As another former Catholic, it is apparent that “Mary” (or their version of her) is the most prominent figure in all of Roman Catholicism. She is the one front and center in most - if not all - of their religious rites, ceremonies, dedication, prayers, and religious activities. No other religious entity on the globe worships this “Mary” as much as the RCC.
Popes - such as Francis, John Paul II, and a host of others - have dedicated their servitude while being the “holy father” to their Mary. One would think that since the pontiffs make the false claim of being God on Earth or the “Vicar of Christ” that their allegiance would be more to God the real Holy Father or to Jesus Christ. But, no, they look to Mary. And they direct their faithful to do the same. Of course they blatantly lie that they do not “worship” her, but their actions prove otherwise.
Most Catholics prayers are prayed to Mary - via the Rosary - even though she can't hear a single prayer. Most Catholic homes and all of their places of WORSHIP have porcelain figurines of Mary, with votive candles lit before these graven images. A “votive” candle shows their devotion or vows of dedication to the being the candle is placed in front of. Many Latino countries name their daughters Maria in honor of the Roman Catholic Mary. Repeatedly, in RCC worship and praying, God/Jesus Christ takes a back seat to the “Queen of Heaven” - a false religious, pagan deity that God detested the worship and honor given to this being, as can be read in Jeremiah 7 & 44.
Roman Catholicism is truly the cult of this Mary, with other sub-cults being the worship of the Jesus wafer in their Eucharistic Adoration idolatry rites; the sub-cult of the popes as mentioned being God on Earth, a stand-in for Jesus Christ, a “holy father”, infallible in his proclamations; and finally the sub-cult of the “Holy Mother Church” being the means of salvation.
It is little wonder then that this false representation of Christ's Church will be utterly decimated by God, as can be read in Revelation 17. All descriptors in John's revelation of this religious whore squarely point to the RCC. It is not of God but a counterfeit of Satan. God will have the 10 kings aligned with the beast system to destroy this false church that repeatedly elevates their version of Mary to a position and attributes that clearly Scripture does not support. Nor would it. Catholics are forever breaking the first two commandments of God (Exodus 20:3,4) in what they do with Mary, just as Satan would have them do: place someone or something before them in worship and prayer instead of God; and, to pray to graven images of her in their homes or churches, or dress up and parade around with these graven images while tossing rose petals before these images of Mary.
If that doesn't qualify as false worship or allegiance to, then nothing would. And the father of lies loves every bit of it.