Is gematria legitimate?


Well-Known Member
I have studied the Bible code and am not convinced it is bunk. I put in the first names of my wife and I, our 2 kids, our parents, our 2 grandkids and their moms into Bible code software. And the result amazed me. ALL names were coded into 2 verses of scripture. Those 2 verses were in Genesis and told the story of Joseph's reunion with his family.
That is 12 first names coded in 2 verses and not found elsewhere in the Bible.
The Bible Code is highly controversial but so is my belief in an old Earth. And both make sense to me.
God told us only a few details about our universe. He left it to us to discover how everything works.
Maybe the Bible Code is just an extension of this.

Andy C

Well-Known Member
I never heard about gemataria before this thread, and it seems like I did not miss anything.

Why would there be a “hidden” code in the bible??????

No need for codes, His Word is all that we will ever need. No need to try and find things that just aren't there.
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