Life is Tough, Jesus Christ is Stronger!
By Don Twobears
My Dear Friends, this article is going to be a tough one for me to write. We lost our oldest Grandson Donovan in a horrible auto accident. This is tough, considering my age, as compared to Donovan’s age of 20 years. It literally breaks my heart! When Donovan was little, I had written a song just for him, that he was my “poopy-Boy” and so dear to my heart. I know many other Parents and Grand-Parents have been through this before, but…this one was for me and my Family. I Praise the Lord for all HIS Love for us and giving us such Peace.
October 27th 2019 was like any other day, my Wife and I had been up for 20-30 minutes and my Daughter and Son-in-Law were on their way to work. My Daughter received the phone call, telling of Donovan’s death and she in turn called my Wife and told her. It was a shock like no other and our world changed for good, on that Sunday Morning. Within an hour, to an hour in a half, my Kids and my Wife had packed some clothes and headed out for Texas, a two day drive from Tennessee.
The previous Tuesday, I had had a Total Left knee Placement surgery and I could not go with them, thus I was left alone, here at Home. I Thank and Praise the Lord for HIS love to me and the help of some really good Friends, that hovered over me while they were gone. Somewhere in the next two days, The Lord gave me so much Peace! I am Truly a Blessed man of my Lord and Savior! My Knee and leg were so sore and aching consistently! Unfortunately, the Pain medication, spaced me out really bad, so maybe that was a good thing, if you know what I mean. This article is my First in a little more than a month. It is an article of some pain, that there is no medication to stop, It is in the hands of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
It has been almost a month, since Donovan left us, the pain is still there and I am sure it will be there for quite some time to come. My Family has indeed, been through the wringer of emotions! How is one to deal with all of this, it is almost insurmountable, to say the least. Anger and Hatred at someone, for taking his life, to profound sadness…and it doesn’t want to stop. A vicious circle of pain.
It dawned on me a few days ago, we know this life here on earth is temporary and not very long. So why should this event be such a wound and so painful to deal with?! Thousands and thousands of people die everyday, over the surface of this globe. Does this mean the Lord God does not love us as HE says in HIS Holy Word? Absolutely NOT! As I said before, The Lord gave me such Peace in light of this event, I KNEW Donovan was with the Lord!
Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Are you “Heavy Laden”, are you suffering a great loss, as my Family is?! Go off by yourself, kneel before the Lord God and confess all your Sin and let HIM cover your Sin with HIS Blood from the Cross and wash it away. Then…open up your heart! And I mean, tell HIM everything…absolutely everything! Go ahead and Cry and then yell…your heart is broken…Tell HIM! HE already knows your entire situation, but HE wants you to come before HIM…and let HIM make it right again, HE will give you PEACE! A PEACE you will never understand, until the day you stand before HIM. HE will wrap HIS capable arms around you and hold you tightly, as you cry. Jesus Christ is GOD and HE LOVES YOU!!
Psalms 56:8-10 “Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.”
My Mom Loved the Lord with all her heart, and one day when I was hurting, she told me the “Lord collects our Tears in a bottle. And then pores it back to you as a blessing.” In my 68 years, I must have cried a bucket of Tears…today, HE is giving those Tears back to me as a Blessing of PEACE! NOW…THAT is a BLESSING like no other! MY LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ…IS HIS name…and I LOVE HIM with all that I am or will ever be! HIS Holy Word is absolute TRUTH and it always will be!
While we are still here on Earth, we rely of HOPE, there is always HOPE for us! One day, that will end, because we will be with the Lord God…or you will be in HELL and wishing that HOPE still existed for you…it will never come! It is your CHOICE to make and no one else can make it for you! This is the greatest decision you will ever make!
Personally speaking, this surgery was the most painful I have ever experienced and there were times I was almost in Tears. I prayed FERVENTLY, first I asked that the Lord forgive my Sin and wash me clean, renew our Relationship and then I begged for relief from the Pain and aching…HE always comes through…HE LOVES ME! I Depend on HIM for absolutely everything! HE has delivered me many, many, times and I will forever look for HIM!! I Praise and Glorify YOU my LORD and SAVIOR…In Jesus name…amen!
2 Timothy 1:12 “For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”
My Life never belonged to me, it belonged to the Lord! Thus the passage of scripture above resonates within me!
Is life tough? You already know it is! But the arms of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ are strong enough to deal with my little problems, HIS Heart loves me like HIS Child and HE LOVES to see me happy and whole. If you do NOT know this for yourself, then you need to meet Jesus Christ and get to know HIM! Your Life will never be the same afterwards!! It will be cleaner and clearer, and more understandable, easier to find happiness and joy in HIM! Remember HE controls everything!
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
All Passages of Scripture come from the King James version of the Bible
All Emphasis is mine