Apologetic Bullet Point #26


Well-Known Member
Because mankind was made lesser than God, mankind necessarily needs to rely on God to make the choices that will do what is best for God’s creation and for God’s created beings.


When God created mankind, He created us to be equal in His attributes but not equal in His abilities. Mankind is unable to look outside of time to see all of the results of every choice that we make. God desires to always do what is best for His creation and for all of the beings in it and always works to achieve that goal.

Since the best option that God had was to make mankind to be lesser than Himself, only God had or has the power, ability and knowledge to do what is best for God's creation, for mankind and for each individual person. The problem is that because we have free will to make our own choices, implicit in that ability to choose is the ability to make wrong choices.

Since mankind can’t foresee the results of our choices, mankind can’t be in charge of creation. Mankind necessarily needs to rely on God to make the correct choices to achieve God’s desired best results for us and His creation. Mankind therefore needs to rely on, look to and act in accordance with God’s Will in order to achieve the same desired ultimate goal that God has.