Earth's core reversing?


Well-Known Member
Normally, the earth's core is spinning faster than the mantle and crust, but lately it has slowed down to match speed, and now may be spinning slower. People are saying this happens every 70 years or so, and that it's not a big deal, but we didn't really start studying the interior workings of the planet until about 50-70 years ago, so how do we know it changes speed on a regular basis? And will it have any effect on the magnetosphere, earth's rotation, climate, tectonics, or anything else?


Well-Known Member
My thoughts:

While the whole world (almost) are panicking and revolting about all the "green stuff" going on,
and using their ignorance to guide them on their deluded way to fixing it............. God sits in His heaven
and reverses things in the core of the earth,, which will REALLY cause the destruction of the earth.

I mean, to me, if the direction of the earth's core magma is reversing direction, wouldn't that possibly
tend to slow the earth down even more than it already has? The outer layer still going one way and the
inner layer going another direction ...... wouldn't that cause a slowdown that would change the weather
patterns, the seasons, etc., etc.??? Couldn't that also play into the years of the two witnesses and their holding
back the rains around the whole world?? Couldn't it increase the earthquakes around the globe?? The seas
roaring, and maybe even the mountains falling?? I know that God an do all that by speaking a word, but
perhaps he will use this to accomplish His purposes...... It's going to be interesting to see what happens, if we
are here to see any of it. I'd sure rather watch from heaven.................please, Jesus???


Well-Known Member
Has your socialist govmint left you enough to institute another tax or do they already take it all?
It's like Disney's Robin Hood where they are robbing the poor box or take the coin out of the beggar's cup (yes, it was Robin hood in disguise but the fat sheriff didn't know that). They tax taxes. It's insane. Our newly increased carbon taxes are added AFTER the federal and provincial sales taxes are figured into the total. They've been doing that to gas prices for YEARS. It's illegal but who is going to enforce that? Our courts are corrupted.

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
It's like Disney's Robin Hood where they are robbing the poor box or take the coin out of the beggar's cup (yes, it was Robin hood in disguise but the fat sheriff didn't know that). They tax taxes. It's insane. Our newly increased carbon taxes are added AFTER the federal and provincial sales taxes are figured into the total. They've been doing that to gas prices for YEARS. It's illegal but who is going to enforce that? Our courts are corrupted.

In the USA are taxes are taxed too... That's why I think sometimes it's a miracle that there's anything left for a person to spend after all the initial layers of taxes have had their way with you, then when you do have a few pennies to spend, it gets taxed yet again when you spend it, sometimes in more multiple layers yet again.