Why Egg prices are HIGH?

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
If the hens are kept in a climate controlled facility they'll keep laying. We've never had an egg shortage in the country that I know of until now, so winter doesn't explain it. It's probably got something to do with wiping out millions of chickens due to avian flu issues.

I scored a couple dozen extra large eggs this last week. Sometimes when I go to the grocery store they have no eggs of any kind to sell. Fairbanks gets it's runofthemill eggs from the state of Washington. I don't know where the more expensive brands come from, aside from that they come from hens, of course.


Well-Known Member
Farm chickens really don’t have much feed cost if they are free range. I have 9 and feed them about 2/3 of a peach can a day of layer feed and alternating with scratch. Surprisingly :oops: the scratch is more expensive than the layer feed. Have some grit and calcium/oyster shell available for them. Lots of times I crush the eggs shells after cleaning the inside and letting them dry. That replaces the calcium and they seem to like it better.