company wanted all its employees to celebrate a transgender day, Carlson could generate 1,000 angry emails or letters from his 3 million viewers.
The vast majority don’t do anything to combat evil. If just 0.1% of the population became more involved, we could turn the tide on many social issues. If you allow the enemy to win battles, the landscape can quickly change. About 20 years ago, not a single company would say we support gay pride events. Today, only a handful of firms will refuse to fly the rainbow flag.
When I was a teenager, I wondered what people in the USSR thought of the news they were getting from the government. I’m sure it was mostly sunshine propaganda lies that focused on good news. There was no hiding the fact that the USSR was falling apart. Never mind that we had a bumper onion crop. Why are we having to import wheat from America?
We headed toward the point where the American news media will be equal to the USSR. We will be worse off because, unlike many citizens of the USSR, we will know we are being fed lies.
During the tribulation, there won’t be any news organization that is not controlled by the government. The current sad state of news tells me that we are not far from information tyranny. The reporters can come and go at a News channel. In the end, God runs the show. For several years now, He has used one single news network to keep the enemies of truth off balance.
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7).
— Todd
Image Credit: © Vladyslav Yushynov