RCC Distortions

BackatchaMister......You have just expressed most of my faith walk of the past 55 years.....
My high light is that I experienced a beautiful fellowship of ( mostly) true believers from 1979 thru 2003.
The Pastor, Diego Flores ( 40 years) of the church was my mentor for the last 25 of those years and a man who
absolutely loved the Lord and His word. After his retirement, ( He lied about retiring....he went on ministering the Gospel
for another 20 years in another State) a New guy came in, totally unequipped,
biblically illiterate and into some goofy teaching, and you know the results.
Everyone went for the door. (Part of the "Falling Away" I believe)

My Prayer Is: When and where Lord, am I ever going to find again a Pastor and True Believer ( fellowship)
that claim to love the Lord, have a deep understanding of the "last days of the Church Age", love Israel,
were I am able to share my most deepest biblical convictions without condemnation, find believers who are
looking forward to the immanent Rapture, are interested in Gods Prophetic Word, and can rightly divide the scriptures,
people who live Godly lives, and are Happy about doing so, people who actually believe ones salvation is an
eternal gift, unearned thru works, and provided by the sacrificial death, and resurrection from the grave.
Most if not all of the churches within 30 miles of me are dead, or have gone the Seeker Sensitive,
Progressive Reality, or NAR route. I could go on and on, but I have a deep belief and understanding, that you can
finish the story line.
Thanks for your response.
Love You Muchly Mister (Jaybird)
I empathize with you on the search for decent church. We moved to a different state and as many people have stated in these forums finding a decent church is like looking for a needle in a haystack! When you are in a good place you just take it for granted. Our previous pastor is an excellent teacher and I miss his sermons. Our new church is okay. The pastor has his heart in the right place and his teaching is biblical. There are plenty of "Laodicean" churches to choose from with huge campuses and multiple locations. I'm not knocking big churches, but having visited some of these all I can say is that it felt like a big show. The Scripture tells us that in the last days church apostasy will be the norm so it comes as no surprise. Many people choose to attend a service online with a reputable pastor due to the scarcity of trustworthy churches. It is a sad reality of the times we are in. Good luck.
Former Catholic here.

Catholics don't worship Mary or other saints, it's really more subtle and seductive than that.
But the practice of trying to get saints to pray for you violates the principle of Christ as sole mediator.

Christ himself told us to pray to our Father in Heaven, not His mother or other saints.
As another former Catholic, it is apparent that “Mary” (or their version of her) is the most prominent figure in all of Roman Catholicism. She is the one front and center in most - if not all - of their religious rites, ceremonies, dedication, prayers, and religious activities. No other religious entity on the globe worships this “Mary” as much as the RCC.

Popes - such as Francis, John Paul II, and a host of others - have dedicated their servitude while being the “holy father” to their Mary. One would think that since the pontiffs make the false claim of being God on Earth or the “Vicar of Christ” that their allegiance would be more to God the real Holy Father or to Jesus Christ. But, no, they look to Mary. And they direct their faithful to do the same. Of course they blatantly lie that they do not “worship” her, but their actions prove otherwise.

Most Catholics prayers are prayed to Mary - via the Rosary - even though she can't hear a single prayer. Most Catholic homes and all of their places of WORSHIP have porcelain figurines of Mary, with votive candles lit before these graven images. A “votive” candle shows their devotion or vows of dedication to the being the candle is placed in front of. Many Latino countries name their daughters Maria in honor of the Roman Catholic Mary. Repeatedly, in RCC worship and praying, God/Jesus Christ takes a back seat to the “Queen of Heaven” - a false religious, pagan deity that God detested the worship and honor given to this being, as can be read in Jeremiah 7 & 44.

Roman Catholicism is truly the cult of this Mary, with other sub-cults being the worship of the Jesus wafer in their Eucharistic Adoration idolatry rites; the sub-cult of the popes as mentioned being God on Earth, a stand-in for Jesus Christ, a “holy father”, infallible in his proclamations; and finally the sub-cult of the “Holy Mother Church” being the means of salvation.

