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Fingertips and Noses

Fingertips and Noses
By Dennis Huebshman

Mark 10:13-16; “And they were bringing children to Him that He might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. (14) But when Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said, ‘Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. (15) Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it’. (6) And He took them in His arms and Blessed them, laying His hands on them.” (ESV any emphasis mine)

Just recently, a song was brought to my attention that I had never heard before. I found that it is on YouTube, and after listening to it was blessed by it. The only synopsis I could find was that it’s from the early 1990’s, and is performed by “New Song”. Please consider the words:

1.) Up in the hills, somewhere in Kentucky, is a little old school way back in the nothing. Where special kids, born with special needs, are sent to learn life’s ABC’s. The teacher, Miss Jones, tells them all about Jesus; how in the twinkling of an eye, He’s coming back to get us. About streets of gold, and pearly gates; how they want to go, they just can’t wait; and she can’t keep them in their seats. They’re all at the windows straining to see.

Ref.) And their fingertips and noses pressed to the window panes. Longing eyes; expectant hearts for Him to come again. All they know, is that they love Him so, and if He said He’d come; He’s coming. And they can’t keep their windows clean; for fingertips and noses.

2.) Well, she tried to explain to the kids about His coming; she tried to calm them down, but they just wouldn’t listen. They just giggled, and they clapped their hands; they’re so excited that He’s coming for them; and the first thing you know, they’re out of their seats; back at the windows, straining to see.

Ref.) And it’s fingertips and noses, pressed to the window panes; longing eyes; expectant hearts, for Him to come again. All they know is that they love Him so, and if He said He’d come; He’s coming! They can’t keep their windows clean; fingertips and noses.

3.) Where will Jesus find us, when He comes again? Will we be like the little children, waiting just for Him? With our fingertips and noses, pressed to the window panes; longing eyes; expectant hearts, for Him to come again. All we know is that we love Him so, and if He said He’d come; He’s coming! And they can’t keep our windows clean; for fingertips and noses. End.) Fingertips and noses; She tried to explain to the kids about His coming – Fingertips and Noses!

There has always been a special place in my heart for “special needs” children. This world can be tough enough on “normal” kids, but the special ones seem to have an extra row to hoe – to use a phrase I learned long ago. Many people are visibly uncomfortable when precious special ones are around. Sometimes, just a kind word or two would bring brightness to the children’s minds, and make their day so much better.

The song talks about a special relationship the kids develop just hearing the story of Jesus. They take it very personal that He loves them, and they can hardly wait to be with Him. They know that their precious hearts long to be with Him, because they know He has a special love just for them.

The children of the song have no problem with the concept that the Savior will come back at any time, and He will take them Home with Him to live in the beautiful place described by their teacher. They press against the classroom windows, hoping He’s coming right that very moment.

The third verse asks a very important question, and I believe the answer is found in the opening text. First, are we truly looking for the call from our Lord and Savior? Have the things of this world turned our hearts away from Him? If He were to call His flock Home right now, would you be among those being raptured?

The Father did not make it difficult for anyone to receive and accept His Son and to have an eternal home in Heaven. Romans 10:9-13 are the simple steps to Salvation; and it’s plain; there’s no formal ceremonies to attend; special offerings to make; just Admit, Believe and Call. Humans have the tendency to want to add more, and that’s why the Savior had so many issues with the religious leaders of His day.

Jesus told His disciples that they must receive and accept the Kingdom of God like a child. The children loved and accepted Jesus without all the pomp and circumstance that some organized religions require.

When someone develops a personal relationship with Jesus, we also develop a longing to be with Him. God loves us all, and those who do receive and accept Jesus will have eternal life. Those who do not, will eventually be separated from Him forever.

To be clear, John 14:6 and Acts 4:12 specifically tells us that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Also, John 3:18 and 1 John 5:12 says that anyone who has the Son, also has the Father. Those who do not have Jesus do not have the Father.

Satan is very active today, and his followers are trying to pull as many souls away from Jesus as possible. False Prophets today are in a number of evangelical pulpits proclaiming there’s many other ways to Heaven without Jesus, and the abominations God told us about no longer apply. Sadly, there’s numerous folks who want to believe these lies, and are choosing eternity away from the Lord in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:11-15)

For anyone who may not have read God’s word before, I would suggest reading the Book of John first, followed by Romans. Also, ask the Father to open your heart and mind for understanding as to what His message means for you. Soon, the Holy Spirit will lead you in your studies, and you will find out that we have a loving Creator that wants no one to fail. (2 Peter 3:9)

All who truly call out to Jesus to be their Savior will be saved. That’s in Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13. You may think you’ve done things that would disqualify you from receiving forgiveness from the Father, but the only unforgivable sin is to take your last breath on this earth without Jesus in your heart.

That’s not only unforgivable, but very sad also. God does not make promises He won’t keep. (Titus 1:2) Jesus came to this earth as a human; He lived a sinless life while here; He provided the only pure sinless blood sacrifice that the Father could accept; and He knows that even after we call on our Savior to rescue us, we will still sin until we are off this evil planet. He provides us a pathway to forgiveness in 1 John 1:8-10.

The time is getting shorter before the Savior takes us Home to avoid the Wrath. Just know, “He said He’d come; and He’s coming”. Call today; He is ready to add you to His precious flock, and at that instant, your eternity will be absolutely wonderful.

Hope to see you when we’re called up to meet our Savior in the air.


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