On the brink: Unpacking Israel’s unilateral strike threat against Iran


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On the brink: Unpacking Israel’s unilateral strike threat against Iran
Israel has reaffirmed its capability for a preemptive strike on Iran, which would likely lead to a multifront war with serious ramifications for the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his threats against Iran on Sunday during a cabinet meeting held as part of a national war drill. “The reality in our region is changing rapidly. We are not stagnating. We are adapting our combat doctrine and our possibilities for action in keeping with these changes,” Netanyahu said at the meeting, which was held at an underground military bunker in Tel Aviv. “We are committed to acting against the Iranian nuclear program, against missile attacks … and against … what we call a multifront campaign.”

more......... https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-745470


Well-Known Member
On the brink: Unpacking Israel’s unilateral strike threat against Iran
Israel has reaffirmed its capability for a preemptive strike on Iran, which would likely lead to a multifront war with serious ramifications for the region.
“We are committed to acting against the Iranian nuclear program, against missile attacks … and against … what we call a multifront campaign.”
Sounds more and more like it's shaping up for the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17) combined with Jeremiah 49 which has a related passage to Isaiah 17 but ALSO contains a passage about the destruction of Elam--(modern Iran's south western coast, and mountains up into Iraq), which might mean that they are connected. That passage also links to the last half of Ezek 32 which starts at vs 17 and links many of the near neighbourhood enemies of Israel while referencing the destruction of Elam again.

By the time the passages in Ezek 32 (not Gog Magog in 38&39!) are compared with the groups of enemies in Jeremiah 49 the picture emerges that

the destruction of Elam -- a part of Iran today


the destruction of Damascus

might be related to a local war involving those 2


all of the groups involved in the Psalm 83 scenario: According to Bill Salus, that includes Hezbollah and Hamas, the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, and Egyptians.

Including Egypt which seems by the wording of Ezek 32 to be sucked in against her will in some way, getting caught up in the whole mess against Israel.

Ezekiel 32 includes: Syria is here along with Elam (part of Iran). Lebanon, southern Jordan, Turkey, and some entity called "the princes of the North" as well as Egypt. All in the news threatening Israel in some way, even Egypt which is playing both sides for and against Israel, much like Jordan does. Not sure how the Princes of the North play in, but if this is for today, and we are still here for it, we'll find out.

Jeremiah 49 includes: Elam (part of Iran), Damascus & surrounding areas ie Syria, north AND south Jordan. It includes a reference fulfilled in the past with Nebuchadnezzar dealing with Kedar and Hazor vs 28-33. But the rest of the chapter seems to possibly refer to some future destruction. V2 seems to describe how Jordan took the "West Bank" away from Israel at her birth in 1948 and may be fulfilled IF this is similar to what Bill Salus mentions in Psalm 83.

Elam of Iran is interesting because in the Ezekiel 32 passage v 24-25 this massive death of people comes about via TERRORISM or TERROR THREATS -- could that be the constant nuclear threats from Iran I wonder??? Take a look here. Bolded for special attention.

Ezek 32: 24-25
24 “Elam is there, with all her hordes around her grave. All of them are slain, fallen by the sword. All who had spread terror in the land of the living went down uncircumcised to the earth below. They bear their shame with those who go down to the pit. 25 A bed is made for her among the slain, with all her hordes around her grave. All of them are uncircumcised, killed by the sword. Because their terror had spread in the land of the living, they bear their shame with those who go down to the pit; they are laid among the slain.

That could have been taken from today's headlines. The terror threat to Israel right now is strongest from these nations, many of whom are acting for Iran such as Lebanon's Hezbollah, Damascus and Syria, Turkey (mentioned as Meshek and Tubal both found in Turkey today).

Egypt just tut tutted while one of their border guards murdered 3 Israeli border guards in an obvious terror attack. They may not be allied with Iran, but they are acting as terrorists. Turkey and Egypt both have odd mentions in this Ezek 32 passage. Turkey's warriors die without their armaments, almost as if they are caught by surprise in the crossfire, and the wording around Egypt almost sounds like they got sucked into the war somehow, and ended up with their fighters dead, but consoled that the others died too.

If you cross Ezek 32:17-32, Jeremiah 49, Isaiah 17 with Psalm 83 you get a match with most of the Psalm 83 players.

If you look at Ezek 32:24-25 you see that the dead soldiers of Iran, Syria (Damascus), Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey with the princes of the North are there because they spread Terror in the land of the living. They were involved in terrorism in some way. Egypt is involved, but consoled because the others are dead too. Turkey's warriors don't seem to have time to pick up their armaments.

If you look at Jeremiah 49 you see another destruction of Damascus passage, the bows of Elam (IRAN) are broken, the foremost of their might. Northern Jordan (Ammon, today it's the city of Amman) and southern Jordan (Edom where Petra sits) are involved. Edom is interesting because Psalm 83 mentions the tents of Edom-- and several good theologians and scholars link them to the modern day Palestinian refugees encamped in the area that Jordan named the West Bank and populated with it's people in the war of Independence in 1948.

So one way or another this is shaping up to be one of those cliffhanger moments watching the Bible and seeing if and when these prophecies are fulfilled. If we are here, or if we've gone up in the Rapture, it is sure interesting to watch.


Well-Known Member
Although we are "vexed" by all the evil that is suffocating this earth we are indeed blessed to witness the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Christians have been waiting for this moment for almost 2000 years since the death of the Lord Jesus and it is quite obvious that we are the generation that is privileged to witness all these events. How can this not increase our faith? We are seeing prophecy fulfilled before our very eyes!