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Calling for the Great Physician

Calling for the Great Physician
By Dennis Huebshman

In the early 1970’s, Merle Haggard wrote and recorded a song, “If we make it through December.” It was about being down and out with troubling times, but looking forward to a better future. That song could be released today with a renewed meaning.

There have always been “self-centered”, “self-serving” and “power-seeking” people around, but not to the degree we have witnessed over the past decade. Politics are now divided with one group trying to be fair and accommodating, and the other wants their way, no matter what they have to do to get it, even if it means violence and law-breaking.

An honorable Judge with a spotless record, and who has had at least six Federal Background checks, is being unfairly persecuted, and his family tormented as well. Watching the Circus of Horrors that’s taking place is a definite sign of what this entire world is headed for, and especially America. Even his precious daughter, who told him she was praying for his accusers, earned some ridicule by a cartoonist who thought he was being clever, but it actually was a sick gesture.

The pure hate being exhibited is gaining a “mob-type” mentality that will not end well. It has been reported that even the Judge’s residence has been subjected to malicious damage, and it’s being fueled by radical left elements in our government. All so-called “offences” he is reported to have committed, were at least 30 years ago, and none with credible evidence. All witnesses, so far, have said he was not guilty, and the Judge himself denies anything ever happened.

Yet, in the very recent past, the accusing party has had numerous “credible” reports of sexual and physical abuse from members on their side, including one past president, which they conveniently overlook.

Besides the fact the liberals cannot stand that their candidate lost the last election, and the winner has been succesful in fulfilling his promises to make our country a better place, the underlying cause goes much deeper, and is far more sinister.

Yes, the nominated Judge is conservative, and faithfully follows the constitution when making his decisions. He even showed that he carries a copy of it with him when he was challenged by a liberal senator during his hearing. He has never had a prior negative report for his actions on the bench, or for that matter, from any member of congress either side of the isle.

So, what is the excuse the left is using now to try and destroy this man and his family? They’re saying if confirmed, he will overturn a previous ruling from decades ago, and subsequently will trample on women’s rights for pro-abortion. Needless to say, it’s easy to see what organizations are funding this negative campaign.

Biggest problem with this accusation is, unless that case is brought up for review by the entire Supreme Court, he cannot independently do so himself, and have it changed. It may never appear before the court again. His job, which I believe he is very well qualified for, and is willing to do, is to take what is being presented, apply constitutional law to the cases, and render his decisions on them. There has to be a majority of all the Justices in order for any ruling to be applied. He has proved through all his years on the bench, that he has no ulterior motives other than to render a fair and impartial ruling.

The forces involved with this dilemma go beyond Washington, D.C., and have been at work for centuries. The Judge’s biggest “fault” is he has declared and proven to be a Christian, and so are all of his family. The attacks against him are from people who, I believe, are being influenced by the Prince of this World – satan.

More and more every day, we are seeing Christianity being spoken of in a totally negative light. This is not true of other so-called religions, just Christianity, or anything that pertains to Jesus. We are in the times spoken of in the Bible and especially John 15:18-27, where Jesus said the world hated Him first, and would hate those who follow Him. Satan has been trying to go against the Trinity from Genesis 3 all the way through today.

No matter who President Trump would have nominated, they would have been challenged. However, because this man is obviously a Christ follower, he has been designated for total persecution. Whether he ultimately gets approved or not, the battle is just beginning.

We will see a further division between Christians and the rest of the world right up to the Rapture. Afterwards, anyone who wants to accept Christ will most likely be martyred. The New World Order is already making plans for the arrival of the final antichrist. Prior to just a few years ago, their activity was operating pretty much in secret; however, they have gotten to the point that they don’t even try to hide their satanic influences. They now have churches and monuments dedicated to satan.

There have been calls from many pastors and others for a “healing” to take place in our land. With the continued turning away from the True Word of the Lord, I do not anticipate any major revival here. I believe God’s timetable is right on schedule, and we’re nearing the end of this age.

Aside from the Justice-nominating evil variety show, events around the world are rapidly leading to the attack on Israel as given in Ezekiel 38. About the same time, and possibly even before that happens, believers will be taken from this world to be with Jesus (Rapture). For Judge Kavanaugh and his family, they will receive their greatest “appointment” possible, and will be totally healed.

Meanwhile, all believers need to be in prayer for our lost loved ones, so that they too may be healed by the Great Physician. If they will confess they are sinners and cannot save themselves (Romans 3:23), and believe He came to this earth to be the pure and perfect sacrifice for their sins, and that He did die on that cross and was raised from the dead by the Father, they will be saved. (Romans 10:9).

False prophets and antichrists are at work full-time, which is obvious with the major changing attitude of this world. Our Father knows all of this and wants us to keep in touch with Him regularly (prayer). Reading the word (Bible) that He provided also goes a long way in giving us comfort in these trying times.

We are in a sick, sick world, and the only healing that will be done will be by the Greatest Physician that has ever lived – Jesus the Christ. Once we are all away from here, our healing will be complete, along with being given an immortal body that will last all of eternity in heaven. Until then, Luke 21:28 tells us to look up for our Salvation is near. Revelation 3:20 tells us Jesus is right at the door and knocking for us to open it to Him. Those who do will have the Savior of the world come in and dine with them. Can you just imagine the wonderful meal He has prepared for us?

Call on Him now or you may lose your chance forever. He will be returning soon at an unknown day or hour, and if you’re prepared, it won’t matter when.

Shalom Aleclem – Peace be with You!

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