Haters using Old Testament to judge...


Well-Known Member
Mockers , haters , unbelievers , and atheists like to use Old Testament serimonal laws and principles to justify there hate towards Christians and God's Word.
What is a good defense or response to this kind of attack from the ignorance of these people ?


Well-Known Member
I've usually found that they use the NT, bro, quoting the words of Jesus— "Judge not lest ye be judged."

How can we deal with them? I can't give a blanket response, brother. Teaching the proper perspective on judging is not a simple matter, nor one likely to be understood by those whose spiritual eyes are blinded. The best approach is to give them Scripture that shows them that a Christian MUST judge. That at least holds the possibility of opening their eyes to a balanced view of the Bible. Jesus said that those among professing believers who will not repent must be removed from the assembly of believers. (Matthew 18:15-17) Paul taught that anyone who was immoral or taught false doctrine was to be rebuked publicly. (1 Timothy 5:20) The Church at Cointh was condemned for not judging a sinful man in their midst. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5) Paul not only judged but publicly named men who were in error (1 timothy 1:20; 2 Timothy 2:17) So did the Apostle John! (3 John 1:9-10)


Well-Known Member
Not really a "judging" matter.
They use OT scripture and try to use it in its literal sense / wording and not seeing it in its context.
I use a Biblical verse and they come back with...for example : Ezekiel 23:20 , Leviticus 19:19, Deuteronomy 25:11-12. Ceremonial laws taken at face value on the surface that seem pretty crazy in our day and age they want to but in your face.


Well-Known Member
Those are some great answers that Adrian gave but sometimes those who attack our faith aren't interested in an answer. And they will dismiss any answer you give no matter how good it is. I'm sure you realize this so I'm going to write this for the benefit of newer believers.

Some people just want to argue, to prove that they are right or to try and justify their own sin or misguided beliefs. I stopped debating people a long time ago for these reasons. And I told them that. I probably wasn't going to change their mind because they didn't want to change and they certainly were not going to change mine. Now if you have a genuine question about Jesus or what I believe, pull up a chair and grab a snack because we're going to be here a while.

The best thing that you can do for these scoffers is first and foremost pray for them. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. And remember your goal is NOT to win the argument, your goal is to introduce them to Jesus. When He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto himself.


"God said it, that settles it!"
Those are some great answers that Adrian gave but sometimes those who attack our faith aren't interested in an answer. And they will dismiss any answer you give no matter how good it is. I'm sure you realize this so I'm going to write this for the benefit of newer believers.

Some people just want to argue, to prove that they are right or to try and justify their own sin or misguided beliefs. I stopped debating people a long time ago for these reasons. And I told them that. I probably wasn't going to change their mind because they didn't want to change and they certainly were not going to change mine. Now if you have a genuine question about Jesus or what I believe, pull up a chair and grab a snack because we're going to be here a while.

The best thing that you can do for these scoffers is first and foremost pray for them. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. And remember your goal is NOT to win the argument, your goal is to introduce them to Jesus. When He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto himself.

Exactly my experience! I have engaged in debates with atheists on another Christian forum thinking that the atheists were sincerely seeking the truth about Christianity. The atheists I have encountered explain away the born-again experience of a true Christian as being "circular reasoning." IOW whenever I explain to an atheist that God Himself convinced me that He exists the atheists' argument is that since they can't see God then He doesn't exist and since He doesn't exist then He can't show anyone that He does exist. The atheists do not want the Christian to quote scripture, but they will ask questions themselves about scripture and when the Christian answers the question the atheist will respond by telling the Christian why they do not believe his/her answer and then ask another question about scripture in an effort to draw the Christian into an endless debate which gives the atheist opportunity to show his/her contempt for Christians, God, and the Bible. The only reason I continued debating several atheists for a short period of time was that I knew that some unbelievers read those posts but never actually posted replies themselves, and I would use scripture in my posts addressed specifically to those readers.

I can understand how my born-again experience could be considered "circular reasoning" since God Himself did actual convince me, a blind lost sinner, that He is real, that the bible is true, and that Jesus' death on the cross & His shed blood there is the only way for me to have my sins forgiven.

The atheists' "circular reasoning" argument is missing two essential elements that, if not present, leave the atheist in his blind unbelieving condition, and those two missing elements are the Holy Spirit & the Word of God.

My "circular reasoning" experience took place within the pages of the Gospel of John as the Holy Spirit turned on the light for me and I saw the TRUTH there. So I can say to the atheist, " Yes, it is circular reasoning, but you have the wrong version."



Active Member
The atheist is guilty of the circular reasoning of which he accuses the Christian. But, of course, they cannot see that.

I've been convinced for quite some time now that atheism is the dirtiest of all the tricks in Satan's entire bag. I know first-hand... you see, up until I was 16, I WAS one!

I've tried to share the Gospel with my fellow train enthusiasts... there does not seem to be anyone in the entire hobby who isn't a deluded, hardened atheist (or a fool, as God calls them in Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1) or otherwise a hater of all that is holy, good, and just. It's so discouraging, but God has given me this mission field for a reason.

I've heard every single one of these arguments you guys are talking about! And I HATE THEM!!!!!

These poor railfans are on their way straight to HELL!!! Pardon the analogy, but I'm trying to warn them that they're standing right on the tracks with a train bearing down on them and they are totally oblivious to the danger.
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Fellow Servant
I've done the whole Internet "Apologetics" on secular forums and most atheists are not looking for the Truth, they just want their version of the truth to be smashed in your face at your expense....they don't care if they are degrading, rude, crass, impolite, unreasonable, argumentative, or intellectually dishonest...they will try and drag you down and beat you with "human wisdom" and disregard anything and everything you say that regards the Bible or Science that regards a Creator.

Pray for them...Besides the LORD said that only fools say there is no God.
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Well-Known Member
Give them the Word and pray it takes root. Then walk away, but continue to pray. who knows which of them may approach you in Heaven and thank you for the Word and your prayers for them which have led them to an eternity of bliss rather than to endless torment.


Fellow Servant
Give them the Word and pray it takes root. Then walk away, but continue to pray. who knows which of them may approach you in Heaven and thank you for the Word and your prayers for them which have led them to an eternity of bliss rather than to endless torment.


Well-Known Member
Give them the Word and pray it takes root. Then walk away, but continue to pray. who knows which of them may approach you in Heaven and thank you for the Word and your prayers for them which have led them to an eternity of bliss rather than to endless torment.
Amen, amen! Because the work of salvation is God's. All we can do is plant the seed, by his Word and our good deeds.