It is little wonder then that this false representation of Christ's Church will be utterly decimated by God, as can be read in Revelation 17. All descriptors in John's revelation of this religious whore squarely point to the RCC. It is not of God but a counterfeit of Satan. God will have the 10 kings aligned with the beast system to destroy this false church that repeatedly elevates their version of Mary to a position and attributes that clearly Scripture does not support. Nor would it. Catholics are forever breaking the first two commandments of God (Exodus 20:3,4) in what they do with Mary, just as Satan would have them do: place someone or something before them in worship and prayer instead of God; and, to pray to graven images of her in their homes or churches, or dress up and parade around with these graven images while tossing rose petals before these images of Mary.

If that doesn't qualify as false worship or allegiance to, then nothing would. And the father of lies loves every bit of it.
I empathize with you on the search for decent church. We moved to a different state and as many people have stated in these forums finding a decent church is like looking for a needle in a haystack! When you are in a good place you just take it for granted. Our previous pastor is an excellent teacher and I miss his sermons. Our new church is okay. The pastor has his heart in the right place and his teaching is biblical. There are plenty of "Laodicean" churches to choose from with huge campuses and multiple locations. I'm not knocking big churches, but having visited some of these all I can say is that it felt like a big show. The Scripture tells us that in the last days church apostasy will be the norm so it comes as no surprise. Many people choose to attend a service online with a reputable pastor due to the scarcity of trustworthy churches. It is a sad reality of the times we are in. Good luck.
I have been studying at home alone for years now. I can't find a church that seems to have read I Corinthians. The Corinthians didn't know anything and had to be told everything. Everything you need to know to have church is in there. If a church would set it self up according to the commands there we would see the miracles come back.
As another former Catholic, it is apparent that “Mary” (or their version of her) is the most prominent figure in all of Roman Catholicism. She is the one front and center in most - if not all - of their religious rites, ceremonies, dedication, prayers, and religious activities. No other religious entity on the globe worships this “Mary” as much as the RCC.

Popes - such as Francis, John Paul II, and a host of others - have dedicated their servitude while being the “holy father” to their Mary. One would think that since the pontiffs make the false claim of being God on Earth or the “Vicar of Christ” that their allegiance would be more to God the real Holy Father or to Jesus Christ. But, no, they look to Mary. And they direct their faithful to do the same. Of course they blatantly lie that they do not “worship” her, but their actions prove otherwise.

Most Catholics prayers are prayed to Mary - via the Rosary - even though she can't hear a single prayer. Most Catholic homes and all of their places of WORSHIP have porcelain figurines of Mary, with votive candles lit before these graven images. A “votive” candle shows their devotion or vows of dedication to the being the candle is placed in front of. Many Latino countries name their daughters Maria in honor of the Roman Catholic Mary. Repeatedly, in RCC worship and praying, God/Jesus Christ takes a back seat to the “Queen of Heaven” - a false religious, pagan deity that God detested the worship and honor given to this being, as can be read in Jeremiah 7 & 44.

Roman Catholicism is truly the cult of this Mary, with other sub-cults being the worship of the Jesus wafer in their Eucharistic Adoration idolatry rites; the sub-cult of the popes as mentioned being God on Earth, a stand-in for Jesus Christ, a “holy father”, infallible in his proclamations; and finally the sub-cult of the “Holy Mother Church” being the means of salvation.

It is little wonder then that this false representation of Christ's Church will be utterly decimated by God, as can be read in Revelation 17. All descriptors in John's revelation of this religious whore squarely point to the RCC. It is not of God but a counterfeit of Satan. God will have the 10 kings aligned with the beast system to destroy this false church that repeatedly elevates their version of Mary to a position and attributes that clearly Scripture does not support. Nor would it. Catholics are forever breaking the first two commandments of God (Exodus 20:3,4) in what they do with Mary, just as Satan would have them do: place someone or something before them in worship and prayer instead of God; and, to pray to graven images of her in their homes or churches, or dress up and parade around with these graven images while tossing rose petals before these images of Mary.

If that doesn't qualify as false worship or allegiance to, then nothing would. And the father of lies loves every bit of it.
The word Catholic means all encompassing. Christianity is very exclusive. One God in three manifestations.
I remember the first time I heard about the immaculate conception and then many years later when it was further stated that Mary's mother had an IC, it made me roll my eyes. There have surely been several rolling eyes moments as it pertains to Mariology and Catholic paganism/dogma. Hard to believe the Word is so plain and their works religion is so wrong, but they cannot see it.
As another former Catholic, it is apparent that “Mary” (or their version of her) is the most prominent figure in all of Roman Catholicism. She is the one front and center in most - if not all - of their religious rites, ceremonies, dedication, prayers, and religious activities. No other religious entity on the globe worships this “Mary” as much as the RCC.

