I Won’t Ask; You Shut Up About It
By Jack Kinsella
I am sick to death of the whole gay rights thing. I even issued instructions to focus less attention on gay-related stories. Not because I don’t think they are important or significant or worthy of note. I am just tired of the whole argument. It makes my head hurt.
And it’s hard to discuss it without my feeling uncomfortable. The whole discussion is born out of, exists over, and is maintained on the basis of sex. And how comfortable should anybody be discussing sex, especially an unnatural form of sex, in a public arena?
Sex used to be something that everybody did, but nobody talked about. It was an issue of privacy.
The whole ‘gay rights’ thing is about equality. If they want to be equal with heterosexuals, the first thing they should learn is to shut up about sex.
Heterosexuals are not stamped as such on their foreheads; a person is assumed heterosexual by default. This annoys the militant gays. Being ‘equal’ means ‘being the same as,’ and if there were no difference, there would be no default assumption. And since the default assumption is ‘heterosexual,’ then, by any reasonable definition, that would be the ‘normal’ (or default) orientation.
It logically follows that something else would be ‘abnormal’ — if we are to use the ‘normal’ understanding of the English language.
Leaving the sex part aside for the moment and looking instead at the movement, we find that ‘normal’ is a nonsense word. It has no meaning.
In the normal course of events, whole segments of the population DON’T mass together in parades to force other segments of the population to participate vicariously in their sexual proclivities. It just isn’t normal.
It isn’t normal to WANT to belong to an organization that doesn’t want you as a member. Normal men don’t want to be Girl Scout leaders. Normal parents wouldn’t send their daughters to Girl Scouts if there were.
But when one enters into the realm of gay rights, ‘normal’ becomes meaningless. Here is one example of normal turned upside down.
In 2003, a Florida student filed suit against a private Christian school that expelled him. Jeffrey Woodard, 18, says he was expelled for being homosexual.
According to the Florida Sun-Sentinel, Jeffrey’s mother, Carol Gload, “We were basically given three choices – to get counseling for his ‘problem,’ to voluntarily withdraw him, or he would be expelled,” Gload told the paper. “I didn’t think Jeffrey needed therapy … so when I explained he doesn’t need help for anything, he knows who he is, they … expelled him.”
The school in question is private and takes no federal funds. They therefore have the right to expel a homosexual student. The boy’s attorney’s acknowledge that fact, but say that doesn’t matter.
“We’re asking the court to make the school tell us why they expelled Jeffrey and to show us what their policies are on admitting gays as students at the school,” said Woodard’s attorney, Trent Steele, according to the Sun-Sentinel. “They have the right to discriminate, but what’s troubling to us is the way in which they discriminate.”
It seems that the private, Christian school didn’t spell out its policy on admitting homosexuals, and that has gay rights attorneys upset. (Maybe they think this is a Christian school that DOESN’T have a Bible?)
Plus there are all the usual suspects, making all the usual arguments; “This is the fear gays and lesbians have, that ‘I can’t tell them I’m gay because I’m going to be fired,’” Tony Plakas, president of Compass Palm Beach County Gay and Lesbian Community Center in West Palm Beach, is quoted by the paper as saying. “Even though we pass ordinances and laws to try to help curb that discrimination, the fact is people feel that inside, and they feel that because of instances like this.”
Of course, this has NOTHING to do with a homosexual student being asked to leave a private Christian school. It’s just the spin cycle on ‘high’.
This isn’t about somebody getting fired for telling their boss they were gay. And that’s the whole point. In a normal world, why would anyone want to?
I am fifty-one years old. Not once have I feared telling someone I was a heterosexual. Because I don’t believe that anybody has ever asked me. If asked, I think I’d probably be a bit offended and snap, “It’s none of your business” – because it isn’t.
It’s not normal to discuss something that intimate in a public forum. It’s not normal to ask.
The spin here is that normal is not, and abnormal is, and that the rejection of the abnormal in favor of the normal as a matter of personal and private choice is somehow discriminatory.
The normal discourse has been stood on its head. One can’t even discuss it without being labeled ‘homophobic’ – and if one chooses NOT to discuss it, well, that’s ‘homophobic’ as well.
The Bible is pretty clear. It says the practice of homosexual sex is a sin. The same Bible also says the practice of heterosexual sex outside of marriage is a sin.
In both cases, it is between the practitioners and their God.
I am neither. I don’t need to know. So unless you WANT to hear what the Bible says about it, don’t ask. And unless you WANT to hear me say I don’t think it’s normal, stop telling me it is.
And if you want to be treated equally, try this.
Shut up about it.
This Letter was written by Jack Kinsella on October 23, 2003.