Apologetic Bullet Point #29


Well-Known Member
God needed to come into the world, His creation, in order to fix the problem that mankind created.


There were/are three problems in the break between mankind and God that God needs to deal with:
  1. Only God can fix the break between mankind and God.
  2. Mankind is judicially responsible for the break that exists.
  3. God needs to get this break fixed between Himself and mankind in order to bring His creation to a point of perfection and to fix His desired relationship with mankind.
Therefore, since only God can fix the break and mankind is responsible for the break, God needed to come into His creation as a man to provide a means of fixing the break.

God, as man, needed to shoulder the judicial burden of guilt created by man in order to fix the break. God, as man, needed to take the judicial punishment that man deserved.

Additionally, after God acted as our substitutionary sacrifice, He needed to transfer that sacrifice to mankind individually through a choice rather than collectively by fiat. Each individual needs to individually accept the sacrifice that God, Jesus our Christ, made on our behalf. God can not force this redemption on us collectively because that would violate our free will.

We, each individual man and woman, must accept the free gift of sacrifice that Jesus, the God/Man, made on our behalf in order to redeem us to God and fix the break that exists between each of us and God.