The Bible on How to Treat Women


Freed By Christ to Serve Christ
What Almost Heaven stated, from ( mirrors the thought of what I posted above with reference to a mans responsibility concerning his wife and women teaching in the church. Knowing about the pagan goddess cult is a perfect example of always seeking out background contexts before applying Scripture. It avoids false interpretation and in this case a man lording his authority over a woman. The fact is a woman should never have to teach a man if she is properly and spiritually fed by her husband. If that is not the case then she may need to teach him, but should do it at home, so as to not give the wrong biblical impression to others.The shamefulness should not be pictured as an embarrassed woman running away in shame but a picture of a woman who knew that men had a role given to them by God and she is trying to take that role to herself. Again, it goes back to the model of God being the giver of wisdom to man and he being obedient to give the same to his wife. The same sin would be seen if man was trying to teach God! Looking at our society we can see where that has gotten us!!!

For reference: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 NKJV
(34) Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.
(35) And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.


Freed By Christ to Serve Christ
not always true, from what I've seen...maybe there has been unseen issues tho
Either the man or the woman is not fulfilling their responsibility to God and each other. So if she has a wandering eye or a controlling spirit that defies his role she is in rebellion. But if both are fulfilling their roles toward God then they can work on the rebellious issues together. Now if they were unequally yoked and married because of sex or other reasons, and also not saved but saved later, then they have put themselves in a tough position. But I have to say I have met many couple in this position and they have told me that they were able to learn to love their mate because of their relationship to God.


Fellow Servant
Either the man or the woman is not fulfilling their responsibility to God and each other. So if she has a wandering eye or a controlling spirit that defies his role she is in rebellion. But if both are fulfilling their roles toward God then they can work on the rebellious issues together. Now if they were unequally yoked and married because of sex or other reasons, and also not saved but saved later, then they have put themselves in a tough position. But I have to say I have met many couple in this position and they have told me that they were able to learn to love their mate because of their relationship to God.
Right...I agree....with the first presumption. If they are both desiring to please the Lord then proper/biblical/selfless submission will take place


Worships Him
Question for everyone. Was this supposed to be a question about women teaching men at church, or am I still thinking back to a FB group with a similar question that puzzled me?