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Peter A Pope?

Peter A Pope?
By Dennis Huebshman

If Peter were here today and saw what one Church in particular has said about him, he would be adamant that he was an apostle of the Lord and a leader within the Church structure but was not at all exalted and definitely not a Pope. There are some who will no doubt disagree with me, but the true word of God describes Peter as well as all the apostles and disciples as giving their full loyalty to Jesus the Christ – the only true leader of ALL Christian Believers. After all, we’re called “CHRIST-ians” not “PETER-ites” or “PAUL-ites” or “JOHN-ites”.

Part of this illusion comes from the Lord’s statement in Matthew 16:16; Mark 8:29; and Luke 9:20 where He said “Upon this ROCK I will build My Church. (note: all emphasis is mine) Jesus was not saying that Peter was that Rock, but his “Admission” that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah) the Son of the Living God is the Rock or foundation of the Church. This is what ALL believers must believe in order to be saved. This is the foundation upon which the Church (believers, not a denomination) stands today. To say the Lord was building His Church around the person of Peter is just totally wrong. Believing that Jesus is exactly who He said He is and that He came to do exactly what He said He would do and by following Him and Him alone we are given eternal life with Him. (John 14:6)

During the time Peter was physically with Jesus, he seemed to be the one who got a lot of things wrong. After Jesus praised Peter for his confession, it was no time at all that he rebuked him for trying to say Jesus would not fulfill His mission. He even told Peter to “Get behind me Satan!” (Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33)

Of course, we are all familiar with Peter denying the Lord three times as all four gospels record this. (Matthew 26:58-75; Mark 14: 66-72; Luke 22: 57-61 and John 18: 17-27). However, we are also told Peter had true remorse over this and Jesus forgave him. In Mark 16:7 Jesus told the women that saw Him after He resurrected to go tell the disciples they saw Him and specifically said “Even Peter”. Jesus also appeared to the disciples in John 21 at the Sea of Tiberias after He was resurrected. Starting in V. 15, Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loved Him. Peter responded each time that he did. Each question became more intense, and on the third time Peter was visibly moved. Jesus was telling Peter He was forgiven and in V. 18 told him how he would die. His final message to Peter was “Follow Me”.

After the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, Peter became very bold in preaching about the Christ. No amount of threats from the religious leaders of that day could keep him from it.

With each message, Peter would give all glory, honor and praise to Jesus and would only accept the role of being a messenger for Him. This was plainly demonstrated in Acts 10:25-26 when Peter was taken to the house of Cornelius a Roman Centurion. Cornelius was a devout God-Fearing man, and so was his whole household. When Peter arrived at his home, Cornelius bowed down to worship him, but peter told him to stand up as only Jesus was to be worshiped. While Peter was ministering to Cornelius and his household, the Holy Spirit came upon them (v. 44) and Peter had to admit the gospel was for everyone, not just the Jews.

On one occasion, Peter was being grilled by the Sanhedrin – the whole High Command of the Israelites – and they told him he must stop the preaching about this Jesus. In Acts 5:29, Peter plainly told them “We must obey God rather than people.” He was no longer afraid of what man could do to him and did not hold back letting them know where he stood.

As with Paul, Peter became a powerful voice for the Church, and they became very good friends even though at one time they were bitter enemies. Both had received Grace and Mercy from the Savior.

Throughout his two letters, he gives instructions and encouragement to all believers even though there was persecution throughout all the area. His example was a wonderful testimony of the value of the Love of the Lord. No where does he claim to be the “Head” of the Church.

In 1 Peter, he called for believers to remain righteous even through the persecution of that day. He had totally come to grips with his years of ministry with Jesus and fully realized that everyone’s souls were at stake. He was trying to let them know that a short period of possible suffering here would be more than made up for in eternity. Also, temptations were all around and to remain strong. He said Satan is like a lion prowling around seeking who he could devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

In 2 Peter, he addresses himself as a “bond servant and apostle of Jesus Christ”. This is not the type of greeting one would have if they thought of themselves as “Church Royalty”. In this letter He warns about false teachers much as Paul and John did in their letters. Also, there was a lot of misinformation being given by those who were being influenced by Satan.

He tells that no true prophecy ever came from man, but by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:21)

In Chapter 3, Peter tells the readers that God is not bound by time (v.8) and is not slow in His promises but is patient because He doesn’t want anyone to fail. (v. 9)

Peter’s final message to the Church was not to be led astray by error of unprincipled men (2 Peter 3:17) and to grow in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To HIM be the Honor both now and on that eternal day.

He is plainly advising not to worship man in any position that a man may hold but to worship Jesus and ONLY JESUS. Any pastor that has ever lived and any who lives today that is worth their salt will tell you the same thing. We are but messengers who have agreed to pass on the truth according to the Word of the Lord – PERIOD. Brother Billy Graham was adamant about this all throughout his lifetime here.

For the ones putting on the stage shows and giving “ear-tickling” messages, they will be especially held accountable for that. Paul plainly said that anyone who preached a false gospel should be condemned to hell, and for emphasis said it twice. (Galatians 1: 8-9).

So, as plain as I can make it, Jesus came to this earth in order that we could have a perfect sacrifice the Father could accept. He lived a sinless life while here even though He was tempted personally by Satan (Matthew 4: 1-11). He shed His life blood at Calvary completely of His own free will (John 10: 17-18) and His human side died and was placed in a tomb. His spiritual self was immediately with the Father and greeted His first soul of the new covenant – the Thief that Accepted Him as Savior.

By His authority only and no one else’s are we given the opportunity of being with the Savior forever if we accept His sacrifice for our sins. (John 14:6) There is no special ceremony or speech that has to be made as long as we sincerely call on Him. (Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13) To try to do works or “be good enough” or buy this gift is an insult to the Savior and Father and will not work. (Ephesians 2: 4-10) There is a hell as Jesus spoke of it many times and there is only one unforgivable sin. That is to not accept the righteous Son of God and His sacrifice He made for us. In all other things, if we have Jesus, we have the Father (John 3:18 and 1 John 5: 10-12). We can be forgiven of our sins by asking the Father to do so. (1 John 1: 8-10) By the way, we go to the Father directly in prayer and not through a church intermediary.

Finally, everyone must make their own choice. No religious leader, family member or anyone can make this choice for us. It’s ours to make alone, however when it is made, there is joy in Heaven and even the Angels rejoice. (Luke 15:10)

Call on Jesus today if you haven’t already. He’s there 24/7 waiting.

Shalom / Maranatha!

[email protected]

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