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God’s Strange Name for Jerusalem

God’s Strange Name for Jerusalem
By Terry James

Jerusalem and Israel are the “apple of my eye” according to the Lord of Heaven.

It is the very center of the earth so far as God’s dealings with mankind are concerned. All reference points given in the Bible most often radiate in different directions from the “holy city.” It is the city where Jesus Christ will reign and rule during the time of the millennial earth.

Jerusalem is the place where the Shekinah Glory–God, Himself, dwelt. His presence was there in the Holy of Holies, resident within the Ark of the Covenant. The fifteen-foot cubed area was so powerful in its prominence that the Temple priest who went into it had a rope tied around one leg so his body could be pulled from beneath the veil if he made a mistake in his duties. No man could go in there and live, save that divinely appointed priest. That priest had to be very careful not to touch the Ark and possibly other things in that chamber, lest he suffer instant death.

The veil itself separated God from mankind until Jesus Christ said “It is finished” at the moment He gave up His spirit to death. When Jesus died on the cross, that thick veil tore from top to bottom, indicating that the rent came from God in Heaven. From that moment, following Christ’s resurrection three days later, mankind could have direct access to God through Christ, who died for the sins of the world that had separated God from man before the death, burial, and resurrection of God’s Son as once-and-for-all sacrifice.

So why is Jerusalem, the center of man’s only hope for salvation from sin and death, mysteriously called terrible names by God Himself? The conjecture over this reference has been wide and varied, and perhaps unable to be known–that is, until the unfolding of prophetic stage-setting for the second coming of Christ.

The scriptural reference in question covers the deaths of the two witnesses who will preach during the Tribulation era. Antichrist will have finally managed to kill these two Heaven-sent men. At this point, they lay in the streets of Jerusalem, while the rebellious world of earth-dwellers mock and send each other gifts. “Good riddance,” the rebels will be saying.

“And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” (Revelation 11:8)

Egypt is the horrible regime that enslaved God’s chosen people–not a very nice name to give to this city God has previously called “the apple of my eye.”

But then, the name given is even worse. God’s Word calls it “Sodom.”

Many, including myself, have wondered over the years why this city so esteemed by God would be termed “Sodom” in the spiritual sense.

We know that many wicked things happened there over the eons of time. The wickedness seemed to rise to the level of ultimate evil when the beating and crucifixion of Israel’s Messiah took place.

Because the above naming of Jerusalem as “Egypt” and “Sodom” are given in the Revelation, I would like to propose that the meaning behind such horrid names might be now somewhat more understandable.

This present world of people is, as any student of God’s Word with discernment knows, becoming ever more wicked. Here are a few headlines from Rapture Ready News that attest to what is going on. (These were taken from only one day’s headlines on June 8.)

– More Than 1 Million New Cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are Contracted Every Day around the Planet, According to the World Health Organization

– Pastor Arrested for Preaching against Homosexuality

– Pastor David Lynn of Christ Forgiveness Ministries Was Arrested on June 4, 2019, for Preaching the Gospel Publicly in Toronto, Canada

– Plan B Morning-after Abortion Pill Flying Off Shelves as States Move to Tighten Abortion Laws

– Scottish Children Forced to Pray inside a Mosque against Their Will – Multiculturalism?

– Teen Vogue Writer Explains How to Get an Abortion without Parental Consent

– Twitter Suspends “God” for Condemning Catholic Sex Abusers

– Teen Wanted Her 5th Abortion So She Wouldn’t be Pregnant at Prom

– Transgender Teacher Accused of Showing “Coming Out” Video to 5-Year-Olds

There are many more such headlines–and some much more egregious–that tell of the world moving toward Sodom-like comportment. But what about Jerusalem and our quandary? Why does God’s Word call His beloved city “Sodom” in His most profound book of prophecy yet future?

I think perhaps the answer might be framed, at least to some extent, in consideration of these excerpts from the following story.

Some 15,000 people turned out Thursday in the capital as part of the 18th annual Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade. The event got underway under increased security measures implemented by the police, with at least 2,600 police officers deployed to secure the march, nearly 100 more than last year…

Israel’s first openly gay minister Amir Ohana from Likud, who was assigned the justice portfolio by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, arrived at the Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem – where the pride parade was to kick-off – was booed by the crowd assembled at the location, with some shouting ‘Shame, Shame’ and ‘What have you done for our community?’ at the new minister.

“It’s important that all of you are here, despite demonstrating against me,” Ohana said to the crowd before leaving the event shortly after…

Later in the evening an event was to take place at Jerusalem’s Independence Park, accompanied by performances from various musical artists and speeches from pro-LGBTQ activists. (“Jerusalem’s Gay Pride Parade Kicks Off Amid at Least 49 Arrests,” Ynetnews, June 6, 2019)

Like many American city officials these days, apparently the ones in Jerusalem want Sodom-like activity at the center of culture and society. Is it any wonder that the King of all Kings will have to cleanse that city from which He is prophetically scheduled to reign and rule for a thousand years?


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