Is Discernment a gift or a requirement?


New Member
Do you think discernment of truth vs apostasy is one of the Spiritual Gifts, as in some have it and some don't or only to a certain degree? Or is it something that if you're a Christian and you read the Bible you will automatically receive. Is it an event or a process?

My reason for asking is that some people can read the Bible, listen to sermons, go to good churches, etc. and never seem to be able to discern very well. And others reject falsehoods right away in their walk and seem to instinctively know truth from heresy.


Adopted Son

Well-Known Member
In my humble opinion, discernment comes through the Holy Spirit. We can get discernment for general wisdom, but almost always it comes for a specific reason. The identical scripture can be imparted differently to different people, as God requires it. The two varying discernments may be different points of view, but they will never contradict each other. Often, that fact seems hard to appreciate, but that is because we are such limited beings compared to the Author.

Berean Girl

Princess of King Jesus
I believe that true believers have a measure of discernment which becomes refined as they grow in the Lord.

Others seem to have an "extra dose" for a specific purpose which one usually has if they have prayed for this and this is the Lord's will for them.

I see things that others in my church either cant or refuse to see and I am labled unloving and too critical, yet I always stand for truth and rather err on the side of caution.................