rapture man
I would like to point out evidence ,that Psalms 83 is a likely near event.
First of all ,I believe that when God states in Ezekiel 39, that Gog will die on the mountains of Israel ,that He was not referring to the present day land mass of Israel today.
Please take note that a part of Jordan was a part of Israel in Ezekiel's day.
I recently discovered that Turkey is currently ( update: was completed awhile back) building a concrete wall all across its southern border next to Syria.
This wall has been completed
If Russia, Turkey were to destroy the wall ,for a purpose of attacking an unsuspecting people (Israel)
I would believe the attack would give Israel ample notice ,...in other words ,that not much of a sneak attack in my opinion.
But when I looked on a map,...(because of the wall) I realized, that Russia , Turkey, and Iran would have to enter through Iraq ,and Jordan in order to reach Israel.
So it is ,I believe ,that Gog will actually die in the mountainous regions of Bozrah, where the valley of Hamon-Gog is located east of the Dead Sea.
If I understand correctly , Ezekiel reveals that it would be the power from the utter most north that would attack Israel ,..it is not saying that this power would travel downward from North to South going through the Golan Heights.
If I am correct here ,...then it explains how it is possible for Israel to burn Gog's weapons for 7 nonstop Hebrew years, if Israel was already in possession of Jordan prior to Ezekiel 38.
I believe the burning of these weapons will begin the very day of Daniel 9;27.
And the weapons burning completed at the end of Daniels 70th week.
Logically ,when the Abomination of Desolation comes to pass ,...I'm thinking Israel would not flee to the mountainous regions of Bozrah if it did not already belong to Israel .
With that said ,I next looked at a map of current day Jordan ,and saw a population of millions near the dead Sea.
Which would suggest that something must have changed the current status quo.
Psalms 83 fulfills the required prerequisites of Ezekiel 38;11-15
First of all ,I believe that when God states in Ezekiel 39, that Gog will die on the mountains of Israel ,that He was not referring to the present day land mass of Israel today.
Please take note that a part of Jordan was a part of Israel in Ezekiel's day.
I recently discovered that Turkey is currently ( update: was completed awhile back) building a concrete wall all across its southern border next to Syria.
This wall has been completed
If Russia, Turkey were to destroy the wall ,for a purpose of attacking an unsuspecting people (Israel)
I would believe the attack would give Israel ample notice ,...in other words ,that not much of a sneak attack in my opinion.
But when I looked on a map,...(because of the wall) I realized, that Russia , Turkey, and Iran would have to enter through Iraq ,and Jordan in order to reach Israel.
So it is ,I believe ,that Gog will actually die in the mountainous regions of Bozrah, where the valley of Hamon-Gog is located east of the Dead Sea.
If I understand correctly , Ezekiel reveals that it would be the power from the utter most north that would attack Israel ,..it is not saying that this power would travel downward from North to South going through the Golan Heights.
If I am correct here ,...then it explains how it is possible for Israel to burn Gog's weapons for 7 nonstop Hebrew years, if Israel was already in possession of Jordan prior to Ezekiel 38.
I believe the burning of these weapons will begin the very day of Daniel 9;27.
And the weapons burning completed at the end of Daniels 70th week.
Logically ,when the Abomination of Desolation comes to pass ,...I'm thinking Israel would not flee to the mountainous regions of Bozrah if it did not already belong to Israel .
With that said ,I next looked at a map of current day Jordan ,and saw a population of millions near the dead Sea.
Which would suggest that something must have changed the current status quo.
Psalms 83 fulfills the required prerequisites of Ezekiel 38;11-15