Popes - such as Francis, John Paul II, and a host of others - have dedicated their servitude while being the “holy father” to their Mary. One would think that since the pontiffs make the false claim of being God on Earth or the “Vicar of Christ” that their allegiance would be more to God the real Holy Father or to Jesus Christ. But, no, they look to Mary. And they direct their faithful to do the same. Of course they blatantly lie that they do not “worship” her, but their actions prove otherwise.

Most Catholics prayers are prayed to Mary - via the Rosary - even though she can't hear a single prayer. Most Catholic homes and all of their places of WORSHIP have porcelain figurines of Mary, with votive candles lit before these graven images. A “votive” candle shows their devotion or vows of dedication to the being the candle is placed in front of. Many Latino countries name their daughters Maria in honor of the Roman Catholic Mary. Repeatedly, in RCC worship and praying, God/Jesus Christ takes a back seat to the “Queen of Heaven” - a false religious, pagan deity that God detested the worship and honor given to this being, as can be read in Jeremiah 7 & 44.

Roman Catholicism is truly the cult of this Mary, with other sub-cults being the worship of the Jesus wafer in their Eucharistic Adoration idolatry rites; the sub-cult of the popes as mentioned being God on Earth, a stand-in for Jesus Christ, a “holy father”, infallible in his proclamations; and finally the sub-cult of the “Holy Mother Church” being the means of salvation.

It is little wonder then that this false representation of Christ's Church will be utterly decimated by God, as can be read in Revelation 17. All descriptors in John's revelation of this religious whore squarely point to the RCC. It is not of God but a counterfeit of Satan. God will have the 10 kings aligned with the beast system to destroy this false church that repeatedly elevates their version of Mary to a position and attributes that clearly Scripture does not support. Nor would it. Catholics are forever breaking the first two commandments of God (Exodus 20:3,4) in what they do with Mary, just as Satan would have them do: place someone or something before them in worship and prayer instead of God; and, to pray to graven images of her in their homes or churches, or dress up and parade around with these graven images while tossing rose petals before these images of Mary.

If that doesn't qualify as false worship or allegiance to, then nothing would. And the father of lies loves every bit of it.

To add to the excellent post SkyRider made. The RCC calls Mary "the Queen of Heaven." This was also the title that the Babylonians gave to their goddess Ishtar. Mary has also been referred to as a Co-Redemptrix or Co-redeemer with Christ. The title only received papal approval, however, during the 20th century. During the pontificate of Pope Pius X, the Holy See three times gave approval to prayers invoking Mary as co-redemptrix. Pope John Paul II publicly used the title “co-redemptrix” at least six times. Moreover, in a homily in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on Jan. 31, 1985, John Paul II spoke of the “co-redemptive role of Mary” (el papel corredentor de María), which can be translated as “the role of Mary as co-redemptrix.” The International Marian Association submitted a request to Pope Francis, asking for the public recognition of the title of Mary as "Co-Redemptrix with Jesus the Redeemer." The significance of the request, if it were to receive approval, is that the faithful would be given further clarity on Mary's unique role in cooperation with Christ in the work of redemption. A papal statement on Marian coredemption would deepen our understanding of Mary's role as the New Eve who collaborates with her Son, the New Adam, 'in giving back supernatural life to souls,'" he added, referring to the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium.

Thanks for enlightening me about Mary's role in the redemption of mankind. I'm speechless.
The thing that always astounded me is how Rome has to backwards engineer many of their doctrines. They literally have to create doctrines to fill in the gaps of their dogmas. They then have to fall back on the good old "we're right because we said we're right" . The Marion dogmas are a prime example.

I always have fun making fun of all the super powers they give poor Miriam.
They should make a super hero doll of the catholic Mary that has laser beam eyes and Kung fu grip. That Kung fu grip comes in handy when she's trying to hold on to the dashboard.

