In God’s Hands
By Dennis Huebshman
With all the prophesied end-of-age activities and attitudes that this earth is experiencing, more often than not my mind is concentrating on staying in God’s comforting hands. Believers are not immune to what’s happening, and persecution is gaining strength daily. The comfort comes from knowing and believing that our Father’s covenants never change. Titus 1:2 is but one verse of several in the Bible that tells us God never lies. (ESV – all emphasis is mine)
In Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus gave us a number of signs that would indicate this world would be nearing the end of this age. In Luke 21:28, He tells us that when these signs “begin” to happen, we’re to start watching in earnest for His return. In verses 29-33, He tells of the “blooming of the fig tree”, which represents Israel. He states that the generation that witnesses this will not pass away before He comes, and the “Fig Tree” bloomed on May 14, 1948.
Our Savior knew that in this present age, there would be more that would seek the things of this earth, than would seek Him. Matthew 7:13-14 tells us of two paths that are available. One is broad and wide, and leads to eternal destruction. The other is straight and narrow, and leads to Him and eternal life. No matter what lies satan and his demons try to tell us, those are the only two outcomes available for eternity.
In this day and age, it is obvious that true believers worldwide, those who have received and accepted Jesus as their Savior, are outnumbered by those who choose what this earth supposedly offers.
Many people claim to be “religious”, but as Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:3, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having “itching ears”, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions. As John the disciple told us, antichrists and false prophets would abound.” (1 John 2:18)
The Jews that accept the fact that Jesus is their Messiah is only about 2% of the total Jewish Population of the world, and they are known as “Messianic Jews”. Mainstream Judaism does not accept the Savior, and mostly believe the Messiah hasn’t come yet, but will one day.
Paul tells us in Romans 11:25-27; “Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers; a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. (26) And in this way, all Israel will be saved, as it is written; ‘The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will banish ungodliness from Jacob; (17) and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.” (From Isaiah 59:20, and also refers to sisters as well)
Francis Pott (1832-1906) wrote several hymns, and one of them from 1861 is titled, “In God’s Hands”. It’s an encouragement hymn that praises the Holy Trinity, and fills us with hope.
1.) Angel voices ever singing, round Thy throne of lights. Angel harps forever ringing, rest not day or night. Thousands only live to bless Thee, and confess Thee, Lord of might.
2.) Thou who art beyond the farthest, mortal eye can scan. Can it be that Thou regardest, sons of sinful man? Can we feel that Thou art near us, and wilt bear us? Yes we can.
3.) Yea we know Thy love rejoices, o’er each work of Thine. Thou didst ears and hands and voices, for Thy praise combine; craftsman’s are and music’s measure, for Thy pleasure didst design.
4.) Here great God, today we offer of Thine own to Thee, And for Thine acceptance proffer all unworthily. Hearts and minds, and hands and voices, in our choicest melody.
5.) Honor, glory, might and merit, Thine shall ever be. Father Son and Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity. Of the best that Thou hast given, earth and heaven render Thee.
Isaac Watts (1674-1748) wrote a hymn titled; “O God Our Help In Ages Past”. In two of the sentences, he stated “O God our help in ages past; our hope for years to come. Be Thou our Guide, while life shall last; and our eternal Home.”
Our Father loves all of us, and could very well force our loyalty and worship. That would not be a pure and Holy love. He allows us to choose which eternity we will go into. As stated earlier, there are only two paths available.
What most people consider the easy path is to accept the ways of this world, and all the lies and temptations provided by satan and his demons. This one leads to eternal condemnation. (Revelation 20:11-15) This eternity will be in total darkness and suffering will last forever. There are no “suspended sentences” there.
The “hard” path is straight and narrow, and all on it will have received and accepted Jesus as their Savior. The difficult part is for people to believe they cannot earn or buy their way into Heaven, but must accept the gift freely given by Our Lord at Calvary. Romans 10:9-13 gives the steps and ends with; “All who call on the Lord will be saved.”
Even if we could all live to be 150 years or more on this earth, compared to eternity, that’s not even a blink of an eye. My choice is to absolutely accept My Jesus as My Redeemer, Savior, Lord and Shepherd, and look forward to worshiping Him, and be in His presence forever.
We do not know the day or hour when Jesus will take us up to be with Him in the air at the Rapture. The beginning of all the signs of the end of this age started at least 10 years ago, and once the Savior’s flock is removed, this world will suffer the worst seven-year period of time ever. It will still be possible to accept Jesus, but the cost will most likely be martyrdom.
No one has sinned so badly that the blood of our Savior cannot cleanse them, if they truly ask Him for forgiveness. To not have Jesus as your Savior after taking your last breath here is automatically unforgiveable and a sentence to the eternal lake of fire.
Jesus will take your call right now. To delay even one day could be the most costly decision you could ever make.
When you have Jesus in your heart, you too will be saying “Mara-Natha”! Come Lord Jesus!