Hope for a Last Days Revival: Priorities First
By Nathan Jones
Will America experience a last day’s revival? And, was the United States founded as a Christian nation?
Answering these and other questions at our Lamb & Lion Ministries 2018 Bible conference, themed “God’s Prophetic Voices to America,” was Billy Crone, the senior pastor of Sunrise Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada and founder of Get A Life! Ministries. Billy spoke at our conference about “The Hope for a Last Days Revival,” which also aired on our television program Christ in Prophecy. In the process, he presented a powerful challenge to the Church to arise from its lethargy and start proclaiming the Gospel with boldness. The following is an excerpt from Billy’s presentation.
Priorities First
Billy Crone: Will America experience a last day’s revival? I don’t know. It certainly doesn’t look like it. We know the seven year Tribulation is coming soon. Still, I don’t know. Maybe God’s got one final genuine revival up His sleeves. All I know is if we make the same mistake as the Jewish people did in rejecting their Messiah when He was right there in their midst and go back to sleep at the wheel because we are more concerned about the economy than the state of eternity, and if we are more concerned about a political savior instead of the one and only Savior, a new revival is never going to happen.
I don’t know about you, but I want to finish on a high note for Jesus Christ when the Rapture happens. Because, guess what? Jesus Christ will find each one of us doing something when the Rapture occurs. Do you realize that? What will He find you doing? Just being all excited about the economy? Being all excited about just yourself? Sinning? Living in this world?
Jesus will return and find you doing something. Wouldn’t you want to be one who is there leading souls to Jesus Christ? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you are found praising God, and then in the next minute you’re in Heaven? Whoa! Because, the Rapture is going to happen.
We could be a part of a last day’s revival. And, if it is ever going to happen, we the Church have got to get back on track. We’ve got to get to proclaiming Jesus Christ.
Separation of Church and State
Remember that nothing is new under the sun. You talk about our country being great? Just take a look at our Christian heritage and exactly what made our country great. It’s because our country was founded on Jesus Christ. Take a look at our Founding Fathers and what they set up for us, setting the foundation for why our country was so great for so long. It had nothing to do with the economy, rather it had everything to do with that our country was founded on Jesus Christ.
Let’s look at some evidences that our country was founded on Jesus Christ.
The first evidence that our country was founded on Jesus Christ is because our Founding Fathers said so. Our Founding Fathers took Jesus Christ very seriously. You are going to build a nation, you are going to do anything really, then make sure it’s built on Jesus Christ. And, that is what they did.
These men took 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 very seriously, “But each one of you should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid…” Which is who? “Jesus Christ.” Why? “Because if any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones wood, hay or straw his work will be shown for what it is.” Why? “Because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives he will receive his reward. If it is burned up he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved but only as one escaping through the flames.”
Paul’s charge here is to not waste your life on temporary things, rather you need to build your foundation on Jesus Christ, a foundation which lasts forever. Believe it or not, our Founding Fathers believed in this verse. And, it wasn’t just for their personal lives, they believed in this verse as a foundational truth to build the foundation of our country upon. They built our country purposely on Jesus Christ, on the Bible, on God, and on Christianity.
Church, we’ve been lied to! Worse, the Church has rolled over and played dead because we have accepted the lie. The lie goes like this, and I know you’ve heard this one: “Our Founding Fathers demanded the separation of Church and State.” How many of you have heard that lie? That is a lie from the pit of Hell! When somebody asks you that question, you need to challenge them in Christian love.
Excuse me, where does that phrase “separation of Church and State” appear in our Constitution? The answer — it’s not there! Where does that phrase “separation of Church and State” appear in the Bill of Rights? Answer — it’s not there!
The phrase actually came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 addressing the Danbury Baptists who had a concern. They wrote to Thomas Jefferson and they were concerned as Baptists, a Christian denomination, that another Christian denomination in America at that time was getting more popular. They were concerned that that this denomination was going to become the official denomination of the United States of America. So, they wrote to Thomas Jefferson with their concerns. Thomas Jefferson wrote back with a letter and that’s where you see the phrase “separation of Church and State.” Jefferson referred the Baptists back to the Bill of Rights and to the First Amendment which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In other words, he’s basically saying he has confidence in the foundation that they set up through Jesus Christ.
So, that’s what that phrase meant historically, and even in Jefferson’s letter. Again, removing the Church from society is not in the Bill of Rights. It’s not in the Constitution. It’s only found in this letter. But, even in his letter all that Jefferson meant was that no Christian denomination will officially be chosen as the official Christian denomination of the United States of America. That’s it!
Notice, though, in the historical context Jefferson is still pointing to Christianity. He’s not talking about Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Eastern Mysticism, and everything else under the sun. He’s certainly not talking about the exclusion of Christianity. He just said we’re not going to officially be Baptists alone as Christians here in America. That’s all he meant! So, we have been lied to when people claim our Constitution prohibits Christianity in the public forum.
In the third segment in our series, Billy Crone will back up his claim that America was built on a Christian heritage with actual quotes from our Founding Fathers.