Hebrews 9:28


Active Member
So I was reading Hebrews and got to chapter 9. As I read through it I realized how little I know about the Old Testament sacrificial system and was hoping you guys could help me. So Hebrews 9:28 says:

so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.

I'm sure most read this and see a 2nd coming reference. That is probably what it is but I wondered if it was a rapture reference instead? It seems to line up with the Crown of Righteousness to those who long for his appearing. It also says he will APPEAR, not COME. When I looked at the Greek word for "appear" here it was the only one of it's kind in the New Testament. First question is do you guys think this could be a rapture reference? If yes, my second question is do you see a model for this in the Old Testament? I read through some of the ordinances in Leviticus and Exodus but didn't notice anything that seems to reference the High Priest appearing a second time after making an offering?

I don't know much about the parallels between the High Priest's role in the Old Testament and what Jesus did for us. If someone has a reference on how these two line up that might help me. Thank you for reading. Please correct me if I'm reading too much into that passage.


Well-Known Member
Hi Townerka,
I'm also studying Hebrews and am to chapter 9 this week!

I find the NIV reads nice and easy for this verse: "so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him." Heb 9:28

There are so many verses that tell us to "eagerly" wait for Him --
1 Corinthians 1:7
Philippians 3:20
1 Thessalonians 1:10
Titus 2:13
James 5:8
and Hebrews 9:28
... I always understood these to be about the rapture because that is when He will be coming for us! There seems to be variations on it being called His appearing, when He is revealed, our Blessed Hope, and His coming.

I don't know of any OT types that have a High Priest coming a second time, but they do need to make sacrifices every day. Elijah and Enoch foreshadow the rapture. Melchizedek is offered as a type of Christ because he was both a priest and a king, as Jesus would be. The norm is that you are only one thing-- a king (from the tribe of Judah) or a High Priest (from the tribe of Levi). Melchizedek was the exception in order to point to the Messiah.

The role of the High Priest was more easily understood by Jews. He was a man appointed by God who could enter the sanctuary in order to make sacrifices for the people. He interceded on behalf of the people in order to reconcile us to God (albeit with temporary sacrifices). But he had to do it every day. Jesus is our High Priest forever, interceding for us forever, reconciling us to God forever! Nothing can undo it! The sacrifice is not the mere blood of animals, but Jesus' holy, perfect blood that cleanses us forever! Our sin is atoned for by Him once instead of repeatedly!

Perhaps these customs are harder for us to understand since they are Jewish religious customs. But in learning about it, it begins to make even more sense that our redemption is secure because Jesus is God and not just a mere man trying to bring an acceptable sacrifice to God. And then soon, He will come back for us!!


Well-Known Member
I believe he is referring to the Rapture. Believe me, those at the end of the Tribulation are not eagerly awaiting His appearing. He will be coming to them in judgement at that time. Jesus was offered as a sacrifice only once. We are eagerly awaiting Him to complete that which He promised. His salvation from the wrath to come. What are we saved from? God's wrath, which will be poured down on all who dwell on the Earth. That's after we're caught up in the Rapture.
HF77 thoughts/translation: I see this 'appearing' as the Second Coming. Note Heb 10:1 references the sacrifices made year by year which points to Yom Kippur - day of Atonement (vs daily sacrifice). Also, at the Rapture, we will meet Him in the air, He is not visible to Everyone - yet at the Second Coming, every eye shall see Him.