Good News Or Bad News?
By Grant Phillips
Nobody likes bad news, but unfortunately, it’s part of living. Bad news is not a welcome visitor. It brings us down, sometimes, way down.
Good news lifts us up. Depending on the content of the good news, we could metaphorically be flying in the clouds, from the euphoria instilled within us.
Let me get right to the point. Is Christ’s return good news or bad news to you?
From what I’m hearing from those who email me, a lot of folks consider it to be bad news. I say that because, they don’t want to hear about it. Those who contact me state basically that when they broach the subject with a friend or family member it is often brushed aside as nonsense or depressing.
For those who consider it to be nonsense, I am reminded of a statement the Apostle Peter made. It seems those people were around in his day too.
“And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2 Peter 3:4)
I really like Peter’s response. Maybe we could keep it in mind. It goes like this.
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:8-9)
Be sure to read the entire third chapter, because he states much more than I have shown here.
And then there are those who think the news of Christ’s return is depressing; i.e. bad news.
You’re out of a job and the CEO of a large company in your area is coming to see you to offer you a job. Not just any job either, but a high paying job with all the benefits. Yeah, I know, fat chance, but let’s pretend. Would that be good news or bad news? I would hope you would say good news.
Now, after five years making mega bucks at your new job (see above), you haven’t paid your taxes on your wages or even filed a return. Guess who is coming to visit you? The tax man cometh. Would this be good news or bad news? Think real hard.
The Bible makes it explicitly clear that Jesus is not coming to earth this time as a lamb. When He returns the second time, He will return as a lion to administer judgment upon His enemies. The judgment will be so bad He will remove His bride first in what is commonly called the Rapture, or snatching away, of the Church.
Those who are not part of the bride (the true Church) brush this off as nonsense and simply don’t want to hear it. Others of this same group don’t want to think about the time of judgment (seven years of Tribulation) because of their rebellion against a Holy God.
Those who look forward to Christ’s return get excited. They want to hear more. Even though they have not lived a perfect life, far from it actually, all their sins have been removed, as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12), because they came to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. They put their faith in Him and trust Him with their very soul. Therefore, Christ’s return is nothing to fear, but is instead the epitome of joy that fills the soul. “Amen, Even so, Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20)
His enemies don’t want to hear about Christ’s return because their house has been built upon sand. They are not standing upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ. There is no one to stand in the gap between them and God. They will look directly in the face of the Son of God and be judged.
The next event on God’s calendar to take place is the Rapture (snatching away, or removal) of the Church from the earth, then following the Rapture is the period commonly known as the seven years of Tribulation. The last 3 ½ years of the Tribulation is the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) or the Great Tribulation.
I often hear people make comments that they’re going through hell. No matter how bad the times have been upon this earth since Adam and Eve, this earth hasn’t been through anything like the time of Tribulation that will soon befall it. It will get so bad people will beg to die, but won’t be able to do so.
Following the Tribulation will be a period of one thousand years called the Millennium when Jesus will reign as Lord of lords and King of kings.
Following the Millennium every lost soul who rejected Jesus Christ will face what is known as the Great White Throne judgment. The true Christian will be dressed in white and standing along-side the Lord Jesus in the Heavenly courtroom under His divine protection, while those who rejected Him will be judged.
When I was but a lad my siblings and I didn’t ever want to hear our Mother say, “Just wait ’til your Daddy gets home.” Why? Because we knew we were in trouble. We knew she would not forget to tell him of our misdeeds, and we knew he would not just let it slide. Judgment day would come that evening and we had to pay up. By the way, there were no threats or 14 warnings when we were young. They said it. They did it.
People today who just don’t want to hear of a coming judgment upon this world, are like my sisters and brother and me who didn’t want to hear those words of coming judgment. Nevertheless, they were said. We didn’t want to face judgment day, but it came anyway. Unfortunately God’s judgment upon His enemies won’t be about a parent/child relationship. It will be God administering justice to His enemies. Even while He cleanses His chosen people Israel during this time, they will go through much misery before they realize He is the one who was crucified and the one they rejected 2,000 years ago. Only one third of Israel will survive.
If you prefer to not hear of Christ’s return, I urge you to examine your soul. It is not natural for a child of God to not be excited about Christ’s return. Jesus’ return is good news! It’s only bad news if you are not His child, but His enemy, since only judgment will come upon them.
Good news or bad news. You decide which one it will be.