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In Their Right Minds

In Their Right Minds By Steve Schmutzer The pig herders reached the top of the hill. They panted from the exertion as they bent over with their hands on their knees, and sweat dripped off their noses onto the ground. The slopes were steep on this side of Lake Tiberias.…

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The Gerasene Incident

The Gerasene Incident By Steve Schmutzer The enormous herd of pigs blanketed the steep hills above the eastern shore of Lake Tiberias. Two thousand sensitive snouts explored every inch of the rocky terrain. Masses of grunting hogs turned over stones, rooted up plants, and searched for crunchy beetles, succulent roots,…

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Times Are Bad and Getting Worse!

Times Are Bad and Getting Worse! By Don Twobears Hey everyone...guess what?! Everything that is going on nowadays, was Prophesied in the Holy Word of God! Look at the American Congress and their Hatred for President Trump and any Conservative, in any walk of life. Look at Venezuela and that…

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Your Sin is still the Issue!

Your Sin is still the Issue! By Don Twobears This time around, we are going to look a little closer at the "Exact Cause", that separates us from our Lord and Father in Heaven. Sin...stands in the way of HIM, hearing your Prayers and it matters little how serious your…

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Why Read the Minor Prophets?

Why Read the Minor Prophets? By Nathan Jones Outside my upstairs office stands a tiny, three-foot tall door. It's not this little, rarely used entrance to a dusty attic that really catches my eye, but the laminated paper sign pinned to the top of its frame. It simply reads: "Minor…

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Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God By Nathele Graham Hopes, dreams, wants and desires are all a part of being human. It's not wrong to want to better ourselves, but many of those hopes and dreams aren't in God's will. Many are ways to glorify us, but have nothing…

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Dealing with Deceit – The Pre-Wrath Deception

Dealing with Deceit - The Pre-Wrath Deception By Bill Perkins "Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44b). I get letters and phone calls ... One of the few downsides to my job here at…

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It’s all about the Love!

It's all about the Love! By Don Twobears Lately, I have discussing a lot about Death and Sin and I know most readers don't care to hear about these things. Mostly because it humbles us, makes us look and feel bad...for ourselves! We are immediately shown that we are indeed…

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How Would Jesus Rule The World?

How Would Jesus Rule The World? By Grant Phillips There are almost 200 countries on planet earth. From the past to the present, no country has been administered by the ruling authority or authorities with anything but greed and corruption. The obvious reason is that man has always had a…

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