Biden’s Speech Was the 2020 Playbook All Over Again
“Orange Man Bad” is the only strategy Democrats have.
By Mark Lewis
I personally wasn’t as alarmed — caveat at the end of this article — at Joe Biden’s September 1 speech in front of Independence Hall as some people I’ve listened to. Maybe I should have been, but as a historian, I’m used to politicians talking through their backsides and most people ignoring them — usually with good reason. Yes, the speech was a bit over the top in its rhetoric. Yes, it was horribly hypocritical for a President who, in his inaugural address said he wanted to unify Americans, to label half the country as extremists just because they don’t vote for him. It is also unutterably ridiculous to call for “unity” among Americans because that is manifestly impossible. How are we ever going to unite on, say, abortion when dozens of millions of Americans believe it is the murder of innocent babies and dozens of millions wouldn’t care if the baby was murdered outside the womb? Hard to compromise and unify on that. Or child-mutilation. Or a few hundred other areas we disagree on. So, in that sense, we saw the real Joe Biden in his Philadelphia speech, the one who knows most Americans will follow him only if an F-15 is parked outside their front door.
And yes, Biden barked the word “democracy” (31 times) all the while implying that, if MAGA Republicans exercise their democratic right to vote — and win — America will end up being a fascist state. Actually, there is some historical precedent for this. Adolf Hitler, in 1933, did come to power democratically and then proceeded to establish his one-party dictatorship. There is absolutely zero chance of that happening if the Republicans gain control of either or both houses of Congress this year, but Biden’s rhetoric will appeal to his zero-IQ choir. “Election deniers” are a threat to our democracy as long as they aren’t Democrats named Hillary Clinton or Stacy Abrams. Lots of people understand that, but don’t be deceived; millions don’t.
I’ll admit I was also a bit, um, perplexed at the mood surrounding the speech. What was that red lighting stuff all about? Being a nice, naïve soul, I simply have trouble believing Biden’s handlers were trying to capture a gates of hell ambiance. But I don’t hang around with monsters, demons, and Nazis, and there might have indeed been an attempt to psychologically intimidate the viewers. I’m too stupid to be intimidated like that, but maybe lots of folks aren’t. Or maybe Biden’s people are too stupid to realize how horrid the picture was. Or maybe they just like red and bribed a couple of Marines to stand behind Biden with promises of booze and women after they slept through his performance. I don’t know the answer to this one.
The reason I wasn’t especially startled or in angst about Biden’s speech is that it appeared to me to be a totally political screed, a reprise of his 2020 campaign. That campaign was built solely on attacking Donald Trump. What did Biden campaign for in 2020 (he barely got out of his basement)? But when he did drool, what did he promise? Well, ok, he promised to destroy the oil, natural gas, and coal industries, but nobody believed him (it turns out we should have). I think he also inarticulated some refuse about giving college administrators billions more dollars by relieving their serfs of the debt they owe, thereby relieving middle class taxpayers of more of their hard-earned money, one of the Democrats’ most cherished ideals. But mainly, the Democrats in 2020 campaigned on one cause — “Orange Man bad.” And…it worked. Biden got elected (by hook or crook) and the Democrats gained control of both houses of Congress. It was a good plan if only because it worked. In politics, winning is the name of the game. No, it’s everything.
So, the 2022 game plan, so announced in Philadelphia, becomes EXACTLY the same as it was in 2020 — run against Donald Trump. We won in 2020 doing that, and maybe we can win again doing it in 2022. The Democrats certainly have absolutely nothing else to run on. They can’t campaign on the economy, not with inflation, gas prices, and empty store shelves caused by their policies, and for which they have no answers, decimating American families. How can you have answers to failed policies you believe in? Foreign affairs victories are non-existent. The Taliban are waving guns we left them and the Chinese Communists are laughing in our faces, about to take over a friend of ours, Taiwan. Well, we do waste billions of taxpayer dollars trying to protect Ukraine’s borders. Not sure the Dems will gain much mileage on that one outside of Mitch McConnell’s office. Further, the country is being overrun by philistines from the rest of the world, bringing in disease and youth-killing drugs. All they have to do is be able to swim — or walk. Not a word from Biden and the Democrats about that one. Plus, more Americans are killing each other than ever before, and it isn’t with assault weapons. And that is happening in Democratic Party-run cities. Children are being barbarically mutilated by utterly amoral rodents and fiends in the name of a freakish, unscientific perversion and Democrats are all for that, too.
So, what can the Democrats campaign on, except on college campuses and in California and among freaks, mutants, and perverts?
Well, 81,000,000 Americans (supposedly) voted for Joe Biden in 2020. No, that’s not right. People voted AGAINST Donald Trump. At least, that’s what Biden believes, and, frankly, it’s probably true. (Indeed, did anyone, including his wife, really vote FOR Biden?) This is what Joe Biden’s speech was signaling to his party. “Hey, guys we ran on nothing in 2020. We only ran on how bad Donald Trump is. It worked. Let’s try it again.” It’s the strategy. What else have they got?
Joe Biden, who can barely speak 10 straight words coherently, is not an orator. He is a mean, stupid, incompetent man who hired a bunch of mean, stupid, incompetent people to help him. They wrote that Philadelphia speech. Most of them are probably dumb enough to believe it — that Republicans are an extremist, fascist threat to democracy (actually, Republicans are largely only a threat to themselves) — and they are hoping, hoping, hoping, by continuing to point at Donald Trump, that there are enough people in America dumb enough to believe it, too. Let’s hope they are wrong. November will tell.
Yet, I do add this warning. The left does scare me, folks, scares me to death. In the last 250+ years, they have butchered and massacred what amount to a least twice the total population of the United States—innocent people—in France, the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, North Korea, and every other communist hell-hole around the world (including aborted babies, add America’s total to that). If we think the left in America is different, we better think again. A leftist is a leftist is a communist is a murderer. We are better than they are and won’t do what they have done. But we better not be naïve, either, and we better be prepared to defend ourselves. I do believe Philadelphia was basically a campaign call to Democrats and further designed to rouse the base. But if Biden and the Democrats are, indeed, getting more and more serious in their vicious, violence-inciting rhetoric, then the rest of us have been given a wake-up call. The left kills people. History proves that, even in America. It’s no step at all from killing people inside the womb to killing them outside of it. Not if you have no conscience in the first place.