Our Complicated Life….Now Uncomplicated!
By Don Twobears
I would have to guess, simply because I do not Know what God knows, that HE is dismayed many times by our actions, which begin as thoughts. When you get an idea, what do you do, you point to your head, as if your Brain had an idea, that my Friends is incorrect. Although you have blood coursing through your Brain, it is an idle, physical organ. We have a hard time knowing it is actually your Spirit, that has had the thought and not your Brain, but where is your Spirit? Having said that, what is actually giving our bodies life? And if we have life, what happens when we die? Is there really something inside us that continues on into Eternity? What you find out is that, everything points to God, the Physical and the Spiritual!
It would seem there is a lack of understanding on a few things, even among Born-Again Christians, it is the “Body, Soul, and Spirit”. Each of these are integral parts of every human being on this earth, thus if there is misinformation on any one of them, understanding of all parts will fail. I would like to discuss this and give Scripture to prove them. I must also believe we have messed up our thinking because we do NOT understand what is written in Gods Word, either that or we have NOT read the Bible;
The Body
Each and every person, that has ever existed here on earth, has had a Body. We must also understand, the Body was NOT created in the image of God. God is a Spirit, therefore our Spirit is in HIS image, not our Bodies, our bodies are Physical, fallible and there is a difference between the two. For lack of a better way to describe our bodies, they are simply a bag of skin, filled with water (63%), muscle and bone. Remove the water and all that is left, Skin and Muscle and bone will turn to dust…dirt!
Genesis 2:7 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
If no one has ever taken the time to know, when we remove all the water from the body, it will indeed return to dust…Dirt! And the only thing left would be bones (For a while)…The skin would, like the muscle (a little later the bones too), disintegrate into dust or dirt. Still don’t understand? When the body is burned (However) what is left?? Think in terms of Cremation of the Body and the ashes in an Urn.
After God created man from the dust of the earth, what did HE do? HE breathed into his (The Person) nostrils the breath of life. Now we will move on to the SOUL; This is also the only other part of us that disappears when the body dies, the SOUL is no longer necessary if the Body will no longer support life.
The Soul
This is the portion of our creation by God, that actually animates our bodies and gives our bodies Life. This is essentially that part of us that continually replicates the “Spark” making our bodies to work, like our Hearts and Brain, lungs, so forth. It gives life to our DNA and RNA to replicate cells, for a particular use in our Bodies. Without the SOUL, we would never be alive, we would simply go back to what we were before…DUST…DIRT. Is any of this making sense to you?
Genesis 2:7 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a “living soul.”
So now we have a Body, usually as a baby, that has been alive and functioning since the first two cells divided, thus we know “life” begins with Conception. Makes you want to reconsider “Abortions” doesn’t it? Of course, if these people understood from reading the Word of God, we wouldn’t be having all these problems, would we?! We MUST consider the state of Conception, it is GOD weaving together a person in the Mothers Womb! Who in their right mind, would think they have the right to stop God in HIS endeavor of making another Human Being?! We are the Created, NOT the Creator!
Genesis 21:2 “For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.”
So now we see that the SOUL is the Life of our Bodies and that is all it is. One day, it does stop. It must also be pointed out, that there are many that confuse the Soul with the Spirit, they are not the same thing. The Soul animates every single atom of our bodies and it was GOD that made the Soul, who are we, that we believe we have the right to snuff out that Life, to effectively destroy that SOUL?! Now lets move on to the SPIRIT!
This is the Part of us that actually Feels, thinks or has thoughts, where our ideas come from, it is for the lack of a better way of describing it, the “Origin of all our Thoughts and Actions”. There is a distinct difference between our body and the Spirit and we are able to imagine that difference, at any time, yet, few ever do. It is evident of those that “Think” and those that choose not to Think. Through out the existence of humans, we have fought and killed millions upon millions of other people, extinguished their Souls and sent their Spirits to God to make their final decisions for them, according to what they Believe.
Matthew 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Please see Soul as the Spirit)
This is also that part of you and I, Saved to Jesus Christ or not, that will continue into Eternity! So lets look a little closer at this SPIRIT of ours. First lets understand something, Man is able to change the body to a degree, can facilitate changes with the help of medication and treatments, but man has NEVER CREATED anything. GOD is the ONLY CREATOR!!
It is our SPIRIT, also known through out the Bible as the HEART! We have a physical HEART and we have a SPIRIT known as a HEART. Having said that, one Heart is physical and often and eventually, ceases to function. The Other HEART is the SPIRIT that brings about our thoughts and actions, hence we have “THE INTENT OF THE HEART”! Which is according to Scripture and yet it can also be stated as “THE INTENT OF OUR SPIRIT”! Make sense to you? And here all this time, you thought it was your Brain that you thought with, the Brain is just a Physical Origin, nothing more. The Brain is physical, therefore it can not create any thoughts of it’s own….think about it (SPIRIT working)!!
This is that part of us, that can THINK and PLAN and most of all Communicate with GOD! GOD wanted a “Companion” and so HE created man, gave him life and a Spirit to communicate with. It must be understood here, that God did NOT want to create robots, thus HE gave man the ability to have “Free Will”. This exercise in FREE WILL failed with the SIN of Adam and Eve, when they ate of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. Thus we live with this knowledge even today, whether we recognize it or not. All one needs to do to verify this, is to read the Internet or a newspaper, we see evil deeds and crime, while at the same time we read of Heros and people doing wonderful things for each other. Thus the Dichotomy in Life!
What the body wants and needs can be for evil and by the same token, for good. What we must understand as well, is that because of the SIN by Adam and Eve, all of us are infused with good and bad, we have inherited Original SIN. That means if we accept the Gift of Jesus Christ, we will go to Heaven to be with HIM. By the same token, if we do NOT accept Jesus Christ, or if we do absolutely nothing (Concerning Jesus Christ) we will see Eternal Death in the Lake of Fire, the Second Death.
Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” (Please see Soul as the Spirit)
In Summary
Each of us, here on earth, have a body, Skin, Fluid and Bones.
Each of us have a SOUL, that animates our bodies until we die, then the SOUL disappears.
Each of us have a SPIRIT, and this allows us to Think (Sometimes) move and have actions according to our thoughts and to also Communicate with God, This is that part of us that continues, after our body’s death or cessation of Life.
This is the Part that was Created in Gods Image….NOT our bodies!
Although we have these amazing abilities, to live and have a life, our Spirit still belongs to God. If we choose to Follow Jesus Christ (Who is GOD) then we will have a Life in Heaven after we die here on earth. No one is able to destroy this SPIRIT except God. What is so unusual, is that, With this SPIRIT we can live in the Heaven created for us by God…or we can live in the Lake of Fire, also Created by God, but intended for satan and his ilk. Because we have a Spirit, we are given the choice, through “Free Will” to accept Jesus Christ (God) or not! There is a Consequence for either way!
ALL of this to say,
Follow Jesus Christ…Heaven for Eternity!
Follow satan and his ilk, OR do NOTHING about Jesus Christ…Lake of Fire of Eternity!
Say whatever you want, when the Bible states something, it is the TRUTH and it will never end! We have a choice to make, believe what is written in the Word of God…or you will be against the Word of God, it is one way or the other….GOD said so!
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
All emboldened Scripture is by the author for emphasis.