The Secret to Bible Study


Well-Known Member
Back in 2010 I wrote an RF article on the subject of Bible study. (If anybody wants to read it, it is at .) But recently I wrote something on the same subject to be included as the introduction to a Christian author's forthcoming book which will be released later this month. It occurred to me (and to that author) that this particular introduction would be of value to the members of RF. So he has given me permission to remove references to his book and post the remainder here. I pray it helps somebody.

Theology, according to Wikipedia, "is the critical study of the nature of the divine." As long as we understand that the word "critical" as it is used in this statement does not mean "to find fault or to judge with severity" but rather means "to examine carefully so as to judge correctly," then this is a good definition.

Unfortunately, this idea of the "study of the divine nature"—in other words the “study of God"—has two flaws. The first is that most people view it as an academic discipline taught in seminaries and universities and, therefore, is something only for theologians. The second flaw is the idea that we can somehow "study" God by an application of intellect and reason.

Human beings have been searching after God and the meaning of life since the loss of the Garden of Eden. And that exploration has arrived at many fanciful ways of finding and pleasing the Creator. But they all have three things in common:
  1. they presume we have the ability to find the answer if we apply ourselves sufficiently;
  2. they consequently place upon us the responsibility for finding the answer;
  3. and they burden us with various types of self-effort in order to seek and please God (or—in some cases—become God),n and they impose some dire punishment if we fail.
Christianity stands alone. It is not the result of humankind seeking after God, but God seeking after humankind. It is not composed of rules and regulations that people must adhere to in order to find and please God; rather, it rests upon Christ's finished work at Calvary, where He paid the price for all of our sins—past, present and future—and did what humans could never do: make us pleasing and acceptable to God.

And God did not do this in secret or hide it from all but the eyes of the cleverest among us. Instead, over thousands of years, He progressively showed us not only who He was but what we are; He explained His purpose in creating us; He revealed the true scope of our condition and the seemingly insurmountable problem that eternally separated us from His Presence; and He gradually revealed to us the details of His plan for our restoration into fellowship with Him—both here and for eternity. And all of this is contained in one volume we call: The Bible.

The Bible and all it contains was given to us in order to teach each individual human being the things God wants us to know. But this library of documents cannot be "studied" in the sense of applying human reasoning and analysis. The Bible says that its truths are not capable of being understood intellectually, but only spiritually. (1 Corinthians 2:14) To be specific, while a person may gain some truths for living by reading its pages, only the person who has been born again by faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross—and is thus indwelt by the Holy Spirit—can truly understand, accurately discern, and properly evaluate what the Bible teaches.

This is why it is such a shame that people too often leave the deep study of the Bible to preachers and pastors, teachers and theologians. God gave it to every one of us; and the true Bible teacher is not the one who speaks in lofty theological terms, impressing us with his or her wisdom and depth of study, but the one who simply breaks the Bread of the Word and gives it to us so we ourselves may eat of it as we desire, digesting it as we are able, and growing spiritually strong and healthy—both in the knowledge of God as He reveals Himself, and in our walk as living letters from God to others.

Those who hunger for more of God will find that He opens up the Word in response to faithful seeking. His purpose is that we might experience His power for victorious living and dynamic service. The secret (if there is a secret to any of the things of God) is to approach the Bible prayerfully, with a humble heart and an open mind. God will honor your faith and lead you into all good things that glorify Him, as they bring you into an unimaginably close walk with Him—in this life … and the next.

Andy C

Well-Known Member
Those who hunger for more of God will find that He opens up the Word in response to faithful seeking. His purpose is that we might experience His power for victorious living and dynamic service. The secret (if there is a secret to any of the things of God) is to approach the Bible prayerfully, with a humble heart and an open mind. God will honor your faith and lead you into all good things that glorify Him, as they bring you into an unimaginably close walk with Him—in this life … and the next.
The whole post was awesome, and I especially like the quoted portion.

Thanks Adrian


Aspiring Man of God
I give both Adrian and Andy a big hearty "AMEN!"
God bless you both for the wisdom of humility of bending our knee to the One Who gives both wisdom and understanding freely.
Brother AL

Amen to this.

I was just thinking about asking about bible study itself (but I get self concious about asking too many questions on here :lol). I'll definitely read through the old thread. Thanks, Adrian!


Well-Known Member
This is a wonderful article, thank you...I was near 40 before I knew how to study the Bible..I attended churches that used different books for the messages, all the time, so I felt very confused and didn't understand how to use the timelines and connect it to the writers...I never had a clear picture of what actually had taken place..its so different for me now and I am grateful .of course I knew basic information, but they never seemed to stay in one of the books long enough for me to understand well enough.

Everlasting Life

Through Faith in Jesus
Great introduction!

...the true Bible teacher is not the one who speaks in lofty theological terms, impressing us with his or her wisdom and depth of study, but the one who simply breaks the Bread of the Word and gives it to us so we ourselves may eat of it as we desire, digesting it as we are able, and growing spiritually strong and healthy...

Yes! I think that those being taught in this manner will also digest more and take in deeply.

Those who hunger for more of God will find that He opens up the Word in response to faithful seeking.

It really is as simple as this. :nod. There have been times where I thought I was "randomly" going from one part of the bible to another only to be wonderfully surprised that in actuality there was an emerging theme and revelation. It was like God was taking me through and showing me some things I hadn't noticed before. It was really cool.

Had a friend ask me one time how I studied my bible, thinking I had a super special way. With a twinkle in my eye I grabbed my bible and said, "Here's what I do. I sit down, open it........and!!" She broke out laughing as she realized that there's no super special way to read the bible (although I did say that praying for God's Spirit to help give understanding is very helpful). I just wanted her to get the idea that it's a matter of simply taking time to read, just as we take time to eat every day.

I was just thinking about asking about bible study itself (but I get self concious about asking too many questions on here :lol).

Please ask questions!!! That generates great discussions. And, often others have similar questions. :)


Well-Known Member
A teacher that I've watched over the years said one thing that stuck with me..he said read your Bible over and over, through and through, so that when someone tells you something that's not correct you can know, I'm not there yet, and would need to look things up, but the message was clear about how important it is to know the Bible... I've been enjoying videos by Dave Hunt this weekend....he really gets into explanations about what happened in particular times in the interesting how current events regarding Israel are being reflected from their beginning..


Adrian, this is so valuable that I would like to post it on FB for my friends and family. Do I have your permission to do so? Of course I will not take credit for myself but either give your name or simply say someone else posted on a forum whichever you prefer.