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But is it Real?

But is it Real?
By Dennis Huebshman

Especially in these days, people are questioning our faith and trying to figure how we can be so gullible to believe in such “myths”. Actually, it’s harder not to believe with all the evidence that the Bible is true and accurate. Even the secular world admits there is more evidence that Jesus existed than did Pontius Pilate. Knowing He existed, and admitting He was and is God is what they dispute. Archeologists are proving more and more the truth of the Bible as each year passes.

Paul said to Timothy, all scripture is inspired by God. (2 Timothy 3:16) How about 2 Peter 3:15, “But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give an answer to anyone about the HOPE you possess.” (All emphasis throughout is mine) No one is expected to have memorized the whole Bible, but with some practice, someone can figure where to go in it and get some answers. A good Bible Concordance can be invaluable as well as a good Bible Dictionary. However, nothing takes the place of getting into the word daily and building a confidence of what’s there, or even what’s NOT there. Initially it can seem like an impossible task, but after a while one can remember where to look to cover a point, or to prove/disprove something. I never try to say or pretend I know it all, and am not afraid to say, “I’ll have to look that up and get back to you.” It’s a continuous learning experience and for me a wonderful one.

Most everyone has seen the signs at sporting events or other public events that say, “John 3:16”. This is a good start, but to really understand the meaning, the whole book of John needs to be studied. To begin, both John and Genesis start out with, “In the Beginning..”. In John, it continues with, “..was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Right off the top, John is showing Jesus is not only sent by God, but is God as well. The creator is a “Trinity” or three persons in one being which no one can fully explain or understand. We have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit that have no beginning, but have always existed. We cannot fathom eternal time, but remember, God created the 24-hour day for mankind, and He’s not bound by it. The first mention of more than one person in the Godhead is Genesis 1:26 where it says, “Let US make man in OUR image.”

Jesus talks about the Father continuously as being the ONE who sent Him and in John 14:9 tells Phillip that the person who has seen Him has seen the Father. He also tells of the Holy Spirit who will be sent after Jesus goes back to the Father (John 14:16-17) to dwell within believers.

Speaking of John 3:16, this is a wonderful verse telling of the love of the Creator for us, but be sure to continue through verse 18. (16) “For God so loved the world, He sent His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not Perish (spend eternity in the Lake of Fire – Revelation 20:11-15) but have everlasting life. (17) For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved though Him. (18) The one who believes in Him is NOT CONDEMNED (Romans 8:1 also). The one who does not believe has been condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.” Unfortunately, there have been and always will be, to the very end, people who refuse to believe in Jesus. Titus 1:2 says God cannot lie. John 14:6 Jesus Himself says, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE; no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Satan, since the very beginning, has said, “Did God really say?” Thing is, Eve believed his lie and it’s the same with many many people today. It’s sometimes easier to believe a lie than live for the truth, which by the way is not all that hard to do. One just has to step up and say, “Yes Lord, I believe.”, rather than listen to satan’s every trick in the book used against God’s people. How about, “All religions worship the same God”, or “Put off accepting the “Jesus thing” until later; you have plenty of time.” Oh yes and, “There’s many ways to heaven besides Jesus.” When you look at all this in proper context, it’s amazing that anyone could fall for these lies except they don’t want to change their worldly lifestyle to follow the Savior. They choose to follow the lie and subsequently choose an eternity separated from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Some people say there is no “Rapture” because that word is not in the Bible. Well, the concept of “taking up”, which is a definition of Rapture, is there. Other words that do not appear in the Bible are New Testament, Old Testament and some others including the word BIBLE. It’s a common-sense thing that false prophets and other non-believers try to turn against us. Enoch, Elijah and the Lord Jesus Himself were transported “up” from the earth. One day, all Believers will be taken up to meet the Savior in the clouds.

I could go on and on why I have no problem believing in a true translation of the Bible no matter what version. King James, New King James, New American Standard, the NIV, and others. My personal preference is the New English Standard Version because it’s a translation I can understand. There are some Bibles put out by others that do not follow the True Word, so be cautious to make sure any Bible you have follows the truth.

The main point of the whole 66 books is the coming of the Messiah and messages about His return at the end of time where He sets up the Millennial kingdom (Old Testament) and His arrival, teachings, sacrifice and Gift He has provided for all believers (New Testament). Also, the New Testament gives further insight to the calling of the Church (All Believers, not a denomination or building) home to meet Jesus in the clouds in order to escape God’s Wrath of the Tribulation. (1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15)

The Father has provided for any and all of His creation to be with Him, and the only stipulation is to believe in and accept Jesus as our Savior. Seems simple enough, yet there are more that will reject this than accept Him. There are more that want the here-and-now earth than their eternal home with the Lord Anyone who does not end up in Heaven will have chosen this of their own free-will. God will not force anyone, but ALL who accept Jesus will be saved. (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13) You can save yourself from an eternity of misery (and YES, there is a Hell) and accept Jesus today. Any time you hear a message that’s supposed to be from God, go to His Divine Word and make sure it’s being given faithfully and in proper context. Even satan spoke scripture except it was his version of the word, not what God had provided. Taking one verse out of it’s proper meaning is a popular trick of all false prophets.

Jesus is the Straight and Narrow (Matthew 7:13-14) and He knows there will be few that enter. Make sure beyond a reasonable doubt you are part of that “few” by being one of His. You may not have tomorrow as many people have found out the hard way. Once you have taken your last breath on this earth, your “forever” is established. While you’re here, you can still make a choice. Call on Him today!

Maranatha – Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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