The Jewish Talmud and the Bible


Is the Jewish Talmud considered a positive adjunct to the Bible and what does the Talmud say about Jesus Christ?


Well-Known Member
First let's both get on the same page.

Question: "What is the Talmud?"

Answer: The word “Talmud” is a Hebrew word meaning “learning, instruction.” The Talmud is a central text of mainstream Judaism and consists primarily of discussions and commentary on Jewish history, law (especially its practical application to life), customs and culture. The Talmud consists of what are known as the Gemara and the Mishnah.

In addition to the inspired written Hebrew scriptures, which Christians call the Old Testament, Judaism has an "Oral Torah" which is a tradition explaining what these scriptures mean and how to interpret them and apply the laws. Orthodox Jews believe God taught this Oral Torah to Moses, and to others, down to the present day.

What is the Talmud?

Are you wanting to know what the Talmud may contain about the Messiah outside what we know of in the Old Testament?

Christianity does not consider the Talmud to be inspired in the same sense that the 66 books of the biblical canon are “God breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). While some of the teachings from the Talmud may be “compatible” with biblical teachings, the same can be said for many different writings from many different religions. For the Christian, the study of the Talmud can be a great way to learn more about Jewish tradition, history, and interpretation, but the Talmud is not to considered the authoritative Word of God.


Active Member
Jesus In The Talmud

Insults Against Blessed Mary, Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a *****: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

"Jesus was a bastard born of adultery." (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).

"Mary was a *****: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man." (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).

"Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress". (Shabbath 104b, p.504).

Jesus in the Talmud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
The Talmud is exactly as described in Hannah's post. And while it may, as her article states, contain some teachings that "may be compatible with biblical teachings", it is merely a collection of the thoughts of men, most of whom did not know God in truth, but attempted through intellectual means to comprehend Him. As a result, much of its wisdom actually twists God's Word. The Talmuds (there are actually two of them, differing in some content and emphasis) were written a couple of hundred years after Christ. They actually are a preservation in written form of the oral teachings of the leading rabbis whom Jesus criticized for their error.