Chariots of the Gods?
By Jack Kinsella
There exists a more-or-less universal human memory of strange, god-like creatures, such as the centaurs and minotaurs and giants in the mythical past.
The centaur was half-man and half-horse and in Greek mythology, was the offspring of the god Apollo and Stilbe, daughter of the river-god Peneus.
In addition to centaurs, the ancient Greeks also worshipped Harpys, Mermaids, Satyrs, etc,. all of which were depicted as half-human, half-animal hybrids.
The centaur, Chiron, was celebrated among the Greeks for his master of music, medicine and archery. Hercules, Achilles and Jason, all heroes of Greek mythology, were said to have been educated by Chiron.
The Romans had similar gods, goddesses and hybrids in their own mythology, as did a number of other ancient pagan religions.
Virtually all the ancient mythologies agree that the pantheon of gods interacted directly with mortals, bestowing special powers and skills to those mortals that they took a fancy to.
There is an old saying to the effect that, ‘where there is smoke, there is fire’. That is to say, the ancient mythologies arose from something — they simply didn’t just appear in the imagination of the ancients — especially since the same myths exist, with slight variations, in cultures separated by both oceans and centuries.
The Mayans worshipped Kukulcan, a winged god depicted as a serpent with feathers. The Mayans erected as his monument a pyramid, called the Pyramid of the Sun, which still exists in Teotihuacan.
Mayan mythology has a story of extraterrestrial gods who came to earth and made man in their own image. When they first created man, the story goes, he was perfect, living as long as the gods and having all of their abilities.
Fearing their ‘creation’, the gods destroyed them. In the next evolution, a lower form of entity was created, ‘human’, as he exists today.
The Mayan Kukulcan was worshipped as the deity responsible for the arts of civilization, including codes of law, agriculture, fishing and medicine.
Kukulcan was also known to the Aztecs of Peru as Quetzalcoatl, meaning, ‘feathered snake’. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included human sacrifices, and they believed that the surest way to enter heaven was to commit suicide.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Atheists love to point at man’s mythological past, make comparisons to Bible stories about creation and the fall of man, and conclude that the Bible is just another effort by the ancients to use mythology to explain our origins.
While most of the ancient legends contain common threads — the belief in a world-wide Flood, the concept of heaven as a dwelling place for the gods, divine messengers, etc., — their deities are uniquely evil, their doctrines bloodthirsty, their gods and goddesses responsible for imparting secret knowledge to a select few humans.
They argue that the God of the Bible is nothing more than a religious system that borrowed its theology from mythology. Christians would (accurately) argue that the reverse is true.
Still, there are those universal memories of hybrid demi-gods — they had to have come from somewhere. And it is obvious that the pagans didn’t borrow their theology from the Bible.
But when one compares the mythology of the ancients to the explanation afforded by the Book of Enoch, one comes up with another possible explanation for the ‘mighty men of old, the men of renown’ who taught the ancients astrology, mathematics, construction, but who were also bloodthirsty predators who practiced the doctrines of demons.
I am not saying that the Book of Enoch has not been corrupted over the millennia, but what I am saying is that there must be some explanation for the advanced knowledge exhibited by the Great Pyramid, or the Mayan temples, or the shared memory of mythical hybrid creatures.
One can argue all day about whether God exists, or whether the ancients had actually encountered space aliens, or whatever explanation one wants to dream up, but there is only one explanation that fits the known and the unknown together with Scripture.
“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.” (Genesis 6:2)
Their offspring, according to Enoch, were the Nephilim, angelic hybrids giants who possessed the ancient knowledge of their fathers. According to Enoch, they “sinned against birds and beasts and reptiles and fish”; they taught charms and enchantments, root-cuttings, astrology, metallurgy, weapons, etc.
The Bible tells us of the giants in the earth then, — “and also after that.” The Book of Enoch tells us the angels (the Watchers) were confined after their sin, to be released after “seventy generations” — which brings the clock forward to approximately 7000 years from Adam.
The Apostle Jude confirms Enoch’s book as containing ‘prophecy’ and the Apostle John confirms their release (Revelation 9:2) and their identities (Revelation 9:11) during the Tribulation Period.
Ezekiel described the’ four living creatures’ (angels) he saw in great detail:
“The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel…As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.” (Ezekiel 1:13,18)
Read Ezekiel Chapter one in its entirety. Compare it to the descriptions in the accounts of modern UFO sightings and draw your own conclusions.
It its own way, the Book of Enoch confirms the Bible and offers a credible explanation for the gods and goddesses of history, the origin of the lost wisdom of the ancients, and helps explain Joshua’s references to the ‘gods which were before the Flood’ — without contradicting the Big Picture as presented by Scripture.
That doesn’t make Enoch a lost book of the Bible or a source of absolute doctrinal truth. There is no way of knowing how much of it was corrupted from the original, although Jude does say that there WAS an original.
As I’ve said a couple of times already, there are certain things that you just can’t ignore. You can try to explain them away, but there they are, just the same.
Ancient mythology, the pyramids, this generation’s fascination with UFO’s — and the thousands of documented ‘sightings’ and photos — they are real enough.
The hidden knowledge of the ancients is also real enough. The Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, the Mayan calendar, the Mayan temples and pyramids — they all attest to hidden knowledge for which there is no other explanation that fits the requirements of Scripture, logic, history and common sense.
According to Enoch, the ancients worshipped fallen angels and their offspring, the Nephilim. According to Genesis, there were giants in the earth then, — and also, ‘after that.’
And according to John, those angels will be released for a little season during the Tribulation.
Finally, according to Jesus Christ, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”
How does God describe the ‘days of Noah’?
“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5)
This Letter was written by Jack Kinsella on January 18, 2008.