Darkness Descending Upon America
Biden bans incandescent light bulbs.
By Robert Spencer
Old Joe Biden and his sinister handlers are doing just what they threatened to do. On July 5, 2020, Old Joe’s Twitter ghostwriter tweeted: “We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.” They have done so. They have transformed the nation that was once known as the leader of the free world into a crime-ridden, open-borders free-for-all where opponents of the regime are arrested on bogus charges. Meanwhile, there seems to nothing that Biden’s handlers won’t do in order to torment Americans and fill their lives with petty annoyances: now they are banning incandescent light bulbs. What’s next? FBI agents standing on streetcorners and poking us with sharp sticks?
Fox News reported Saturday that Biden and his henchmen are “preparing to implement a sweeping nationwide ban on commonly used light bulbs as part of its energy efficiency and climate agenda.” Yes, the nation is going to go dark because of a hysterical junk science myth. “No credible scientific body,” wrote energy and environmental researcher Michael Shellenberger in 2019, “has ever said climate change threatens the collapse of civilization, much less the extinction of the human species.” In fact, the whole idea that temperatures are rising to catastrophic levels is based on circular reasoning. But the Biden regime is all in on the climate change myth, and as always, ordinary Americans are the ones who have to pay the price.
You may recall that we have been here before. Barack Obama banned incandescent light bulbs, and the Trump administration rolled back that ban in Sept. 2019. Fox notes that the Department of Energy (DOE) devised the new restrictions to reverse Trump’s action back in April 2022, meanwhile, and adds that Trump himself “was also personally opposed to LED light bulb adoption, remarking in 2019 that they are often more expensive, not good and make him ‘look orange.’” Ah, so that’s it! How can we all properly hate the Left’s Emmanuel Goldstein if we keep seeing him in lighting that doesn’t show him as Bad Orange Man?
The new rules go into effect on Aug. 1, so you still have some time to stock up on the good light bulbs, if you can find any. According to Fox, the DOE “will begin full enforcement of the ban on that date, but it has already urged retailers to begin transitioning away from the light bulb type and, in recent months, begun issuing warning notices to companies.” The way the Biden regime is going, if a store is selling incandescent light bulbs after Aug. 1, watch for ATF or FBI agents to come bursting through the door, armed to the teeth, pointing their guns at dumbfounded, slack-jawed clerks and screaming: “Throw down your light bulb and back away from the cash register!”
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm assures us that all this petty authoritarianism is for our own good: “The lighting industry is already embracing more energy efficient products, and this measure will accelerate progress to deliver the best products to American consumers and build a better and brighter future.” Yeah, authoritarian socialist regimes that arrest their political opponents are always building toward a better future, but it never seems to arrive. Journalist Mindy Robinson tweeted Sunday: “They can make lightbulbs that would last longer than I’ll be alive…but they won’t do it because ‘repeat business.’ Now this tyrannical regime wants to ban incandescents and push LEDs…which are garbage, distort colors, and give people like me headaches.”
Rising gas prices, rising food prices, rising crime, and now enforced harsh lighting in order to feed the regime’s climate fantasies. Are Biden’s handlers intentionally trying to annoy the American people? If they actually had that as a goal, would they be doing anything different from what they’re doing now? It is a constant of history: the Leftist regimes that are the most inhuman and inflict the most suffering upon their own citizens are those that most loudly proclaim how dedicated they are to the welfare of the people and how humane and democratic they are.
That’s why the Soviet Union was the workers’ paradise, and the appalling hellscape that is North Korea calls itself the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Biden’s America is not quite that far along yet; we just have the corrupt and authoritarian kleptocrats in Washington constantly nattering at us about how they’re saving “our democracy.” Sure they are. That’s why they’re nodding in approval as the leading critic of the regime is arrested on charges that wouldn’t have gotten anyone else arrested. As we sit in darkness or harsh institutional lighting in our apartments and eat our bugs, we can contemplate how selfless and wonderful the guardians of our democracy really are.