Our Narcissism vs. HIS Love
By Don Twobears
Life is full of many mysteries, some of them we know already, while others evade our understanding. Many times, we simply don’t pay any attention or at least enough attention, to fully understand what all is going on. Humans have this propensity for thinking that we are so Intelligent or Wise, when in actuality…we fail miserably at both. Why is it that way for us?
This past Thursday night, my Wife and I, lost a very good Friend, she went to sleep and never woke up again. Margaret was a rather short woman, less than 5 feet tall. Yet she had quite the awesome personality, a little Napoleon if you will, feisty and stubborn, but a Heart as big as the Universe. Now we could sit around and wring our collective hands and weep for her! But the question would then be WHY? Do you think our Narcissism would be showing if we did? The answer is Yes!
Every single person on this earth, feels sadness at such an event, we will miss them, we don’t like our apple-cart being messed with, or our Calm-waters rippled. To put it simply.
Each of us already know, that if anyone is born on this earth, one day each of us must die. And so, it is the ones that remain, that feel the lose, most notably in the Family or close Friends. In this case, Margaret was a great Friend, especially to my Wife, who knew Margaret the best, they worked together for many, many years. What some do not know, is that Margaret was a Born-Again Believer in Jesus Christ and followed HIM with every fiber of her being. Praise the Lord for Her! So my Wife and I know that Margaret is now with Her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and she is beyond ecstatic! knowing this, should we feel sad at her passing? Should we mourn? The answer is Yes!
John 11:34-36 “And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!”
As we see here, Jesus Christ wept for the death of Lazarus, can we be better than that?! NO! To mourn the passing of another, is very normal and a very needful thing in our lives. This is simply the Truth, that the passing of a dear one is tough in the least. The difference for us that knew Margaret is this. Margaret is in Heaven as we read this, she is never going to be sick, or unhappy or any thing of the like. Margaret is no longer held or confined by the Physical of this world, Her existence is now Eternal. It can be said that, even as we live here on earth, we are Eternal already. Of course that Eternal existence, is dependent, on whether you belong to Jesus Christ, thus Heaven or to Satan, thus Hell. We Know Margaret is with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
We humans, are by nature a very Narcissistic species, in other words, we think of ourselves before we think of others. We feel all the emotions in this life, for ourselves, before we feel them for others. How easy is it for us to complain, before we give Praise. Yes indeed, We will miss our close Friend, but the knowledge that She is in Heaven right now, is greater! Thus we see that the Lord gives us a “New Way” to view such events.
It is truly a great comfort ot know, “2 Corinthians 5:8-9 “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.”
As a Born-Again Believer and as rather Narcissistic humans, we are able to see both. The good and the bad in everything, thank you Adam and Eve and the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil. How would we be, if Satan had never tempted Eve and for them both to eat of that Fruit?! Would we still KNOW the sadness and feeling of loss, of a Family Member or Good Friend?! Now that is something to ponder! Still as yet, they did indeed eat of that forbidden fruit and we…years down line… feel the pain of a Passing away of someone close. Satan…I have some really bad words for you! Albeit, the Lord shall repay…and Satan is in for some really bad times…like for Eternity! That’s enough for me!
How odd, or maybe better…Sad, is it that so many go during the Holiday Season? And then how many will be able to see…The Gift…the Lord is giving us, in taking that Loved one in such an auspicious time? With all the memories we have, that we hold Dear in our Hearts, here is another even greater gift, a Loved one at Home in Heaven with the Lord God?! And then considering, that we are Born-Again as well, we will not only see our Lord and Savior, we will see our Loved one as well. Praise the Lord for all HIS Love!
It sounds sort of odd, especially to the Lost, that we can sit down and begin to count on our fingers, all those that are in Heaven and waiting on us to arrive! And then to think, that so many of us humans wonder how absolutely wonderful, the Wedding Supper of our Lord and Savior will be! I am sorry, I simply do not have the words to express that level of Joy and Happiness…than we think…for Eternity!
You can bet, as the narcissistic humans we are, we will truly miss our Great Friend, we will miss the counsel and the great fun times we shared…but now we can look forward to even greater times…With our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…and Family and Friends in Heaven! May I say again and then continually…Praise the Lord!
Christmas for my Wife and I, has been filled with the Lose of many Family Members and Friends. I am not sad…they are simply on Vacation…and they await us joining them…in Heaven! None of us will ever experience Death and lose ever again! Still as yet, that is because we follow Jesus Christ with every fiber ofour beings! The question now is this. What about YOU?! IS your Eternal Home in Heaven…or in Hell?! You already know the answer to that. And yet that will forever be between you and Jesus Christ alone! It is not for me to know, unless you wish to share that with me. The narcissistic side of me, is more than Thankful to Jesus Christ for saving me! I will see Heaven! I will see my Family Members and Friends once again, I will meet others, that Love the Lord as I do and together we will Praise HIM!
“My Lord and Father in Heaven, I come before you in all humility. Father I ask that you speak to the heart of someone, that is lost, that is reading your Holy Word and this small article. Bless them Father and call them to you! Give them the same Joy, in the knowledge that YOU alone are God and that YOU alone can save them! With all ernestness Father…give their heart a boost and a desire for YOU! I pray this in all Ferventency Father…In Jesus Name…Amen!”
The Lord Bless each and every one of you this Christmas! May HE give you Peace and Joy! Until we meet at HIS feet in Heaven!
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Luke 2:11-14 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
All Scripture comes from the King James version of the Bible.