Israel's coalition needs to compromise unilaterally - analysis


Staff member
Israel's coalition needs to compromise unilaterally - analysis
Call it a form of back-channel negotiations, à la the Oslo process, but this time not aiming for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but rather peace among the Israelis themselves.

Despite the massive weekly demonstrations, despite the over-the-top rhetoric from both sides, despite the calls for civil disobedience, despite indications some reservists might not show up for reserve duty, despite threats by opposition MKs to quit the Knesset en masse, many people believe in their heart-of-hearts that at the end it will all work out.

Many people believe and fervently hope that at the end of the day cooler heads and common sense will prevail, that both sides will realize that all this brinkmanship is going to lead the country right over the brink and that the coalition and the opposition will ultimately sit down and find a middle ground between the judicial status quo and a judicial revolution. But, as they say in Brooklyn, fuggedaboutit.
