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What Part of Stupid…do you NOT Understand??

By Dontwobears

Okay…maybe that sounds a little calloused of me, but is there any TRUTH to the question?! Take a look at Genesis and ask yourself “Is there any stupidity there?” On the part of Adam and Eve? The original SIN by them against God…ya think?! Now lets move on down through time a little farther. Lets take a look at Egypt and the Israelite’s. Moses is told by God to go an bring HIS people out of Egypt and so he goes and tells Pharaoh to let Gods people go…and Pharaoh says NO?? Did I miss something here or what?! A Human tells the Creator of the Universe NO?! Are you CRAZY..or what?! So God brings Plagues on Egypt until Pharaoh says YES to the release of Gods People…”the Apple of Gods Eye”!! So Pharaoh gets a wild hair and then sends his troops after Gods people to destroy them and as it turns out, God destroys the entire Army of Pharaoh, in the Red Sea! And so now you think I am CRAZY?! I beg to differ…vehemently!

If God chooses to take HIS people out of Egypt, then are we to be all buddy-buddy with Egypt today?! After 40 years in the Wilderness, Gods people are brought through Jordan and every other country, defeating city after city, nation after nation, should we be buddy-buddy with these countries now days? We have witnessed the atrocities of these countries, along with Russia and Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and many others, do you ever get the idea…God is telling us something here?! Ya Think?!

I know, you don’t like to hear me talking about all this stuff, it’s NOT heartwarming in the least! Have you considered, the Words of God before Election of some Individual, have you ever prayed about it? How about now, “We are witnessing Obama’s “Change in Washington”! Are we not?? Of how he is endeavoring to become the first dictator of the United States?! How he and others are trashing our own Constitution and Bill of Rights?! How Obama is moving us closer to Arab-Muslim Countries and farther and farther from our National Roots? It is happening right now, right under your collective noses! And through FEMA and NSA and the FBI and others, he wants to eradicate people like me and you…because we are against his agenda?! Have I missed anything here?! The list is long!!

If the Word of God, which is Holy as the Words that come from Gods own Lips to you and me, then why are so few reading it?! If the Bible says that the Last Days will be when certain events take place, then they do take place all around you, do you get the feeling that HIS Prophecies are coming to Fruit?! If God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for all it’s SIN, what makes you think, the United States will be spared for doing the exact same thing?! And people want to say that God is Crazy?! People don’t want to believe the Bible, The Holy Word of God?! They want to say it is full of Metaphor and Metaphorical stories?! It is definitely not us Born-Again Believers that are CRAZY!!

If you want to see the Word of God as a way to make yourself wealthy, then go right ahead! If you want to believe the Word of God is only about “Feeling Good about Yourself”, then by all means, go right ahead! If you only take from the Bible, what does NOT make you feel bad about yourself, or seeing yourself as a SINNER, then by all means…do what makes you feel good and happy! Or finally, if you so choose to not read the Bible at all…if you choose to believe everything else than the Word of God….be my guest! Or if you are one of the ones that stands there and says you would rather “Reign in Hell than be a slave in Heaven”, do whatever makes you feel good! KNOW THIS…God is a Jealous God…God is a JUST God…God is a RIGHTEOUS God…God is the Creator of all things…and HE has a BIG Message for YOU! “Welcome to the Lake of Fire”!!

You want to say the Bible is wrong, then lets look at a few things! Every single Prophecy of the Bible thus far has come true 100%! If that is in fact, the Truth, what does that say about those Prophecies still to come true?! You may want to read the Books of Daniel, Ezekiel, I and II Thessalonians, Hebrews, Acts, and Revelation…just for a start! Please…do NOT take my Word for it, read it for yourself! Open your Bible and Begin, see for yourself! The end of this world is closer than you think!!

God did NOT say anything here as a joke or to fool you, every single word in the Bible is spoken by God and written down by men…who believed everything God said! You need to get a clue here people!! And the reason I am saying this so plainly, is…the “Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is WAY…TOO CLOSE!!” You want to stay here and deal with the Tribulation?? Be my guest…but know this, the Bible is very explicate about that time…YOU don’t want to be here for it!! Well…unless you are one of those people that is looking forward to a Horrible and painful death…not only here on earth…but in the Lake of Fire as well!! You still think I am CRAZY?! Look it up for yourself, I’m just delivering a message…it’s up to you, whether you choose to believe it or not!

Just remember this…Believe in Jesus Christ….Heaven!! Don’t believe in Jesus Christ…Lake of Fire!!

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

All emboldened Scripture is by the author for emphasis.

You may contact the author at; [email protected]

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