America’s Renewed Greatness or Destruction (Part 4 of 4)
By Dr. David Reagan
Hope for Our Nation
Is there any hope for our nation? I do not believe so.
But, we should not despair, and for several reasons. First, what we are experiencing is a fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy. The biblical prophets, including Jesus Himself, all prophesied that the end time’s society would disintegrate into violence and immorality, and that it would become as evil as in the days of Noah. People would go about their business as if everything was normal. That is exactly where we are today! People just going about their business as if everything was normal. And thus, we are witnesses to the very signs that are heralding the soon return of Jesus.
This is why the great pastor, Adrian Rogers, once said, “The world is growing gloriously dark.” You don’t understand that unless you know Bible prophecy. Or, as Jan Markell likes to put it, “The world is not falling to pieces, rather, the pieces are all falling into place.”
The second reason we should not despair is because there is individual hope for those of us who are believers. God has promised He will never forsake us.
A third reason we should not despair is because of what God is doing in Heaven right now. The Bible says in Psalm 2 that while all the political leaders of the world conspire against Him, His Word, and His anointed Son, God sits on the throne and He laughs. He does not laugh because He doesn’t not care. Rather, He laughs because He has it all under control. God has the wisdom. He has the power to orchestrate all the evil of mankind to the triumph of His will in history, and that will be the triumph of His Son.
Don’t forget, we have a fourth reason for hope. That is the incredible hope of the Rapture of the Church.
There is also hope for unbelievers. As Robert Jeffress likes to point out, “When the darkness deepens, the light of Jesus will shine more brightly, like a diamond on a black cloth, and more and more people will be drawn to Jesus and be saved.”
Meanwhile, as the darkness deepens, those of us who are believers must serve as salt and light, standing for God, standing for His Word, refusing to give in to the demands of a pagan society regardless of the cost. Christians must be beacons of hope, pointing people to the God of hope while urging them to put their hope in their only hope, which is Jesus, the Son of God and the soon returning King of kings and Lord of lords.
Our Blessed Hope
Two of the saddest verses in the Old Testament can be found in 2 Chronicles 36. They were written about the rebellion of Judah and the consequences of that rebellion. Here’s how they read:
“And the Lord, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place, the Temple; but they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, until there was no remedy.”
This is where our nation is today. God has raised up many prophetic voices to call us to repentance, and He has emphasized that call by sending remedial judgments.
The prophetic voices are presented in detail, together with their messages, in my book, God’s Prophetic Voices to America. There are prophetic voices from the past like Peter Marshall, David Wilkerson, Francis Schaeffer, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. And, there are prophetic voices who are still speaking out today, like Donald Wildmon, Erwin Lutzer, David Jeremiah, William Koenig, Jan Markell, Albert Mohler, Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress and Jonathan Cahn.
Many believe our nation can still experience a great spiritual revival, as has happened numerous times in the past when our nation has grown cold in its relationship with God. But, that is no longer the case. Our relationship with God has moved far beyond coldness. We are now in outright rebellion against God, shaking our collective fist at Him and His Word. I believe we have reached that biblical point where the “wound has become incurable.” And, as a result, we have put ourselves in the position of literally begging for God’s wrath and destruction.
But, as I just pointed out, although there is no hope for our nation, there is hope for individuals, both for believers and unbelievers. Believers have the hope of the Rapture, the promise that God will take the Church out of the world before He pours out His wrath. Unbelievers also have hope because God is calling them to repentance and faith in His Son, Jesus, so that they might be born again, and have their sins forgiven and thus have the hope of the Rapture and eternal life with God.
If you are one of those who have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I urge you to repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus. He is your only hope in this steadily darkening world. Simply tell God you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to forgive you. Next, reach out to Jesus in faith and receive Him as your Lord and Savior. And then, seek out a Bible believing church where you can publicly profess your faith, manifest it in baptism, and get involved in Bible study so that you can grow in your faith.
I know this series has been a tough message, but I hope you were blessed by the hope we have in Jesus.
Maranatha! Maranatha! Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!