The word Catholic means all encompassing. Christianity is very exclusive. One God in three manifestations.
I've heard or read a few times where people make that assertion. I've never seen that word used in Scripure but it could possibly be in the Greek texts. Roman Catholicism is not biblical Christianity. It is not a part of Christendom. The popes like to deceive people into making them think that it is, but it is a false religious system, with pagan roots, covered in a thin veneer of a pseudo “Christian” facade, but it's core beliefs, doctrines and practices are unbiblical, unchristian and diabolically designed - designed to lure in, entrap its participants into a satanic bondage snare and to keep their faithful from making it into God's Kingdom.

If, as you say, the word Catholic means all encompassing or universal, then Roman Catholicism is truly a one world religion - all encompassing - with its headquarters in Rome, just as the Bible foretells, with a Roman pontiff exercising authority over all of its adherents.

Roman Catholics are not Christians. Born again Bible believers cannot stay in nor join the Roman Catholic religion. The two are mutually exclusive. The popes over the centuries have listed a multitude of anathemas or damnations against the true followers of Christ for believing in what we believe in from God's inerrant Word. They continually condemn us. That religion is satanic, pure and simple. I am a former Catholic after having been freed from their clutches by the Lord. I don't want any ties to that false religion. I have never read where Christ called new converts to Christianity “Catholics”. The Apostles never used that term when they spread the gospel. Catholics look to a religious system to save them; Christians look to the Lamb of God and a relationship with Jesus Christ to correctly save them.
We have a few Mary-ite churches around here

Many have Mary Gate of Heaven or Our Mother of Perpetual Help ... as their name. Such profound misplaced faith.

But they struggle because the Word in not in them, else they would see their error.
So Pray that they may see and understand the Word and have life.

Its about Jesus. There is no other name to call upon.

John 10:7 HCSB
So Jesus said again, “I assure you: I am the door of the sheep.

Matthew 28:20
teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Acts 4:11-12

11 This Jesus is

the stone rejected by you builders,
which has become the cornerstone.

12 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.”
Rome is called the city on seven hills. Revelation speaks of the seven mountains on which the woman sits, and her being destroyed in one hour. Will the Muslims nuke Rome? It sure seems like it to me. I hopefully won't be here, so what does it matter to me?
I remember the first time I heard about the immaculate conception and then many years later when it was further stated that Mary's mother had an IC, it made me roll my eyes. There have surely been several rolling eyes moments as it pertains to Mariology and Catholic paganism/dogma. Hard to believe the Word is so plain and their works religion is so wrong, but they cannot see it.
Mary is dead and her bones are in the ground somewhere. The saints are dead and their bones are in the ground somewhere. They can't hear your prayers or do anything for you. In Jesus Christ you can go directly to the Father and He will hear you. Why go anywhere else.
Rome is called the city on seven hills. Revelation speaks of the seven mountains on which the woman sits, and her being destroyed in one hour. Will the Muslims nuke Rome? It sure seems like it to me. I hopefully won't be here, so what does it matter to me?
Revelation 17 tells us:

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.”

It is God who directs the destruction of this false religious entity. And little wonder: the RCC has been masquerading as Christ's true church for about 1500 years and has caused great harm to the cause of Christ. Many souls have perished because of her devilish schemes and actions. It is interesting that God uses the 10 kings aligned with the beast to carry out His will.

My guess would be that this will occur midway thru the Trib. When the war happens in Heaven - imagine that, a spiritual war in Heaven - and Satan and his horde will be kicked out of Heaven, Satan indwells the antichrist, then the Tribulation goes into hyperdrive. The RCC by then will have served its purpose for Satan - uniting all religions to join the popes, propel the beast to his prominent role, and probably restart the papal Inquistions to destroy those who would not give allegiance to the AC.

At this point, Satan will want all worship directed to him. He won't want a religious phony trying to exercise any semblance of control over his agenda. It is interesting how the Lord will use an obviously evil organization of 10 world leaders working with the beast initially to carry out His desire to exercise judgment on this worldwide false religion. Could you imagine the real Mary returning with Christ at the second coming and to see what the RCC has done with her? All the shrines, cathedrals, churches named after, all the statues of her, all of the paganistic attributes that they have ascribed to her?

The judgment of the popes religion is long overdue, in my estimation. Most, if not all of us former Catholics, have family members and friends eternally suffering because of that satanic, deceiving system.